
Another Explanation Chapter:

It seems like you didn't understand something very simple in my last chapter, Izuku didn't become a Nazi or anything, and he has no discrimination, he's creating a balance.

The truth is that besides the children and people he loves Izuku does not prioritize anyone else, since he can save the innocent, whether Quirkless or not.

Read carefully and you noticed that he mentioned that the Quirkless and the Villains will face each other, yes he is helping the Villains, but because he has no other option.

Because Izuku, although he can use technology to generate war and prevail, in the end, the death toll among innocent children will be astronomical, imagine All Might's fight against All For One, Izuku would need similar firepower to eliminate All Might and any other hero that reaches a brute power near his.

Another thing, think before you speak, imagine if it's you instead of All For One, you know that Izuku has something that can bring you down, knows that he doesn't want the death of the innocent, and knows that if he dies, the Quirkless will kill you and all your cronies, would you test his limit?

Unless you were insane, you wouldn't do it, it would certainly create some crimes and rule the underworld, but make sure to keep things at an acceptable level.

It is the same with a current crime in places where there are large groups of criminals, although there are some crimes here and there, they never leave a certain margin because they know that if they leave they will be killed, and other bosses will replace them.

That's why you don't see a drug dealer as a genocide because they know that if they go beyond a certain point, both the government and their superiors will act to get rid of them.

In Boku No Hero Academy, it only shows the point of view of what happens between heroes and villains, not how the policy works.

Izuku didn't go to All For One because he's a genocidal psychopath.

It was because if it does not have someone who can keep the government's heavyweight under control, the government will act against those close to it to ensure that Izuku does what they want.

You have to understand, that the government will do everything necessary to stay in power, and ensure that no one threatens the stability that society has achieved, it is the same even today, think about how governments deal with terrorists and hackers. that has a lot of potentials.

Do you think that if the government had access to bin Laden's family and knew that he cared deeply about her, they wouldn't use her against him?

I've said it before, my world doesn't follow what the author describes, it's a story of its own, before each decision, I reflect on how the government would act, I talked to a friend of mine who was once a Marine and much of what I did. I wrote about the government, it came from his point of view, and from a few more friends, if you don't believe what I'm saying, look at the interviews of the veterans who came back from the war.

There are several of them and then think again if you were a soldier, and you knew how it all works if you would risk having your families killed or tortured just to blackmail you by a group of strangers.

I already warn you, Izuku is not a Nazi Psychopath, he is someone who is thinking about most possible scenarios and doing countermeasures as best he can.

And the reasons why he doesn't show the enormous technological supremacy he has are simple;

1. If he shows too much it will generate greed, and give a reason for all the countries of the world to unite against him, something that has already been mentioned that he does not want.

2. Doing this will place an even bigger target on his family's back.

3. Would you show all your cards to someone whose you could go to war?

And one more thing, the girls didn't stop Izuku, because they, like him, were discriminated against to extreme levels and had absolute faith in him.

As explained earlier, Izuku saved everyone from a situation where death was preferable to living, think about what the original Izuku was going through, now add that to the fact that they are beautiful girls, which you think would have happened if Izuku had let them take care of them. of themselves.

I understand your opinion, really, but I really would like you to research a little bit about what happens to different people, and they think not from an extreme point of view, but in a more tactical way for decision making. Izuku has done, you have noticed that many of his actions are laying the foundations for his ultimate goals.

Even All For One has been stipulated with a way to deal with it, think a little about it.

I appreciate the comments, as they show me when you understand the story, and what I need to clarify in the next chapters.

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