
I Got Your Back


Like I thought, the book Cai Hong wanted to read was literally a book about a hero.

That would have been fine and all but… It's a story about me going to 'slay' Sophia, or rather, a book loosely based on it.

I didn't even know they had a book written about it, even more curious was how did this even end up here on the Cloud Plane?

Did that Dark Sect guy drop this here or something? The timelines don't really match up though…

Omniscience is also being really vague that it was simply 'dropped here'. I'm guessing this book got caught in some kind of dimensional rift or something which sent it into this specific library for some reason?

Well, it's not really that important so I forgot about it and concentrated on reading the book to Cai Hong who was currently cuddled on my lap.

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