
What Now?

I look around with worry. What should I do? I look back down to the child with complexed emotions. I quickly get up and grab the chain again. I start pulling him off the main road but when I hear water I gently pull him to the small river.

I drop the chain while huffing and puffing. I'm so out of shape... I wipe my forehead off as I look back at the dirty child. I walk over and gently poke him but he doesn't move. Was he really alive? Maybe he was just dead with his eyes open!?

I quickly place my finger under his nose as my thoughts begin to run wild. Was I dragging around a dead body!? When I feel the steady breath coming from the boy I let out a sigh of relief. "Look, kid, I only bought you so that you could be free... can you at least sit up?"

The boy still doesn't make a noise or move so with a sigh I struggle to sit him up against a tree. I would say he was around ten or so... maybe? I'm horrible with ages! I push his dark black hair out of his dirty face while saying "I only want to help you okay? Are you hungry? Thirsty?"

I say while gently touching his cheek. Suddenly there's a flicker of life within his dark eyes. His eyes suddenly focus on me causing me to hold my breath. He looks into my green eyes but his expression never changes. I slowly stand up and look down at him with concern.

I quickly turn around and walk over to the small river. I quickly wash my hands and scoop up as much water as possible before walking back to the boy. My foot slips on a wet rock and before I know it, I've landed face-first on the ground, right in front of the boy.

I groan and look up at my hands still cupped. I was happy to see the water still in my hands! With a smile, I look up to the boy watching me with a blank look. I slowly ease up and walk over to him with the water. I raise my hand to his lips but he just continues watching me with his dark eyes.

"The water is clean I promise. I made sure to wash my hands." I say as I lift the water back to his lips. The boy then begins to drink leaving a big grin on my face. After a few more handfuls, I pull out a steam bun and hold it out to him.

He looks to the steam bun then back to me with that same blank look. "It's food... eat it. I promise it's okay, I even have more! See?" I say showing him the cloth bag. He doesn't look away from me as he slowly takes the bun and bites into it. I reach up and gently pat him on the head as I say "Good job."

I turn around and grab a bun for me as I begin to think about what to do from now on. I can't just leave him out here all by himself... but would it be safe for him to follow me? I'm like a walking accident... I turn to look at the boy and see that he's nearly done with the bun so I hand him another one.

He gently takes it and begins eating again. I smile and pet him again as I turn to look back at the small river. It's settled... I will just bring him with me! I can't leave him out here all by himself... Oh wait, I turn to him and ask "Do you have a family?"

The boy swallows his bite and slowly shakes his head no making me feel even worse... way to go Nova! Let's make the kid feel even worse than he already does! I push the dirt around with a stick as I try to think about what to say.

I turn around to look at him as he takes a bite of another steam bun. "You can stay with me if you want... I used almost all my money to buy you so I'll have to make more but I don't mind buying you more food... um... I'm really clumsy and I don't know where or what I'm doing but you can stay with me if you want... I'll try my best to take care of you." I say feeling like a rambling idiot.

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