
Promise of Wickedness *

They checked in and spent hours in the rooms, figuring out how to escape. It was pretty even teamwork, with both of them contributing. They just so happened to grab some milkshakes and junk food on the way out. 

"Dating you has really made me eat a lot of junk food. I can only imagine how my trainer will react when he sees how much mass I have gained."

"It's a good thing I don't love you for your body, or else I would leave you after you weren't the same… even though I caused it," she teased. 

"Oh, you aren't in this relationship for my looks?" She shook her head. "Good to hear." Of course he knew, but a little banter only improved the quality of their relationship. 

"But you shall never find out if I am being truthful!" she said in a sing-song voice. He rolled his eyes and guided her into the car. 

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