
Driving to the Intercity

The inside of Oscar's SUV was silent for a moment but we soon continued with light conversation.

In our small convoy, the ones in the front and back were the military jeeps that came with us. Right next to the military jeep in front was the 8-wheeler, the cargo truck, Oscar's SUV, and lastly the other military jeep.

If Unc Zeidrick and the rest have extra time, they would also add a few modifications to our other vehicles. Some soldiers even took interest in mechanic work so they were learning and adding modifications on their vehicles themselves. However, the plans they would write up needed to be approved by Raphael or Anthony first so they wouldn't waste materials and the design could be improved with a touch of an engineer.

On our military jeeps, they never forgot to add the modification for the bumper and switching out the tires for tubeless ones.

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