

The time it took to ward one house was negligible, but by the time they'd done the whole street they were exhausted. Lily and Hermione apparated back to Potter Manor, and dragged themselves up to their respective bedrooms. Hermione changed into her nightgown, and tried to lie down, but everytime she closed her eyes she could see the poor muggle family struggling, and hear Pettigrew's laughter. Hermione tossed and turned for an hour, and eventually snuck down the hall to Sirius' room. She stood outside his door for several long moments, shifting anxiously from foot to foot.

Is there a really good reason why we're not in that bed already?

Um, well, I…

So that would be a big fat no then. I worry about you, you know that? The boy has one of the most incredible bodies I have ever seen, and I've seen quite a few, and he's all yours.

This isn't about sex!

Honey, I know it isn't. I was trying to tease you. I should have known better. What are you worried about?

Usually, when I'm upset I go see Jamie. He holds me and he tells me everything will be okay. Sometimes he just holds me, and that's fine, too. I just need to be near him, and I start to feel better.

We can go see Jamie. I'm sure he would hold you.

But I want Sirius.

So we can go see Sirius.


Listen, your brother loves you, and he'll always love you, but he does realize that you have a suitor—Merlin's beard—a husband-to-be, basically. I'm sure he'd realized that certain things are going to fall to Sirius from now on.


No! No more dancing in the hallway like you have to pee. Go to Sirius. I think it will really mean something to him that you turned to him for comfort.

Hermione took a deep breath, squared her shoulders, and slipped into Sirius' bedroom. It was dark, of course, but her animagus-sharpened senses allowed her to make her way unerringly to the side of his bed. He was on his back, the blankets pulled up to his chin. She could hear his deep, steady breathing, and smiled to herself. She lifted the counterpane carefully and slid into bed next to Sirius. She snuggled up next to him, wrapping an arm around him, and laying her head on his bare chest. He started slightly, and turned toward her, his arms slipping around her waist.

"Hermione?" He whispered in astonishment.

"I couldn't sleep," she murmured. "I just kept seeing them…and hearing his laughter."

"Merlin's lacy knickers," Sirius swore, and his arms tightened around her. "I'm sorry that you had to see it…see him."

"Thank you, Sirius," she whispered in the dark.

"Do you need me to do anything?" He asked uncertainly.

"Hold me?" She whispered. He pulled her against his chest and kissed her on the nose.

"Forever," he said so softly that only someone with enhanced hearing could have heard him. She smiled in the dark and kissed his chest. She snuggled against his chest and sighed contentedly.


"One assumes that there is some pressing need for you to call all three of us here," Lucius drawled in a slightly bored tone as he wandered about the parlor of her Château. Severus and Regulus gave slight nods of agreement. Hermione did not react at all. She remained perfectly calm, perfectly composed; Severus thought of it as her Slytherin face. Whenever they were alone, just the Order of the Lioness or the Knights of the Lady or whatever silly name Lucius had come up with this time, Hermione dropped her outer persona, and shifted to this cool, collected warrior and strategist. She was a little frightening sometimes, but she was not nearly as disturbing as Voldemort so the three of them ignored the little shiver of fear when those eyes turned to them.

"Have you heard anything about the Horcruxes yet?" Hermione asked coolly. The three of them shook their heads.

"Nothing," Lucius replied. She pursed her lips and seemed to be thinking to herself.

"How is Rabastan coming along?" She asked, turning to Regulus.

He will be ready soon," Regulus said carefully. "We are both younger brothers, and he feels that I understand him. He obeys Rudolphus immediately, without question, but he has not yet seen the true nature of the beast. I think that when he does, he will come to me. He knows that I have taken on the responsibilities of my family, so he feels that I am someone safe to talk to."

"Safe?" Hermione asked, quirking a brow at Regulus who shrugged.

"I am a Death Eater, which means his brother would approve of my influence on Rabastan," Regulus explained. Hermione nodded slightly.

"What about you, Lucius. You had said that there were possibles," Hermione asked turning the power of her gaze toward him. He looked at her impassively, his pale silver eyes inscrutable.

"What about Pettigrew?" He asked mildly, watching her face, which twisted in distaste.

"No," she said flatly. "He's having far too much fun to be of use to us."

"But, he's in Gryffindor," Severus said in surprise. Hermione growled low in her throat.

"A person's house does not dictate the nature of their spirit," she said coldly. "Is everyone in Slytherin a Death Eater?"

"Well, no, of course not," Lucius snapped. "There are the unaffiliated families, and then there are those who have not been deemed worthy of interest."

"It's Slytherin," Hermione said dryly. "How many of those unworthies do you think are faking poor skills, just as I am?"

"Sweet Morgana," Regulus breathed, his eyes wide. "Do you want me to approach the unaffiliated families? Or the unworthies?"

"You must be even more subtle than a Slytherin," Hermione said mildly, weighing him with her eyes.

"I'm a Black," Regulus said calmly. Hermione's lips twitched ever so slightly.

"Indeed," she drawled, "but don't let that hold you back."

"I can do it, domina," Regulus said firmly. Hermione's eyes narrowed.

"Fine," she said at last. "You may attempt it, but be exceeding careful, Regulus."

"If one might be so bold," Lucius drawled in a bored tone, "I do have other possibles. I merely suggested Pettigrew because I knew he was a confidant of your brother. I pondered whether or not he might be a plant.'

"He is no longer a confidant of my brother or his friends," Hermione said coldly. "Who are these others you mentioned?"

"Wilkes," Lucius said thoughtfully. "And Flint, I think. Their families were pressured, or threatened. They seem unhappy, and I think they might prove useful."

"You had certain measures planned," Hermione continued, and Lucius nodded almost imperceptibly. "We will use those. No one but you three can know who I am. The visions are starting to come more often, and it will put me at a greater risk. It is only a matter of months now, and then I'll be done with Hogwarts. Regulus will need to keep an eye on things there, and keep cultivating those like Rabastan."

"Why are you so interested in Rabastan," Severus demanded, his face pinched slightly with concern for her. She shook her black curls at him.

"He will become a key asset," she said quietly, her eyes looking at things that they could not see. "The Horcruxes will be hidden for safekeeping. Voldemort will choose from among those he trusts, but every single Death Eater will be a pureblood. Malfoy will be given the diary, Black will be used to hide the necklace, and the LeStranges will be given the cup, and they will take their duty seriously; they will hide the cup in their Gringott's vault. Rabastan will be the only way we can acquire the cup. We must have him. Without him, we'll fail."

"Then we will have him," Lucius said mildly, his eyes on Regulus.

"As you say, domina, so shall it be done," Regulus said softly. Hermione grimaced slightly.

"Must you do that," she growled. Regulus smirked at her.

"I'm a Black," he said simply. Hermione's lips twitched slightly.

"Indeed," she murmured looking at Lucius, who rolled his eyes.

We must go soon," Severus said quietly, looking anxious. They all nodded, and the men stood up as one unit. Hermione hid a brief smile. She hugged and kissed all of them.

"All of you, be safe," she whispered as they left. They nodded.

"You too, domina," Lucius said softly, his silver eyes on her face.

"I will be," she scoffed lightly. Severus quirked a sable brow at her and she sighed.

"Please, domina," Severus whispered, touching her cheek with his knuckles. "You are far too dear to us for you to risk yourself."

"Gratias enim vestrum, mea milites. Credere quod ego secures," Hermione said with an austere grace that would not have looked out of place on Minerva McGonagall's namesake.


Lily and Hermione were sprawled on their stomachs in the library, researching spontaneous bonds, or as this particular book liked to refer to them—natural bonds. Most of what she read bothered her because none of it seemed to match her current situation. Lily was reading most of it with her brow furrowed. She was making notes for herself to refer to later. Hermione sighed. She was almost relieved to see her father in the doorway to the library. She stood up immediately and went to him. His brown eyes were solemn.

"Princess," he said quietly. She smiled up at him.

"Yes, Daddy?"

"Would you walk with me?" He asked her gallantly, holding out his elbow. She smiled and slid her hand through the crook of his arm. They walked quietly to the Grand Gallery, and they walked along companionably under the portraits of their ancestors. Hermione waited patiently as they neared the end of the gallery, where their oldest ancestors were hung. Charlus Potter stopped under a large portrait of a beautiful woman, who was watching them warily.

"This is Sapientia Peverell," Charlus said quietly. Hermione looked up at the woman in the portrait and nodded to her.

"You're wearing the pendant," Sapientia said after a moment. "So you must be the first born daughter of the house."

"I am," Hermione acknowledged.

"Do you bear the other gifts of your house," Sapientia asked her warily, watching her carefully. Hermione looked back at Sapientia, and bit her lip.

"Perhaps," Hermione said finally. Sapientia nodded.

"It's been a long time since our family has had a Seer," Sapientia noted.

"That was my understanding as well," Hermione agreed.

"The pendant was given to Mother to protect her," Sapientia informed her quietly.

"You're…you're the daughter of Gloswinda Gryffindor?" Hermione asked faintly. Sapientia nodded slowly.

"Yes. Mother was a Seer. No one knows that bit, it's a family secret. Father made the pendant himself to protect Mother during their betrothal period. He was worried she might be hurt before they could be bonded," Sapientia explained. Hermione stared at her pendant.

"What can it do?" Hermione asked curiously. Sapientia watched her for a moment, and then shrugged.

"I'm not quite sure. The pendant is only activated if its wearer is in mortal peril, and when we aren't Seers, the women in our family don't generally have issues with mortal peril. I would recommend that you never take it off," Sapientia said firmly.

"Mum told me to never take it off," Hermione remembered. Sapientia nodded. She looked toward Charlus Potter.

"Can you leave us alone for a moment, Charlus?" Sapientia asked him gently. He bowed slightly and Hermione turned to watch him retreat to the end of the Grand Gallery. Sapientia turned back to Hermione.

"You are the one who is two, yes?" Sapientia asked her urgently. Hermione's mouth dropped open.

"I—I, yes," she replied.

"Mother foresaw your coming," Sapientia explained. "Our family's power of Sight has always been tied to the family itself."

"We See things that affect our family," Hermione whispered, understanding immediately.

"You who were and you who are Hermione have been and are very important to our family," Sapientia said with a slight smile.

"That is very confusing," Hermione muttered.

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