
Chapter 115: Dragon Meat

After the tournament and Fairy Tail was declared the winners, we were told to gather in front of the castle because the king was going to make a speech. I forgot how the king looked because he was never important but when some midget came in with his crown I started to laugh. He apparently got the support of the guilds who were there because they agreed to his proposal of working together for the upcoming calamity. Because of everyone's enthusiasm, even while hurt after the ending event, the midget king started to cry, which made me laugh harder.

Makarov: You know you shouldn't laugh at the king.

Sage: How can I help it? I was expecting at least a regular looking guy until that man child came waddling out. Stop, stop I'm gonna hurt my stomach.

Makarov: How can I reach these kids?

Mavis: At least we won and made the guild proud.

After a few hours the time was close for the foolish princess to open the gates to Eclipse. I wanted to get me a bite of dragon meat before the others get taken over by the Future Rouge. The gates were finally opening and my mouth was watering. I let the story play out as it should, letting Lucy and Yukino close the gate using the Zodiac keys but still letting 7 dragons out. The first dragon appeared and like the original, everyone was bewildered when it appeared. The princess was lied to by Future Rogue so was expecting the dragons to come from a different place and use the gate like a weapon. I know this is a magical world but seriously, a doorway as a weapon? At least question what people tell you, especially if they claim to be from the future.

Like in the original, the dragons were portrayed as extremely powerful beings. I was close enough to see them emerge from the door but far enough to let them come out, as the first dragon took a step out the floor broke and made aftershocks. Their display of power made me happy because they didn't even do anything but step on the ground. I smiled as the first dragon roared out causing the surroundings to shake. I waited for the doors to be closed because if I let the doors stay open I will definitely destroy everything but the timeline will change too drastically so letting the 7 dragons that come out will be enough for me to eat.

I waited with the rest of the guild as I came down from the rooftop I was watching the doors from. I sat down on a nearby fountain with a menacing smile on my face. Taken aback from my expression Mavis and Makarov approached me.

Makarov: Sage, what did you see?

Sage: I saw 7 dragons come out of the doors before Lucy and Yukino closed them.

Mavis: Dragons?! Are you sure?

Sage: Unless they were big ass wyverns that can roar shockwaves and simply walk and cause the ground to shake then, yes, they were dragons.

There were a few guildmates that were scared but that was to be expected as not all of them liked to fight. My smile became wider and I started to drool a little as the dragon drew near. I released my aura slowly until the pressure was unbearable for the weaker members. Instead of being wary of the dragons their fear came from something else. In order to understand where their fear was coming from they all turned around slowly. They looked at me with blank stares but I cared little as the pray I was looking forward to, was on its way.

Makarov: Everyone brace yourselves! We're about to face a dragon!

Sage: Everyone, Stand down! (While licking my lips) THAT'S MY PRAY!!

I jumped up, causing the ground to cave in and some buildings started to fall apart, considering my power, I held back some. I reached the dragon that first stepped out in the blink of an eye and punched it in the jaw, stopping it dead in its tracks. Bewildered, the dragon looked at me, making sure that I was the one who attacked it. Roaring out then firing a flame breath at me but the flame felt like being embraced by a warm breeze to me. With my right hand I swatted away the flame breath.

Sage: Haha, come on, don't tell me that the almighty dragon race can only amount to this? I know that you are too proud to use human speech but I know you understand me.

The dragon looked confused as I goaded him to come at me. Since it didn't make a move, I flashed to its chest and gave it a reason to breathe heavy. Again, the dragon was pushed back farther and the dragon, which I later found out was called Motherglare, became angry and began to let loose little dragon minions thing that came off it. I then flashed above its neck and heel kicked Motherglare into the ground. The surroundings where Motherglare landed was in ruins. Motherglare quickly got up and followed through with its own breath attack. Like a typical dragon, Motherglare attack was a flame attack, considering their size and power, the range was wide. I laughed as I received the attack.

Sage: I want you roasted on the inside and out, hahaha!!

I held its fire attack within one hand but made sure not to disperse it as I pushed it back. As the flame grew closer to Motherglare I added my flame and Ki blast into it so that Motherglare doesn't eat it like Natsu or Igneel. Once the blast went off in Motherglare's stomach, it started to spit out a river of blood. Motherglare looked at the sky and made a deafening roar. I think it was calling for help because I felt the presence of the other dragons heading my way. My smile became larger as I was finally starting to have a little bit of fun.

Motherglare was dying and I was drooling. I used a Ki blade and started to gut Motherglare as the other dragons were heading my way. I cut me out a piece of Motherglare and saw a beautiful piece of marbled meat. The piece reminded me of the one time I splurged before being reincarnated and bought official Wagyu Beef from Japan. Using telekinesis to hold the piece up and dragon fire, I slowly cooked the meat. Considering the marbling, not much cooking was required as I took out and sprinkled salt, pepper and crushed chili with Mors Oil that Komatsu gave me. Quickly the dragons surrounded me but I was enjoying that delicious piece of Motherglare. Once I finished I wiped my mouth and said…

Sage: I wonder what the others taste like. (Licking my lips) So, who's next?

Sorry for the slow updates.

Kintaro1210creators' thoughts
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