
Nothing Special - Can it take a .50?

I already gave Jared my SCAR-H long ago, but my own abandonment issues made me jump up defensively. It was triggered by him trying to buy it off of me with the gold coin he just won, and I just don't want to make it official-official.

To be fair, there are other ways I could obtain a gold coin, and exchanging it for something I deem much more valuable would just prompt a reaction.

Jared put his hands up, "C'mon, bro! I thought you already gave this thing to me! Just lemme give you something for it!"

"Fine, fine… but before we forgot, don't mix the ammo you won with ours."

Quinn interjected, "Why's that? They're all the same, right?"

I scratched my head before I looked at everybody, "It's u-umm, different."


"I'm sure they work but I don't want to risk it."

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