
That's New

I get off Ren and dust my hands off but when I turn around, I see Chyou standing behind us with her mouth open in shock as she stares at us with large eyes. I clear my throat and say "He's gonna need some help. Maybe even therapy." I hook my thumb over my shoulder and walk off.

He always knows how to piss me off. It's like a special talent of his! I try to forget him and his hateful attitude as I walk towards the back of the courtyard. I need to find the natural lake/pond thingy to help stabilize my foundation. Only then can I start cultivating again.

After ten minutes or so of walking, I finally find the... puddle? It was so small! I walk over to it and look at it with a frown. A puddle! It was large enough to maybe fit two people at best! I look up to the slow drip and find it's coming from an odd-looking rock.

The odd rock was just randomly sticking out of the ground and came up to my hips but at the very top, water can be seen slowly trickling down the rock and into the "puddle" Hmm... I squat down next to it and frown. 

Was this really what he was talking about? I look around the rest of the courtyard but I don't find anything else. I sigh and say "Whatever." I look around once more before standing up and scratching my head. Do I just sit in it? Or am I supposed to drink it? 

This would have been a good thing to ask beforehand! Whatever! I'll just do both! I take my shoes off and walk into the puddle. It was somehow warm... hmmm. I sit down in the water and face the odd rock. I bring both my hands up and begin filling my hands up with the water. 

Little Bun stirs when he smells the water and instantly pops his little head out to see. I look down at the cute little thing and say "Good morning sleepy head. Would you like some water?" Little Bun squeaks in excitement and crawls over to my hands. 

He jumps on top of the odd rock and starts licking it up with his tiny pink tongue. I giggle at the cute sight and say "Hey now, leave some for me!" He ignores me and starts licking faster causing me to laugh. I was only joking but this greedy little thing... too cute. 

After a couple of minutes, my hands are full of crystal clear water. I bring it up to my face and sniff it before shrugging. If little Bun's drinking it, it should be fine, right? I bring my hands up to my mouth and take several sips. I wait a few seconds but when nothing else happens, I drink the rest. 

I sit in the puddle and wait but after several minutes, I still don't feel anything. Should I drink more? The water actually tasted pretty good... I shrug again and decide to drink more. After five handfuls I give up. Nothing's happening!!! 

I sit in the puddle and start feeling like an idiot. Watch this not be the right one... watch this just be a peeing rock and it's little pee puddle. Which, I just drank! Irritated, I lean forward and press my forehead against the peeing rock. 

At least it tastes good... Little Bun was now sitting on the ground grooming himself as I try to think of ways to get back without others thinking I peed on myself. Nothing else but my butt was wet! Suddenly, my forehead starts to tingle. 

I frown but freeze. Was something happening? I quickly sit up and wait but nothing happens... I lean back over and place my head against the peeing stone again. Forget it. Wishful thinking. I need to talk to Zhen and figure out what I'm doing wrong. 

Suddenly, the tingling feeling was back! This time I don't move as I hold my breath and wait. Little Bun watches me with large eyes as I suddenly feel a strange power wash over me. I close my eyes to focus but what I see amazes me! What is this!??

There's just this empty space... right on my forehead. I reach up with a shaky hand but when I feel my smooth skin, I relax. Okay, so it wasn't literally a hole... just one I can see within me. What is this? Confused, I open my eyes and sit up mumbling "What is this supposed to be?" 

"Is Master talking about your divine space?" A cute little voice says making me jump. I turn to look at the source of the voice but all I see is Little Bun staring at me. I look around with confusion and mumble "It's official... I'm finally losing it."

"Losing what?" The cute little voice says again making my head snap back to Little Bun. I narrow my eyes at him and ask "Are you... talking?" Little Bun nods his little head and says "Yes! I can finally talk thanks to Master!" I stare at him with large eyes before saying "Yup."

Little Bun tilts his head in confusion and says "Whatever you lost, Bun can find it for Master." I slowly lift a hand to my mouth and say "This is so cool... freaky, but cool. How can you talk?" Little Bun smiles at me and points at the water before saying "Between the water and your blood, I was able to level up. The more spiritual energy I consume, the stronger I get." 

I look back to the water then back to him saying "So it was the right one... why's it so small?" Little Bun frowns and says "This is actually a really big spiritual source." Huh... I see. I nod my head and turn back to smile at Little Bun in delight. "I can't believe you can talk! Even your voice is cute!"

Little Bun jumps at me and climbs to my shoulder and rubs against me as he says "I'm very grateful to Master." I giggle and rub his soft fur but freeze when I think back to the hole. "You said something about divine space earlier? What is that?" 

Little Bun looks at me with confusion then points to the red flower design on my forehead while saying "There. It's your divine space... do you not know that?"  

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