
Barrel Roll - We're making a stall here.

The Cargo Helicopter and the SuperCobra are in front of us so I decided to do a little something I saw from a movie. Although, a Barrel Roll, which is its official name, was first performed by Daniel Maloney historically speaking but with a plane not a helicopter. It is possible to do it with a helicopter since it would only be upside-down for a short moment and not sustained. There's a few more maneuvers similar to it which all fall to the name Displacement Rolls but this one caught my eye so I practiced doing it unauthorized.

If someone would ask me why I did it, I'll say: I don't know, I think I have a daily quota of how much crazy I need to let out, I guess. The S-76 I'm flying veered to the right just to get the momentum since the radius that I need to cover just to circle around the Cargo Helicopter is huge. I need to be precise and not lose focus in order to successfully do it.

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