
A Jaunt and Judging Eyes

Shoes on, door locked, and down the stairs, Ayako and Kaisei were ready to head out on, as it had been fondly named, the Zergling Express. The only permanent part of it was parked next to the bike parking area for their apartment complex- a Roman style chariot.

As Ayako put on her helmet, Kai got ready for the monster part of the express. He put his hands on the pavement and closed his eyes. Reaching out with his Quirk, he felt three presences in the ether. He called out to them, and his eyes burned purple behind his eyelids, with a light mist flowing out from them. Suddenly the ground rippled and three zerglings burst out, jumping out like cats leaping up to high ground.

However, these zerglings were far from being cats. At just over a meter long, they were more like huge reptilian dogs. Yet even comparing them to dogs was not accurate for describing them. They walked along on four legs with sharp claws and webbed feet. On their backs grew a pair of insect-like wings. Just above their front legs was another set of limbs, though where they should have ended with some kind of paw, instead was a set of bony scythe-like claws. Add to this bizarre appearance the wicked face full of sharp teeth framed by tusks on either side, and it was no wonder Kai named his Quirk "Monster Master."

Yet, despite this monstrous appearance of the zerglings, Ayako's face didn't change in the way one would have expected. Instead of disgust, her face brightened, eager to get going on with the day and, as she had said before, feeling the wind in her hair. She had gotten used to seeing zerglings. As a part of her beloved brother's Quirk, she couldn't hold much hate for them.

There was one thing about them that was both recognizable and out of place, all things considered. Around each of their necks was a bright red collar, to which was attached a long leash. Kai took hold of all three leashes with one hand and stepped onto the chariot. Ayako got on right behind him and wrapped her slender arms around Kai's waist and gripped him tightly.

"Can we go fast this time?"

"You know we can only go as fast as Musutafu traffic will go."

"Yeah, but can we go as fast as possible while we can? I feel like we have never really hit the top speed of these bad boys," she said, patting the flank of one of the zerglings.

The zerglings growled in a way that sounded like they were agreeing in excitement. While they were fully under Kai's control, they were still intelligent, independent beings, and even understood Japanese, piggybacking off Kai's knowledge.

"As you wish. All ahead full!"

With that, Kai flourished the leashes and the zerglings started to run. Within a few moments, they were cruising down the road at an appreciable pace. After all, with three zerglings, their weight was easy to pull, and an unburdened Zergling could run at about 75 miles per hour. Not that Kai had measured, but he knew they were crazy fast.

Crazy fast they may be, but no matter how fast you can go, traffic will always put a damper on that. As Kai and Ayako got close to UA, there were enough cars on the road that it was almost not worth it to keep riding the Zergling Express. However, as many times as he had tried, Kai had been unable to get the chariot to follow the zerglings wherever it was that they came from. Thus, he had to be able to find a good place in walking distance to park it.

Luckily, there was plenty of space on the sidewalks to tie up the chariot, though it made quite the sight. Of course, there had been stares throughout the trip to school, but now it was staying still enough for everyone to have plenty of time to gawk in fascination or turn away in revulsion. The appearance of humanity had broadened greatly with the dawn of Quirks, but sometimes, as in the case of zerglings, things were just plain ugly. Ayako made brief eye contact with one particular woman who had a very dark aura mingled in her disgust.

Suddenly, she felt guilty that she had made her brother use his Quirk out in public. He had tried very hard for most of his life to keep it under wraps, and now she made him parade it out in front of everyone. It had been fine occasionally in their hometown in Hokkaido, but now here, near Tokyo, there were too many judging eyes.

Sensing something change in Ayako, Kai turned his head and followed her gaze. He shook his head and chuckled lightly. Reaching one hand down to hers on his chest he patted her gently. People's feelings about him had long since ceased to affect him. As long as they didn't cross any lines, they were insignificant.

Through her Quirk, Ayako sensed his inner peace and relaxed. Still, the feeling of discomfort didn't completely disappear. She knew that there was a lot that he wouldn't share with her, and even though he didn't act bothered, that itself bothered her. She was supposed to be the closest to him, and yet, he felt so far sometimes.

While she pondered her brother's thoughts and feelings, Kai found a place to chain up the chariot. As he turned around, he stopped feeding energy towards maintaining the zerglings' presence. Behind him, they melted into the ground, disappearing without a trace. Tilting his head up, he looked towards his destination. Rising high above the street, shining in the sun was a glass building with two towers connected near their centers with a bridge.

UA. The finest school in heroism in Japan. There were schools in America and Europe that took the highest slots on the world rankings, but UA still did well even on a global standard. The alma mater of All Might himself, the Symbol of Peace; the strongest hero in the world, though some may contest that title. But, none of that was in mind when Kai looked at it. He only thought about one thing.

So, this is where mom went to school. This is where it all begins.

Finally, truly on the path to revenge. It all starts with getting stronger.

What can I say? I want Kai to be a little different in a world that is full of diversity. Having more variety in the world doesn't remove discrimination- it just makes the lines people judge by different.

Another chapter really soon to come, maybe more- I am currently in the middle of an all-nighter to finish a project, and while I am hyped up on caffeine, lack of sleep, and general ADHD, I am taking advantage of the resultant lower inhibitions to make up whatever the heck I want. Which has already made some surprising things happen.

Things will already be a little different from the anime/manga canon. Chalk it up to the Butterfly Effect, and me trying to put more logic into an anime world.

And me being American schooled in America, not Japan. Only spent two years there, and no visits to a school were made.

Tvrkmcreators' thoughts
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