While the group practiced on the side, Hiroto was currently looking at the system, he neglected it since he's lately 'busy'. He still had many expectations towards the system, from the far-future, until it level up's to a mysterious height, although, it hasn't urged him to give more time to it, rather it had pointed out that he just live a better life, and if he really wanted, he could be a god of some sort. As expected from the system, always giving a vague explanation, as it always had a limitation towards certain things, only saying. [ The required level is not met, a higher level is needed. ]
As of right now, he had much SP to use, especially completing daily quests. While it occasionally gives a quest, that gives more SP and rewards if completed. For the last two weeks, he gained new skills, from the rewards of a few special quests the system gives, randomly, since all quests that's given always pertain to the current events or actions he wants to take.
[ Drawing (Master) ][ Swimming (Master) ]
While the Fine Arts (Master) Skill situated itself to aesthetics, and though it improves his skill in various types of art, it didn't fully make him a master to that specific course, rather Fine Arts gets iterated as a skill that had many skills under it and only made the sub-category skill much better, specifically, below master level. It's the same for related skills that had many subcategories, and though, it didn't feel like it's detrimental or a nerf; it was like balancing it out which is a good thing for him.
He gained Drawing (Master) Skill during a class competition, as his classmate with little thought picks him as a representative for their class, and that winning the competition is the quest, given to him by that time, earning the skill for completing it.
Drawing (Master) Skill, on the other hand, was much better if the topic fully represents 'drawing' itself to portray what's needed rather than just focus on the aspect of aesthetics.
[ SP: 121729 ]
Hiroto proudly nodded in his mind, silently humming while sometimes looking towards the group that was practicing seriously. Although this SP can give him an unnecessary roll many times. As of now, he currently doesn't want new skills aside from getting new functions from the system which are ultimately unreachable for now. Even if skills he might get were out of the world, it didn't give him the compulsion to roll skills that he had no use of.
If he wanted, he could make use of the quest system and urge himself into wanting a specific skill, as a quest itself might pop-up. Based on the several experiments he had, it was possible. It wasn't a terrible idea to have many skills, it's just that he didn't consider getting more since he had more than enough to do things on his plate.
He had finished writing the next copy of the novel he wanted to publish. It's called, "To Aru Majutsu no Index." The novel itself focused on a more of an action-filled battle with superpowers. It differed from the slice of life sci-fi of his first novel.
While a sci-fi themed one, it's largely different from "Haruhi Suzumiya", that the fan speculated if he's trying to move from a different genre. In the grand scheme of things, it didn't matter, as the fan didn't stop supporting him as the author.
Just giving a synopsis earned many critics, much less the anticipation of the fans towards the Vol. 7 of "Haruhi Suzumiya" which was wrecking the popularity charts to top 1 and even then, still, was gaining many supporters.
Currently, "Haruhi Suzumiya" is supposed to be adapted to anime, AniComics has been contacting him for specifics over the past weeks. Since he was the 'author' he's supposed to take part on what was to add or whatnots, while it didn't matter to him, his words had large meaning to others in the company since he was the one who wrote the top-selling book, it was a given that they treat him with respect. It still not a headache if you don't add, meeting with another author, aside from Eriri, the other wasn't much noteworthy to meet, since they just wanted to gain details and topics from him, which made him muttering curses under his nose while keeping his usual smile.
Eriri is a handful to attend with, while she's enjoyable to talk with but when you talked to her in a different perspective, she would always lash out, gunning to keep your mouth shut, before then, you would see her grinning and talking what was the best for the scenario of things.
She always makes that cute looking face that made him want to just hug and pinch her cheeks until it turned red. Since then, he teased her and that always made her leave a cute pout to her unblemished beautiful self whenever they reached the end of an argument and that he had won. That made him laugh out loud, leaving a gnashing blonde twin-tailed girl that eyed him like a hyena, it even had gotten to her wanting to take a bite to him, until Ao who happened to see their antics laughed out loud, it made Eriri blush and fidget to the corner until she just left while blaring out her cute vampire-like teeth.
While not really bothered by going towards Akihabara a few times in those days, he always considers going to visit the playful Asumi. Albeit even the misgiving of getting teased by the violet haired girl, he earned few 'rewards' from the diminutive senpai. She was after-all a beautiful girl, adding that maid outfit and her unique types of acting had their own special characteristics.
Giving her a lesson isn't a hassle, adding that she was also smart enough. He also gave her a memory pill, which she didn't know. Boosting her already smart mental capabilities that gave her motivation to pursue science and mathematics. While she thought the cause of her improvement was because of him, he just shrugged it off and told her that it was because of herself. In the end, not believing him, she just kept on treating him as her 'kouhai' playfully, while even if she already knew he had a girlfriend, it didn't stop her from teasing him, hand-holding him and other stuff, which made him perspire and thankful that Maki wasn't nearby. Although, he could tell that Maki won't 'probably' be indignant towards Asumi, since she's after all, a great helper and a friend of the group.
Looking at the reviews and comments to the official school idol page, he beamed with a joyful face. It always made him happy when he looked at the charts and their music video. While it was unnecessary, and that the girls turned consciously towards him whenever he looked towards a particular girl in the video, it didn't stop him from praising them for their hard work while he didn't dismiss their grateful words towards him as well. He didn't forget that he still had a quest pertaining to U's live event since it only had 1/3 in the count; it means that the music video they had done didn't count and that he might have to solve the problem soon. While he can ask the school chairwoman, he first wanted them to know what they would do over the problem before he did so. He also had to ask if they would allow the group to participate in the contest, it might be unnecessary given that they were already a club to begin with, but it couldn't be difficult to ask since someone might get frustrated towards them.
"Ouch, what was that for! Nya~h?" Rin rubbed her forehead that got hand-chopped by the pouting red-haired girl, Maki who looked towards the side with arms crossed.
"It's because she kept telling me about what happened earlier... She is asking for it." Maki said cooly as she turned back while keeping her arms crossed.
Hiroto saw that Rin had stumbled about, leaving him sighing over Maki's violent tendencies. While he didn't ask her to change, or he won't ask her to, since it was her qualities that made her a 'tsundere' princess, and that if he told this to her, would earn him another pinch in the waist, thinking about it made him smile wryly.
He approached the group with a questioning look, "What would you do about actually having an actual live performance in school? Do we continue posting music videos or not? I think it is about time that the school student council recognized us since I think we had garnered many fans and enrollees already." Hiroto crossed arms before putting one of his hands under his chin, rubbing it with his finger like an old man.
Now that they think about it, the girls had already made three live videos, the first one captured by one student. They had that thought for some time now but the problem is the stubborn student council, even going as far as wanting him to join the student council as collateral.
"We all know what she's going to say, so there isn't much to talk about.." Maki said while leaning in the wall, crossed arms.
Rin immediately gained the cue and imitated Eli with a mocking voice, albeit a cute one, "You want the school permission? Well... We won't allow it! Unless.." She looked at Hiroto with a playful face before continuing, "Hiroto played a public reception in the nearing school festival~nya~h!"
"Well, we know, and we can't keep troubling Hiroto-chan and I'm confident that we already have a good amount of fans this time around!" Honoka said while balling her fist, she knew that there still some chance that the student council won't allow them to use the school as the venue for their school idol. It was also a little weird that the school chairwomen doesn't even support them after all, they already had some success, and the exposure since they had always been advertising the school every performance, so of course, there would be some people that will interest, even if there was only a low number, in the end it's still numbers. (AN: She doesn't know. :D)
Nico opened the door's room that she had been occupying while listening to the group's talk, with a smug face while grinning "Is it because we were stealing her limelight? She might have already saw our performance and she just didn't wan----"
Maki interrupted her, while she had been leaning in the wall beside the door and even closing the door to prevent her unnecessary talk, "Keep dreaming."
"You didn't have to shoot me down so fast!" Nico said in surprise as Maki closed the door completely leaving Nico inside peering outside the glass cutely. Since it was a trouble asking Eli, she just told them if they don't just ask, unless they didn't want to actually do a live performance and unless they don't want to join the newly announced competition, they really needed it to ask, adding that they were not doing it for just themselves but ultimately for the popularity of the school. 'Unless Eli's an idiot, she won't turn us down..' Hiroto said to himself, feeling curious about the answer of the troublesome blonde-haired senpai.
"One of the condition for entry is to get permission from the school, so we can't skip it out!" Hanayo said a little flustered while waving her hands.
"Why don't you just ask the school chairwoman?" Hearing Maki says that made him smile, it seems he didn't need to intervene, but in-case he would still join them to march to the room.
"We can do that?" Honoka asked with surprise, making her mouth with a large O. Umi smiled helplessly before approving Maki's claims, looking at the laughing Hiroto and Maki's opposite them made it truer than ever.
Before then, they were in front of the chairwoman's office, since Kotori was the chairwoman's daughter, it was easier for them to gain an audience. Before they entered, Honoka had said words to lift the mood of everyone. Until she put her hands to the door, but her hands stopped in the air as the door opened, revealing Nozomi's surprised face.
Nozomi asked them what they wanted but before she could hear answers, Eli appeared behind her, earning surprise from the girls. They're surprised at the timing of the troublesome student council president, even then, they didn't cower.
"What are you doing here? Do you have any problems regarding your group? You all know that every student inquiry is brought to the student council?" Hiroto didn't know if Eli was just putting up airs to the group, or she just really hated them, if not because he had talked to her, wanting her not to trouble the group, he might have talked to her strictly like before, but for now, he just let them.
While Maki pouted and before she started getting frustrated, Hiroto, in the end, tried to pacify her and everyone.
They were already in front of the tranquil looking Principal Minami, so she quickly understood the gist of the situation. She had heard the commotion from the room, as she had to intervene seeing her group's daughter got blocked entry by the serious-faced student council president. She doesn't think about Eli as trouble, she was just too serious about things and doesn't try to innovate things. Eli just follows rules that confide with her already existing knowledge. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't a best thing either, having like Hiroto joining the student council might just change her perspective, as she had even wanted him to join the council but he had been declining since Hiroto was 'busy' himself.
In the end, the principal says she'll allow them to use both schools for future events and approve of joining Love Live unless they pass the incoming exams and maintain a positive grade.
Eli, who didn't surrender her hope of wanting the student council to take part in saving the school, immediately told her claims but ultimately got declined by the chairwoman. The chairwoman actually wanted her to think of another way to help, but she kept insisting using her ways. Fair as she was, the chairwoman had been actually pinning that there was one way they could help, since she had already seen the group success, she didn't mind allowing the council to join their small school idol group.
Hearing that they needed to get better grades, Rin :3 face turned into an ( until she got depressed, literally got held by Hanayo on the back. In comparison, Nico had dropped down to the floor, which was immediately 'revived' by Hiroto, as he announced that he would teach them again and since it was a good time, to make some schedule and just held their study lessons at Asumi's cafe, which was a relaxing and comfortable place to study to, of course there's no other 'motive'. Honoka just scratched her head before leaning herself to the wall, but she pumped herself up, with a balled fist, she's still happy to the point of celebrating, aside from recalling her studies.
"This group is hopeless~" Maki just sighed, while Hiroto lightly scratched his cheek, since he had announced, she knew he can help them study, she didn't know his other miraculous things, and unless he told her, she won't make an estimation that they can all pass with good grades.
"Don't be like that, we still had hope! Hiroto's here with us!" Rin made a comeback, she saw that everyone was looking at her with a wry laughing and helpless smile. Since everyone was equally busy, they knew they can only count their hopes towards him, and since they had experienced his 'mentoring' capabilities, nothing much was to talk about.
"Well… they're counting on you Hiroto-kun and me as well.." The chairwoman winked at him and gave her blessing towards the group. Hiroto only nodded seriously before looking at everyone, cueing them to follow to make a bow before leaving the room.
In the end, he was to prosecute and ask Eli if she wanted her to join, which made Nozomi smile but for Eli his appeal just made her declare that she won't be joining, swearing in her heart, making him suddenly sulky in the process. "This girl…."