
Chapter 86

Hiroto got left alone with Maki, as the other girls left from the distance, he pulled her to a bench nearby before patting down to the bench. Maki knew that he had something to talk but she can feel where the discussion will head, she harrumphed slightly.

"So you want me to reconcile with that girl right? I will just say it, I won't.... never.." Maki crossed her arms while looking at the side. Since then, Maki had been really agitated when she heard the Kotoko's name, she might probably just been a little vindictive towards the girl since she felt threatened by her aggressiveness, while she was still a little bit new to their relationship, although she was majorly angry at his passiveness.

Maki didn't even notice herself she was keeping others away from their circle, while she wasn't threatened by her friends, it wasn't the same for others. Of course, she still wasn't sure what will her reaction if she knew that some of them had crush or feelings towards her boyfriend.

Hiroto already knew her answer would be but with an exasperated sigh, he quickly put his hand on her thighs. "I know it's me being selfish but can you at least be friends with her, it might be strange to say this but I saw loneliness in her eyes, at least you girls try to talk with her. I won't prioritize others from you as I'm still dedicated to our relationship."

Hiroto said sincerely while looking at Maki with tenderness, seeing this, Maki felt more bashful and cute, instantly turning to an embarrassed self while twirling her red carmine hair, she kept looking at his face every now and often.

"I know...."

After a moment, she felt that he was waiting for her answer, Maki sighed softly before looking at the puppy-like Hiroto, albeit a little embarrassed, "If you really mean it, you won't make a move to her... as you can only do that to me.." Maki got more embarrassed as she lowered her head and looked down below, it made him ticklish before hugging her without restraint.

"Wha-!" Maki got surprised but she didn't stop him from hugging her, in the end, she gained some strength to hug him as well, albeit awkwardly but it didn't stop her heart thumping out loud while her head began to fantasize of what he was going to do next.

"Maki.. thank you." Hiroto said while letting some space and straightly looking towards her demure and cute girlfriend. Maki, on the other hand, closed eyes felt the air on her face, but kept her eyes shut knowing what will happen next.

Hiroto smiled before pinching her nose lightly, feeling the pain in her nose made Maki open her eyes before seeing him smiling at him with a playful face.

"What was that for?" Maki lightly punch his front before looking at him with some shyness albeit her face was so lovable, with that red-haired made her more beautiful.

"You're so cute..." Hiroto put his hand on her hair and softly rubbing it, Maki glared at him and looked to the side but said with a more demure tone.

"At least you know that... Hmpf." Sensing that she didn't stop him from doing so, he just continued and smiled, time like this was really good to him, it was a new experience, he saw many simulations like this in games he played but it was a different matter when you experience it yourself.

Something boiling and also calm, he knew he was really fallen in love with this girl, but he also felt guilty at the thoughts he had in his mind. It wasn't easy to tell her to accept other's girls feeling but he didn't also knew how he will talk to her about it since he didn't want to continue to 'deceive' Maki, he felt the courage to ask him, even if it was half-assed.

"Say... Maki, what will you feel and think about our friends having thoughts about me?" Hiroto knew that she might lash out to him, as before he said that, he already held her hands, input it in between them.

Maki's initial reaction was surprised, but she instantly calmed down,

".... isn't that just crushing? It's okay since majority of the girls in school are girl, although, excluding Kotoko, she isn't qualified in the same group!" Maki said while eyeing him for truth, thinking about it made her forget about their uncompromising position.

"Not just crush but, I think I also feel in love with---"

Maki immediately interrupted, prompting him to turn silence as he looks at her reaction, he was already prepared of what she would say.

"What do you mean that you want to have more? A-a-aren't I'm e-enough?" Maki said with little indignancy, feeling a little tearful, he panicked before hugging her softly again.

"I love you from the bottom of my heart, you're my love for my life, meeting you made my day to day much better.." He said tenderly while softly rubbing her back.

"Who's the girl, you knew I will get angry if you said Kotoko.. right?" Maki tried to remove the pang of fright on her heart, her first love was him, she won't easily give it up, and even though, she knew that polygamy is widely accepted to the citizen.. it didn't lessen her scary thoughts.

Who knew girls like her can become fiery and vindictive if ever felt intimidated. As for Kotoko, she didn't like the public display of her wanting to get his attention, even if Kotoko don't want to admit her being his girlfriend, at least she must show decency in front of him being in a relationship. Other girls might have already left their boyfriend's, although she was different. And that she just trusted him, she knew he won't do things over the 'limits' of others, as he had common policy of doing only nice things with others, even if that lead to ambigous and awkward moments adding that girls might just began to sprout some interest towards him.

"U...umh, ha~h... I felt that I will feel more guilty if I don't tell you about this. Actually, Maki, I had felt with Umi, she's different, she's serious over things, although she can be a little bit excitable, she had her firmly perks, we had--" Hiroto tried to explain over what happened over him and Umi, he betted that she will accept his claims. Since he knew Maki won't be felt angry towards the mature blue-haired girl that acted as the senior of the group, sometimes the mediator over what happened and they're kinda like an advisor.

Hearing this, Maki can't help but think about the girl and get teary-eyed again, before softly saying, "Do you really mean it?" She didn't want to admit it but she was still a little angry over him and Umi not telling things like this, as she felt she was obligated to learn this since she had the right to know as his girlfriend.

"It's not just Umi..." He rubbed his cheek and wryly smiled. Maki felt angrier, glared at him before she pinched his waist earning a big shout from him.

".... Don't tell me it's the other girls right?" Maki looked at him, lost on her thoughts. As she saw him not talking about it, clearly agreeing in silence.

"....." Maki didn't honestly think that this would happen, or just she didn't of the possibility of it happening, she was a little naive and purer even if she thinks maturely, relationship and observation were clearly isn't her forte of things.

"Don't you hate me?" Hiroto asked gazing at her worried and also felt guilty over his selfishness, he knew she might not accept it, but he still tried, after all, he felt that he just betrayed her, really really bad.

"I don't want to hate you... Do you know I really want to pinch you again and..." Maki stopped, feeling that what she will say will just excarbarate his jumpy thoughts if she told him, she will literally pinch him all over as she turned blushing before glaring at him again.

"So that does mean that you accept it?" Hiroto looked at her calm and relaxed self again.

"You won't accept their feelings unless they ask them from me.." Maki said, before explaining, but she didn't add that she won't accept other's having thoughts to him, especially the bubbly and energetic strange girl that entered their circle.

Hiroto calmly relaxed his body before looking at Maki with tender feelings again, she saw his face and felt fluttery as she subconciously closed her eyes, before feeling softness on her lips.


He planted a kiss to her lips for full two minutes, of course in a tamely manner, even if it was more than a minute, it still earned a fully blushing tomato heard girl. He felt the her desire and curiosity, as it was the same for him, he didn't try to push and do things she didn't want.

In order to keep her calm, Maki glared at him again and said with a snort, "I will to keep up with your whims but remember that I won't specifically agree to your relationship, if you don't tell me and I don't give an approval, you won't get a thing from me.. that's it.." Maki said blushingly, enjoying his lamenting expression, although it was still better than outright getting their relationship 'killed'. At least Maki accepted the fact that he wanted more 'love' than he already had.

'I won't let him get an advantage over others, not unless h-he tried some things to me.' Maki vocalized to her inner-self, albeit making her more demurely which made him confused and happy at her. Not telling this was of course her bad idea, but still, Hiroto in the future just decided to push forward and make their relationship better, deep, and fulfilling.

Hiroto felt kissing Maki again, which he softly asked near her ears, which made it red. Maki only nodded before they kissed, explored some things they haven't tried during their dates and what not's. Maki wasn't still agreeable towards his decision but she decided to support her albeit, feeling betrayed, but she just enjoyed the time, trying to experience something new, while savoring the feeling of their lasting moment.

Hiroto next kiss was consuming, hungry yet sweet, teasing her with a hint of promise and driving her body to a new height of exposure towards a new yet, addictive feeling of love.


After a somLeaving behind a line of saliva that made her even more tantalizing, "I love you~" Hiroto said tenderly, while Maki just closed her eyes, as she felt him softly rub her cheek.

"I w-won't let you get away," Maki said tilting her head slightly but eyed his self, which he nodded in agreement.


Done sorting out his mess, he knew he will still have restraint over what he can try and experiment. Although Maki didn't let him have his way over, it still was a nice thing to experience, since it was also a new thing for him.

Rather he felt a dangerous feeling before Maki left as if she becomes a hunter that looked at him, feeling that she had some ideas, but in the end, just lightly put it out in his shoulder that in the future, made him get some headache.

He was thankful that Maki, didn't overreact, as even if their budding feelings were still 'unripe' for now, it didn't mean that she didn't put trust in him.

Maki saw his personality, being with him and the others, seeing his dedication and even seeing new likable things through his streams, at least, she knew that she had some say over his things from now on, even if he doesn't like it.

Hiroto lightly rubbed his tummy feeling a little hungry over the things that had happened during the day, even if he better fit than average human, he still get hungry especially, when dealing with things like relationship and such.

Reaching the front door, he pulled the knob before walking inside, put his shoes on the leather mat before calling out with a relaxed and happy smile.

"I'm back!"

"Welcome home~ dinner is served, ara~ara~ looks like something good happened today. Is it about Maki again?" Mamako peeked out at the kitchen seeing her son full of smiles. Seeing that made her more energetic of being a 'pamphering' mother she was. Of course, she wants to try and make him talk why he was so happy about today.

Albeit, while she cooked, Mamako wearing that apron really insinuates her mature body and even though, Hiroto kept telling her that she don't wear it, as a mother and a cook, it was undeniably violate her 'mothership.'

"It's nothing Mom, I just felt happier today, let me cook for you today too!" Hiroto put the bag on the sofa and walked towards her, but she put up her ladle towards him with playful smile.

"Ehh, although, I want to try out your cooking, as a mother, I can't allow that, seeing you so happy, just let my do my job~" Mamako disagreed before quickly pacing and adding more food to the menu, not only that, she also invited the calm and mature sensei renting one of the apartment which made him sighing but he just made her do there 'mother' things.

"Why don't you talk about what happened today?" Mamako who was intrigued kept pressuring him, but he still didn't budge.

"Mom! As I already said---" Hiroto kept rambling to his lively mother as he sigh exasperated but also felt happy of her care, it we qis also the time that Kirisu came and joined them during the dinner.

Not until unexpected things happened, which he didn't expect.


Hello again~

I probably had to edit it out later but here you go .

Sakura_Mikocreators' thoughts
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