
chapter 10: meet a weird woman part 2

The ancient oceans had C. Megalodon as a predator par excellence: immense from where it is seen, this animal was basically a white shark of very exaggerated size. The "megalodon" belonged to the super predators where we can include the Mosasaurus, Pliosaurus etc, this means that it had no natural predators and was at the top of the food chain.

Unfortunately, the exact size of the shark is not known because its skeleton, made up of cartilage, is not preserved as a fossil, except for its teeth. Using the latter, estimates were made in white sharks, the final length of "megalodon" resulted in 17 meters.

Now you may be wondering why I am informing you about this animal, because it is because one of these ancient sharks had me trapped on its teeth and dragging me to the bottom of the sea. It all happened when I was training at the bottom of the sea, I was submerged trying new powers that I have developed in the time I was staying with Mikumo.

I was with my eyes closed as I went down to the depths because I wanted to train the resistance of my body and the best place I could think of to train was the sea, since the lower you go to the bottom of the sea, the more the pressure is, so while I covered myself with a haki armor covering my whole body. I was going down for a while until I hit bottom on the ground, or what I thought was the ground.

But I was very wrong, because as soon as my feet touched the sand on the seabed I felt a small vibration and then from a distance a great presence that was approaching me at great speed.

I was alert and looked around me, but no matter how much I looked because it was impossible to see, everything was dark.

After a while that vibration had stopped when suddenly from one moment to another under the ground where he was standing vibrated strongly and from below you could see huge teeth, a jaw full of sharp teeth, it was a huge shark with its open mouth ready to devour me.

He attacked me so suddenly that I grabbed the teeth of the upper jaw with my hands while my feet grabbed the teeth below.

He started to crawl around me trying to close his mouth where I was, I realized that this shark was approximately 30 meters long, it had a pointed nose, its skin was a black color with some scars, it had some horns on his head and one eye was missing.

He dragged me in random directions as he tried to close his jaw to devour me, but his attempt was useless.

I gripped his teeth tightly and with my hands covered with haki, I began to apply more pressure to my grip, his teeth began to shred, then in my hands I channeled the magic of the tremor and went straight to his mouth. When I was inside I crossed my arms in the shape of a cross and then stretched my arms at the same time and hit the walls of his stomach.

At first nothing strange happened, but then the space where he had hit it began to enlarge and the shark began to swell until it could not hold it anymore and its body exploded leaving blood and some scattered teeth.

The blood attracted many more sharks that were heading my direction at high speed, I could feel many presences.

When I saw their shadows in the distance, I grabbed a pair of teeth from the exploded shark and held it tightly, I began to use gravity magic when around my arms it was impregnated with a purple aura, then I began to rotate on my own axis and attracted all the water with the sharks in towards the tornado that was doing underwater.

The water began to rise to the surface while a great whirlpool formed, it was like a great snake that was getting bigger and bigger, I was in the middle of the tornado and when that tornado rose very high I decided to make my attack.

With the two shark teeth in my hands I made a forward cut, when a purple energy with a black hue came out of the teeth straight into the sea that was below me.

the cutting energy undid the tornado with a strong explosion, and the energy continued to cut into the sea several kilometers ahead

The cutting energy dislodged the tornado with a loud explosion, and the energy continued to cut into the sea several kilometers ahead. The sea split in two and you could see the floor of the seabed that was also cut with a deep line. Already seeing what I could do with my strength and satisfied, I grabbed with my hand a shark that fell from the sky and flew towards the beach to be able to cook it, behind me the sea was coming back together causing strong collisions with each other, control my gravity magic so it wouldn't make a tsunami and sink the house I was staying in.

I walked slowly through the sky until I reached the shore when a sound of applause reached my ears, I saw that Mikumo was waiting for me standing not far away.

"Wonderful, that was an incredible display of her power Yuujiro-sama." Mikumo said praising my skills again, I just nodded and gave her the shark to cook.

"Oh it's an amazing catch you did again like you always do, give it to me and it will be ready in no time." After catching the shark with one hand, she looked at me again. "By the way, when will we leave this place."

Seriously, how many times has she asked me the same thing, but hey, I can't blame her, since she has never left this place and it is not that she did not want to leave, it is quite the opposite, she wanted to go and go out to see as the world is, but could not.

"We're leaving tomorrow so you have to get everything ready or I'll leave you." I informed her and the next moment I was lying on the ground due to her throwing herself on me in a big hug.

It had been 2 years since I stayed here with Mikumo, at first I planned to stay for a few days until my injuries were completely healed, but then as the days passed I got used to this calm and relaxing environment that could be perceived around. Then the days turned into weeks and then months until 2 years had passed.

In these 2 years I have not put aside my training in fact I was creating new magics to have one of them is the magic of gravity, he creates it trying to copy the power that Admiral Fujitora "Issho" has, since his power was very

Oh by the way now I am 13 years old and grew to a height of (1.68) with big muscles hard as steel, a normal weapon could no longer penetrate my body.

Speaking of my body, there was something weird that happened to it. Some time ago I was training without a shirt and Mikumo was in the distance watching me secretly when he suddenly said something that confused me, she said that on my back the face of a demon or an ogre had appeared that was formed with my muscles.

That did not matter much to me because I had already heard something like that in another place, Mikumo did not seem to care when she disappeared again and hid in the distance to look at me, she said that she was only taking care of me from dangers and not to take importance.

The results of my training have improved a lot; With my armor haki now I can cover my entire body, with the observation I can feel everything at 700 meters and with the conqueror I have not practiced it much because there is no other living being here apart from Mikumo and me.

However I have to say that Mikumo is weird, seeing her now that she is panting moving her head on my chest and breathing heavily making strange sounds scares me a bit.

I hit her head as I tell her. "Hey get off me."

Adopting a pained and feigned expression, she said. "I think I twisted my leg when I fell on top of you, why don't you take me princess style to Yuujiro-sama's house. You have to take responsibility for what you did to me."

Mikumo stretched her arms up like a small baby to be held.

"Oh, you can't get up alone, it hurts a lot." I asked.

She put her fingers under her eyes wiping away a tear adopting a sad expression. "Yes, I hurt my leg and I can't get up, much less walk so you have to carry me with your strong arms."

"Oh, what a shame, because if you're hurt I'm going to have to leave you here because I just told you that I'm leaving tomorrow." When I said that teasingly a little, she looked at me with wide eyes and all performance ended immediately, in a panic she jumped up waving her hands nervously.

"Ahem, I'm kidding Yuujiro-sama, my leg is completely healthy, I have nothing, it was just a scratch, I looked at how fine she is!" Mikumo said waving her hands frantically and then she stood next to me and with her supposedly injured leg she kicked into the sea, the wind caused by the kick split the sea in two.

Dropping to her knees in front of me she clung to my waist on the verge of tears as she pointed to the sea. "See! Look! It was just a joke, I don't have anything anymore and I can go with you tomorrow so please don't leave me alone."

And finally began to cry.

Sigh, seriously, how did that young woman I met two years ago end up like this, well, even though I said "young man" let's say you wouldn't say that when you found out her true age, and on second thought maybe it's my fault that she ended up with this personality.

This happened when I had been living here for 5 months, remember when she told me that I could not leave here because I had to protect a temple, and well she never told me which temple it was and how important it was, and what happened is that I accidentally ended up destroying that famous temple with one of my attacks.

This happened when I was training with my shaking power, and I threw a blow in a random direction and with a loud noise, notice at the distance in which the blow was thrown, a loud explosion was heard and flying in the sky there were pieces of wood and some statues that had the way of being very old, and then I saw in the sky that cracks appeared like those of a broken glass and then something broke but nothing happened, wait a while to see what happened because what just happened was the same as when I used my power, but after a while absolutely nothing happened. And that was weird

then I heard footsteps coming from behind me, I turned around to see Mikumo standing staring at me with wide eyes and a surprised face, when I wonder

"The temple that happened to him? And the barrier has also fallen!" Mikumo asked, she looked between happy and also had a worried look.

"I broke it." I replied blankly.

Did you break it ?! why?

"I don't know, it just happened that I was on the road, I wasn't to blame it was the temple, because they built it right there where I directed my attack." She just looked around for a while she didn't say anything to me, turned around and just left. Seriously, that temple wasn't very important to her, I destroyed it and she didn't tell me anything and then she leaves as if she didn't care, but hey, if she doesn't care, I'm not going to care.

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