

The first week had passed, and it was time for real school. Minerva woke up, brushed her teeth, and trudged down the grass to the food hall. She had a splitting headache, and wasn't in the mood for unnecessary conversation.

The perfect time for unnecessary conversation.

"We're so much cuter."

"No way. We are."


Minerva took a coffee from one on the serving stands and plopped down heavily. "So, what's the debate about?" She asked.

Emma spoke first. "She thinks her and Daimen are cuter than Damon and I."

"Know we are."

Minerva took a large gulp of her coffee, struggling to accumulate some energy. "Who cares if you guys are cuter? What does it matter?"

"Of course it matters!" Estelle piped up. "It's a matter of hierarchy."

"Assuming you're at the top, which you're not, Fraulein."

"Sure thing, Goldilocks."

"You've got nothing on this curvy German body-"

Minerva held up her hand for silence. "Or," she offered, "it wouldn't matter anyway because neither of you are actually official."

Several moments of silence rolled by.

"That's true..." Estelle mused. "Therefore... The first couple to become official would be the better one..."

"I didn't say that..." Minerva protested.

"I accept your challenge," Emma declared in mock reverence. "The couple to be official at the end of the day is the better one."

"Hey now," Minerva interrupted. "This isn't a big deal. Seriously."

"Yeah, for you, it isn't." Estelle huffed.

Minerva rolled her eyes and sipped more of her coffee. "Where are the boys, by the way?" She asked. Emma and Minerva shrugged.

"They've probably got dorm problems?"

"What the-!? JASON!"

Malik tumbled out of bed, struggling for consciousness. His head hurt like crazy, and the last thing he remembered was falling into bed with his phone on his nightstand... Jason. It had to be. The third year had a frequent disposition for playing unnecessary and obscene pranks. When he found that skinny little new yorker he was going to choke him in a neck brace of marble...

"Chill out man... It's just sleeping gas," Jason chuckled, thin body draped over a swivel chair. "Don't move around to much, you're still tied up."

"Tied u- JASON!!!"

"Hey, now. Just wanted you to calm down a bit before you could go for me."

Malik struggled against his glass chains. The transparent shackles made obstinate clinking sounds as he struggled against them. Normal glass should have shattered by now under this stress...

"Are you strengthening these?!"

"That depends on how pissed you are at me doing that."

Suddenly, the door swung open.

"Hey Malik, just wondering if you're coming for breakfast," two voices spoke out in unison.

Jason swung his swivel chair around so he could get a better view of Phoby and Damon. "You're going to have to excuse Malik for a while. He's a little... tied up."

Phoby turned to Malik, completely ignoring the senior. "Do you need some help, Malik?"


He took out a small jar of some powdered material and threw a spray of it on the chains. "You might want to shield your face," he stated as Damon fished a bottle of water out of his pocket. Jason's eyes widened. "Hold up. Is that-"


Mr Clemonte sat patiently at his desk as the students filed in. He held his hand for silence and stood up. "Good morning class. I hope you're ready for a proper school week."

The class came alive with whispers and murmurs, silenced by a wave of his hand.

"I am pleased to announce that over the course of this week, we will be holding nominations for class representatives. All classes have two representatives, preferably a boy and a girl."

Minerva briefly wondered if she should bother nominating herself.

"Please be aware that this position is a lot of responsibility, and can be quite a lot of pressure on new students."

That answered her question.

"The aspiring class representatives must be well rounded, both in academics and molecule theory. They must be recommended by their teachers as responsible and studious. If you wish to compete, please leave your name on the list on your way to class."

The students left to go for class. Minerva took note of the students signing their names. September, the dark, emo Londoner was first, then Dante, and... Phoby and Damon!?

Math class was a bore. Minerva was not a fan of the sciences. But last period molecule theory was interesting. The professor had planned a special experiment.

"It came to my attention that there was an explosion in the non-metals house this morning."

Minerva was confused to see Malik, Phoby and Damon give knowing smiles.

"It involved the use of Cesium dust and water. For those who aren't aware, Cesium reacts harshly with water. I've prepared a demonstration."

The professor placed an irregular shaped rock in a bulletproof case. "All students behind the yellow line please, whenever I do experiments." The students hurried behind the yellow line. For some strange reason, Damon shielded Emma protectively behind him. He was no longer smiling. The professor took out a flask of water and poured it in a steady stream onto the rock.

For a slow second nothing happened.


The rock exploded in an earth shattering crash, fragmenting the bulletproof glass on impact. Shards of the barrier rained down on the students like millions of transparent needles, but luckily, with a casual wave of the professor's hand, they stopped in midair. "The assailant used cesium dust," the professor yelled over the ringing in the students' ears. "He or she must have been incredibly advanced to control the explosion." Minerva looked over to Damon. He had a pensive expression on his face. "Alkali metals, though a small group, are one of the most dangerous and deadly elements on the table. Be very careful with controllers of this group."

Deafening silence.

"Class dismissed."

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