The bell rings as lunch ends. The day passes with little to no interaction between Skye, Rachel or Marcus, Rachel kept mostly to herself, that is until she arrived at the Baker household for her scheduled tutoring session with young Billy Baker. These sessions are good for both of them Billy doesn't really need a tutor he's not bright, but he's not dumb either people would just assume that after waking up from a ten year long coma that one would need a tutor, that one would need a lot of things, he seems to enjoy playing along, Rachel doesn't mind giving the kid some friendship that she just happens to get paid for.
Rachel: "What did you say to that kid this morning in the first place?"
Billy: "Well I was talking about how- well it's gross."
Rachel: "He seemed so pissed."
Billy: "Yeah well I was talking about how it'd be funny if like his mom could nurse me because she's a housewife."
Rachel: "Oh my gosh wait what?!"
Billy: "I was saying that i'd love to be like a baby."
Rachel: "That is so gross!"
Billy: "I know its gross"
Rachel: "You are sick, you're definitely a fifteen year old boy."she says jokingly enjoying her time with him joking around like what it's most of the time during these sessions.
Billy: "yeah for sure, if you think about it with the coma though I'm only like five."
Rachel: "Are you... saying that with a badge of honor or..."
Billy: " Yeah i guess it's not that very cool now is it."
Rachel: "Wait do you really still want to be nursed?"
Billy: "No! no, i mean by her absolutely- well it's cause- No its not like a weird baby thing it's because she's like you know. this is gross"
Rachel: "Yeah i know she's got big... breasts Billy. Okay look your born here right? and you have the nicest parents."
Billy: "they're pretty nice yeah, but they're kind of weird though." as she looks down the geometry book she notices Billy's hand and she feels like to ask him something that she has been wanting to ask for a long time.
Rachel: "Hey did they ever tell you why you have an index finger even though no one else in your family does like your not a ten, i mean you're born here and most of Kolloks residences have only nine fingers with their index finger missing, but not the ones who aren't from here."
Billy: "I never thought to ask."
Rachel: "I mean I was born in Hong Kong and I'm pretty sure my parents cut mine off just to make me fit in."
Billy: "For real?"
Rachel: "Yeah, I mean like me not being a ten would be the thing that makes me fit in. like people are gonna see my hand before they see my face"
Billy: "I'm probably just adopted or something stupid like that. Do you think people think I'm a freak?"
Rachel: "I mean you're a local that still has their index finger, i've just been wanting to ask for a while I'm sorry it just weirded me out when i saw it, i'm sure it weirds out other people too probably."
Billy: "Yeah i guess that is kind of weird... I don't know, I don't like to ask too many questions."
Rachel: "Well anyway so Billy when are you gonna get a girlfriend?"
Billy: "Yeah uh you know what i was wondering why do the call them right angles huh?"Billy trying to change the subject feeling awkward that she asked of him getting a girlfriend.
Rachel: "Come on Billy, who are you crushing on?"
Billy: "huh no one, i don't have one." he looks distantly avoiding her eyes.
Rachel: "Don't worry about the whole late-bloomer thing, you're like a fine wine you'll get better with age, i'm sorry that was dumb"
Billy: "nah it's true though for sure, or like cheese you get like stinkier with age. but also better if you age it."
Rachel: "I didn't think about it like that."
Billy: "Yeah anyway i got my eyes on a couple of girls, i'm just giving it time, you know, just uh you know- testing the waters, you got to put in the toe first."
Rachel: "Piece of advice, don't tell anyone you want to milk them or nurse them or be nursed by them or anything like that, let's save that for college or something, if you make it that far."
Billy: "Right make it that far, cause im dumb."
Rachel: "Look Billy you're a good kid, i've always- I don't know kind of like you, it's just my little brother is a real piece of shit, and you're a good kid and you're fun and you don't take things too seriously and my family's so uptight and I guess I'm really envious of your family."
Billy: "I mean you can hang out as much as you want, any time, they like you."
All of a sudden someone is honking outside of the house, it seems as though it is the jeep wrangle of Skye Hawkins, like clockwork she is punctual as usual. Rachel packs up her books quickly from Billy's old wood dining room table as she runs out the door yelling to billy.
Rachel: "Oh Billy thanks for letting me borrow your camera, i left it by your door, take it easy kid!"
so yeah the it's pretty much comedic for the time being haha but in a few more chapters the horror and the mystery will happen, wait more a lil bit and ill get to it eventually