
Sensei's request

"Aww come on Ren-chan, you know you can just call me by my name." Said the girl with a little saddened expression on her face.

"I'm sorry Sakagami-san, I'm a little reluctant since it just doesn't feel right." Replied Ren with an apologetic smile while he sat down.

The girl Ren referred to as "Sakagami-san" is his classmate Sakagami Shigure, a not so small but not so tall 16 year old girl. Shigure was Ren's classmate when both of them were first years at Kotori High School, she is a cheerful, hardworking girl and energetic towards everything, and not only she has a lovable attitude, making her one of the top second year girls, she indeed is seen as a beauty. She has pretty cobalt short hair made in a bob cut adorned with a long red ribbon on top of her head, complemented with a pair of deep purple eyes, a refined nose and small cherry pink lips. Shigure also has a modest pair of breasts, but that goes better without saying, while she is a docile girl, she can get pretty mad when it comes to her 'small chest' issue.

"Okaay whatever, hey hey Ren-chan?" Shigure ignored Ren's words and instantly called him with a suggestive smile on her face.

"What is it Sakagami-san?" While his face wasn't showing it, a well-known feeling of uneasiness swelled up inside him, but he asked anyway.

"Haha, the thing is... You know that Miyako-chan asked me to cover for her yesterday?" Responded Shigure while playing with a strand of her beautiful cobalt hair.

"Yes, I'm aware that Kizuna-san was on duty yesterday, what of it?" When Ren started analyzing Shigure's train of thought he couldn't help but think 'Ahh, I know where this is going'.

"Well, because I covered her, I arrived one hour late at work and maaaan they really got mad!" Shigure laughed awkwardly at her own anecdote.

"...And?" Ren started rummaging through his bag while listening to Shigure's story.

"Because of that, I worked extra hours to cover for those that I missed haha..." It looked like the story was going to end.

"Yes I understand Sakagami-san, you went home late and didn't have time to do Japanese class homework, that sounds tough, and of course, you can copy mine."

When Ren presented his notebook to Shigure, she happily accepted it with one hand, while the other one went straight to her forehead like a military salute. Afterwards she sprinted, literally, to her desk and started copying Ren's homework without missing a beat.

"Spoiling Sakagami-san as always, huh Ren?" With a soft chuckle, Akira opened the classroom door and made his way to where Ren was sitting.

"Yo, good morning Akira." Ren lifted his right hand to greet Akira with a bored expression on his face.

"Haha, good morning Ren." With a short greeting, he went straight to his desk and started sorting out his things.

And with great timing their homeroom teacher, a 28 y/o beautiful woman, (A.K.A Kanasuke-sensei) entered the classroom with a refreshed smile.

"Good morning everyone, please have a seat, sensei is going to take attendance!" A joyful voice could be heard from the teacher's podium, making all the male students melt while the girls glared at them with faces that said 'You guys are the worst!'.

Ren just stared at the school yard from the window, not really interested in the situation at hand, but of course, he would raise his hand and say 'here' when his name was called, some classmates said that in the mornings Ren works in auto-pilot, because he NEVER missed to listen the teacher calling his name while his eyes and mind where focused outside of the window, Kanzaki Ren is a man of respect.


"Kanzaki-kun, could you spare sensei a moment please?" After homeroom ended, Kanasuke-sensei called Ren outside of the classroom.

"Hm? Sure, what is it sensei?" Confused at the sudden call from his teacher, Ren tilted his head and asked.

"Do you have any club or committee activities after school, Kanzaki-kun?" Kanasuke-sensei asked with a serious expression on her face, thanks to this Ren stopped himself from saying things like 'are you asking me on a date sensei?' and so, he understood that she was asking him seriously.

"...No I don't." Ren simply replied.

"Then, that means that Kanzaki-kun is not part of a club or a committee at this moment, am I wrong?" Kanasuke-sensei continued with a profesional manner of speech, rarely seen in her.

"No, It's like sensei says, I, Kanzaki Ren, am not a member of any club or school committee at the moment, nor I plan to join one." Responded Ren with a complex facial expression, he was really confused on why the conversation suddenly turned to him not being part of a club or the likes.

"That's great! Say, Kanzaki-kun" Finally releasing a big sigh, the serious atmosphere dissipated like it never existed to begin with, and a soft but enchanting smile appeared on Kanasuke-sensei.

"...Yeah?" He nervously said to his teacher. Ren somehow is capable to identify when a situation is going to turn troublesome, you could call it a 'sixth-sense', and it was specifically developed to warn him of said situations. Right now, said sense was screaming like crazy, meaning that this is going to be a hassle.

"Could you help sensei a little bit after classes?" Kanasuke-sensei replied with a smile on her face, while Ren could only think 'I knew it'.


Kanasuke Nagi, is a single but independent 28 years old English teacher at Kotori High School, she is the homeroom teacher of class 2-E, and last but not least, she is neighbor of the Kanzaki siblings. Nagi lives alone at apartment number #12, in the first floor of the complex, while the Kanzaki's live at the number #36 on the third floor. Ever since Ren and Rin moved in, she helps then now and then, preparing dinner for the pair sometimes, although usually Ren is in charge of cooking at the house.

Short brownish hair tied up in a braid bun, brown eyes, a big pair of D-cups despite her short height, a caring teacher who loves her students. Although she is already at her late twenties, every student and teacher at Kotori thinks that she is one of the top beauties alongside Natsuri-sensei and many other female students.

She is really fond of the siblings, and sees them like a pair of 'little brother and sister', thanks to Nagi being an only child, this feeling only grew stronger even though she only knows them for relatively not so long ago. Thanks to their 'close relationship', she tends to call Ren 'Ren-kun', but while they are at school grounds, she maintains a profesional stance and calls him by his last name, the case being the same with Rin, who she calls Rin-chan. Needless to say, Rin is really fond of her too, and often calls her Nagi-oneesan.


After classes ended, Ren picked up his things and went straight to the teachers office after sending a text to Rin saying 'to go home without him'. Receiving a simple 'Okay' from her part hurt his "brotherly pride".

"Excuse me." After knocking twice, he decided to enter and search for Kanasuke-sensei.

"Kanzaki-san? Do you need something?" The person who questioned Ren after entering was Endou-sensei, the Math teacher.

"Good afternoon Endou-sensei, have you seen Kanasuke-sensei? She asked me to come here after classes." Without missing a beat, Ren stated his reason and took the opportunity to ask Endou-sensei about Nagi's whereabouts.

"Yes, she is over there." Endou-sensei pointed out somewhere in the room, and in fact, Kanasuke-sensei was there filling some papers, probably school-related work.

"Thanks, now if you excuse me."

"Ah, wait Kanzaki-san." Ren was about to make his way to Nagi when Endou-sensei stopped him. With a confused look, Ren stopped walking and again turned to face his teacher.

"Ah, yes?" Endou-sensei laughed lightly, probably trying to say 'don't worry, it's not something bad'.

"I was just curious about your grades, in the last tests, your scores went down in every subject, not just mine."

"..." Ren kept looking Endou-sensei without replying.

"Is something worrying you Kanzaki-san?" He asked with a sympathetic smile.

"No, nothing like that, I'm sorry." Ren bowed his head lightly as a way of apology.

"Oh no no, please don't apologize, it wasn't that bad, only a few points compared to your last grades. It's just that I thought that something is distracting you or something of the sort." Endou-sensei hurriedly told Ren to raise his head and started explaining.

"I'm sorry to make you worry sensei, but everything is alright, I was just sleepy during tests and I couldn't concentrate really well, but don't worry, I'll do better on the next tests." Ren said reassuringly words to Endou-sensei, who only nodded and left him go.

What Endou-sensei said was not a lie at all, Ren himself thought that he didn't put that much attention at class, probably that's why his grades dropped a little. Ren has average notes, not bad not perfect, but he always make sure to not fail any subject at school, that's why he puts the minimum required attention at lectures, but these last days he feels that he's been slacking off a bit too much.

"Ahh Kanzaki-kun, good afternoon!" With a characteristic smile of hers, Nagi called over Ren when she spotted him making his way towards her.

"Good afternoon sensei—Ren greeted his English teacher and neighbor with a warm smile—so? What did you need help with? Although if it's something like teacher stuff and the likes, I might not be able to help that much." Ren said with an apologetic smile while scratching his head.

"Oh no, It's nothing like that." Nagi quickly erased Ren's misunderstanding.

"Okay then, what is it?" Ren decided that it was best to hear what Nagi wanted to say.

"Maybe you don't know it yet Kanzaki-kun, but sensei it's not only an English teacher, sensei is also a club advisor." Said Nagi with a proud look on her face that said 'I'm awesome, aren't I?', while Ren opened his eyes with a surprised expression. This was news to him, nobody ever told him that Kanasuke-sensei was a club advisor.

"Well, there are some matters I need to attend to as a teacher, meaning that I can't help the club with it's activities for the time being, so I want you to lend me a hand with that, what do you say?" Nagi asked Ren with a angelic smile on her face, thus, refusing was not an option.

"I don't mind if it's just that much, I'll help." Ren replied with a smile at Nagi's request.

"That's great, thank you very much Kanzaki-kun! Then, could you go to the music club room?" Nagi didn't waste time and gave Ren the direction of the club, this made Ren rise an eyebrow when he heard 'music club room'.

"Uhh sensei, isn't that room unoccupied...? I mean, there is no 'music club' right now." Kanasuke-sensei continued smiling after Ren's words, making him more confused.

"Fufu, don't worry about that, just go okay?" Ren sighed and nodded to Nagi's amused reaction and forcefulness.

"Hahh... Okay, I'm going sensei." Ren parted ways with Nagi after a short farewell, while Nagi's smile never left her pretty face.

'I hope this works...' Nagi thought when she saw his student left the office, then with refreshed spirit, she continued working on her desk

**Edit: Added a description for Kanasuke Nagi.

That's all for the second chapter, introducing some more characters to this story, the next chapter is going to be reaally important to the story, so keep reading this story, pretty much please!

(Just a reminder, I'm not an English native speaker, so I'm sorry if i misspell some words and such.)

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