

"What was that?" asked Emerald, as a dull roar echoed around them.

Percy shrugged. "Sounded a bit like thunder. It's okay, we're safe in here. You're not scared of a bit of rain are you?"

"Well, under the circumstances I'd be happier if it didn't rain," she replied. "What with us being in the sewers and everything."

"Good point," said Percy.

Emerald glanced down, narrowly avoiding stepping in some, thankfully, unidentified lump. The sewers were actually in very good condition, with a raised path at either side of a river of liquid that she was careful not to examine too carefully. Still, it was slow going without a light, even though her night vision was excellent. A side effect of spending so much time in the dark probably. The zombies didn't seem to have any problem seeing, and she was reluctantly forced to rely on them for guidance. She walked quietly, and somewhat gingerly, after them. Sprat trotted along behind.

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