
The Demon King strikes terror at school Festival!?


Shizuka, First year, Senior student. Greatest fear: Spiders, is currently seeing the hallway she entered was riddled with spiders to the point it was a miracle she had not yet passed out.

When the Halloween festival started she thought that the horror maze will not be so difficult to get through since it was one of the requirements to enter the Disciplinary's Cosplay Cafe, the other way was to buy a ticket which is quite expensive so many opted to go through the Maze but so far the casualty rate is 100%, none survived, all failed near the entrance.

Masaru went into the Maze seeing the girl was quite shaken but her strong will power prevented her from fainting,

"Shizuka? You okay?"

Hearing Masaru's voice all of the sudden from behind Shizuka screamed to the point Masaru took a few steps back from how loud it was before she fainted.

"What the heck!? Am I really that terrifying? Ingvild need a hand here" Masaru muttered feeling offended that this girl fainted when he only wanted to help her up.

Ingvild came out to help Masaru bring out the fainted girl and took her to the Infirmary, the nurse looked at the fainted girl then looked at Masaru with scorn, "Just what did you do to this girl?"

Masaru looked at the nurse feeling quite perplex at how the nurse was asking him when he knew he did nothing, "I did nothing, I called her from behind since she was quite shaken I could not touch her as doing such an act could lead to many implications such as sexual harassment, so I called out... And then she fainted. The end"

"Don't make it sound like some sort of story! Anyway, she appears to be fine. It was only the overwhelming fear that is the cause" The nurse looked at him nodding before checking up the girl once more.

Masaru and Ingvild left since this was not the first time they carried someone to the Infirmary when they came back there was another group of people that wanted to fight their Horror maze, their details are as follow:

Name: Rio

Class: 1st-year Senior

Fear: Yaoi

Name: Bruce

Class: 2nd Year Senior

Fear: caterpillar & crickets

Name: Yua

Class: 2nd Year Senior

Fear: Teacher Saitama

Masaru naturally did an investigation of every student to ensure his illusion domain will definitely give them their money's worth, Ingvild told them the fear threshold level as well as the price to pay which they did before Masaru allowed them to enter. When they entered it was extremely clean while hallway with doors on either side.

"Is this really scary?" Rio asked as he entered the first room alone, Bruce was sticking close to Yua as he wanted to act the bodyguard and maybe snatch a few good points in hopes to date Yua.

"It appears this place is a scam" Bruce spoke feeling disdain towards this setup, he was curious why students fainted here and he could not help but think that they may have been assaulted. However, unlike the two of them, Yua had a different impression.

Yes, unlike the two boys this girl's instincts were screaming telling her to run for her life, the strangest thing was there was nothing wrong.

The rooms were clear and clean so they kept going deeper and deeper, shortly afterwards they began to feel a strange sensation that made them feel that something was going on. Only when they look at their surroundings did they notice that the hallway distance was not shortening it was like they were not moving at all, immediately they turn around to look behind them and see the entrance they came in from was a distance away so they sigh in relief but then another thing bothered them.

They were walking for thirty minutes already, the time limit was forty yet they walked this far which is impossible for the school. It was then the three of them began to feel a bit afraid wanting to go back but when they turned the door had disappeared from where it once was, when they turned to look for each other they were gone from each other's perspectives.

They could no longer see, hear nor smell each other not even touch despite being right next to each other in the illusion domain. That was when the horror truly began.

Rio 's surroundings were warped with him cuffed on the bed surrounded by buffed men acting like women. This creeped him out to the point he went mad, it was scary even his butt hole was twitching out of anticipation or fear? Only the person himself knew.

Bruce, however, was different, his room was still clean and white but little by little he began feeling several things crawling over his skin, his entire body shiver once before he started taking off his jacket to see caterpillars and crickets crawling all over his body. Just this sight alone was enough to send the poor man's mind straight to the 8th Heaven.

Unlike them who faced their fears in horror-themed rooms, Yua was currently running around the track screaming help on the top of her lungs because behind her running after her. Was the bald-headed PE instructor that had a bored-looking face as if there is nothing interesting in the world like his emotions were cut off. Mr Saitama, the PE Instructor of Kuoh Academy was her greatest fear.

Once the time was up Masaru went inside together with Ingvild and collected the corpses--oops, fainted victims and took them to the Infirmary earning another scolding of the Nurse. It was only then Sona was called to inspect Masaru's event because there was several fainted cases and if he used real ghosts it could become troublesome, so she came out to inspect when Masaru arrived together with Ingvild.

"Masaru, I came here to inspect. I have received several complaints and reports of students fainting here" Masaru scratches his cheek when he heard what Sona said, although he already knew she would not be able to do a thing to him, he still nodded and led Sona inside the horror maze, when they were inside Sona could see only dry walls with magic circles drawn on them including the floor.

"You---" Sona felt exasperated at Masaru who did something unimaginable as this, unlike Rias who used the real thing could be considered mild compared to his over the top setup.

Masaru lifted his hand when he noticed that this little girl was going to rant at him, unlike her, he kept his word so he intends to use it to his fullest to ensure his event will not end here. "I did not use the real thing as promised... I did not use magic but instead magic formations!"

Masaru answered proudly earning him a knock on the back of his head, "Ouch!"

"You fool! That was dangerous, what if someone died from heart failure?" Sona panted heavily out of anger as she honestly could not understand just what happened in his head to make him create this.

Masaru smirked pointing at several key locations with the safety measure formations, "You think I will set up without having thought of it, I naturally prepared for it not to mention with me and Ingvild here to monitor, nothing can go wrong"

Sona who heard Masaru felt relieved, she sighed feeling frustrated that she could not vent her frustration on him any further since he did ensure the safety of the students and he did not "break" his promise to her. However, it was fated that this was a one-time event "Next year you can't do anything like this okay?"

Masaru nodded as he knew he took advantage of the loophole she left behind with Rias. But still felt it was fun recording the challenger's shameful faces so he could sell the videos to them at a price. 'Heh, I still got several more plans to make use of. Like creating hallucination potions to give the students another level of fear'

Since things were going on, as usual, Masaru allowed Ingvild to go out explore the other places while he will remain here since most challengers leftover were the perverts who wanted to go through the Demon King Trials, only those who survive the trials can truly appreciate the golden sights that could only be viewed inside the Cosplay Cafe.

Not to mention the number of people who paid to enter after hearing how people fainted, even the fainted victims paid to enter instead of retrying all. However, the true money donators were the resilient perverts who were stubborn to challenge it all for the sake of their dreams of tits.

Masaru naturally acknowledged them, their persistence truly is a miracle. However, what was in the cafe was his and his alone.


"Sona Kaichou, is it really fine to not stop them?" Tsubaki asked as she was walking together with Sona while they were inspecting each and every one of them to ensure that there is no danger physically, emotionally or Morally.

"You think you can stop them with those persistent male students? Besides the formation, he set up were advanced safety measures so it was completely safe, unlike Rias who used real yokai" Sona explained but Tsubaki felt she was being lenient to them, though in truth Sona was indeed lenient to them although she herself did not realize this fact.

"Eh!? Kaichou, you went to inspect Masaru?" Momo asked as she too was heading towards Masaru's place, she was already prepared to go experience the Demon King Trials from the rumours she heard.

"Already did" Sona answered short, she still felt frustrated how Masaru could beat her by taking the loophole in her words in regards of Rias previous prank.

"I will be going to experience it myself so I can understand why so many are fainting if he managed to pass through your inspections" Tsubaki interrupted at that point to prevent Momo from having the wrong idea, Tsubaki could not take that statement laying down since she felt that this Demon King trials should be banned.

"No, he failed but it was too popular by the guys it will not be easy to stop it but since he had safety measures it was fine to look the other way for this year" Tsubaki look sideways while Sona gently pushed up her glasses clearly not wanting to say any more.

Momo made a understanding face nodding "I see"

"Sona, you came from Masaru's place?" Another familiar girl appeared being escorted with another girl, it was Rias Gremory and her Queen Sara who came to try out Masaru's little horror game to see why people are fainting yet at hers the people are saying hers was simply too mellow and more in the enjoyment of cosplay instead of the fear factor.

"Yes, you going to try it?" Hearing Sona's question Rias nodded as she was indeed interested in what her childhood friend created, not to mention he managed to create something scarier than her horror house from last year.

"Yes, since his event was quite famous even though people were fainting but yeah I need to understand why is my competitor like him so strong" Rias muttered while gently playing with her hair, she did not want to admit her loss against Masaru.

Sona only pushes her glasses back in place while thinking that Rias will be experiencing something far scarier than Yokai if she were to enter that room.

What happened next was something even Masaru was not allowed to say, no seriously he could not. He never expected Rias Gremory to become so frightened in the room she sent a destruction ball flying in the room and if there were not several layers of barriers placed in the room for such instances.

Since he knew the other devils might want to try it and might get a shock of their lives and attack out of reflex. It was a nightmare, he had to close down the horror maze allowing people to directly enter the cosplay cafe.

Masaru however only made sure the video was perfectly recorded, it was his way of getting a large amount of money but also gain another favour Sirzech will owe him.

'The videos appear to have recorded, hohoho so this is her fear?' Masaru laughed watching the recording to make sure everything was perfect before he will send a copy to Sirzech through Grayfia later.

>\/< (Mild Flashback)

A Devil was currently scouting Lesser Malling and Greater Malling near Scotland wondering if there is anything useful to report to his superior since he was sent out to investigate these areas, it was quite old fashioned not much touched with Modern Civilization.

There is a Gazette for the newspaper agency and some old fashion shops that sold sweets and hand made clothes. It could be said the areas were quite clean, the security is quite fine as well since he did not see a single crime at all.

If he could point out something strange that will be the fact he had not detected a single witch yet, according to the information they gathered from a magician spy they got in the Magician Associations.

The witches joined the association to avoid being prosecuted for the events that took place at several locations in the world despite there being information linked to them there was, unfortunately, no concrete evidence so there were no further investigations.

But these same witches are not present here at all there was only humans, normal humans. Just where did they go? Or could their hideout be in a different dimension similar to some special places.

The other strange thing was the manner how the people acted was different, he was not certain if perhaps he could not understand how these humans socialize with one another.

However, there are a few humans he saw that was looking quite vigilant and fearful of their surroundings, out of interest he followed them for a few days but nothing came out as their everyday lives were quite normal yet they feared something which this Devil could not find so he concluded they were probably timid or perhaps have some sort of mental related issues which is quite complicated to understand.

"I hope you have some good news..." The devil who used his unique communication magic circle to contact his boss whose name he does not even know of but is very strong and dangerous in his opinion.

"There are no signs of witches at all... It is like they disappeared all of the sudden" The devil reported while keeping an eye on his surroundings to make sure no one was listening in.

What the devil did not take note of was the black cat which he neglected as a stray which was actually a manipulated pet. The strange thing was it did not emit or have any mana so the Devil did not take note of this.

"I see. Keep monitoring the surroundings since our King will be coming here for a mission and we can't fail him at all. Do you understand?"

"Yes, all for the king"

"All for the king"

The contact was cut off and the Devil went off to continue his investigations, the cat, however, did not meow but instead turned around heading back to wherever it came from.


"huh? No witches? Did the Pendragon get lazy with their monitoring?" Ulrika was reading the report she got from the assassin in a form of an admirer's love letter with a flower vase, it was one of the many kinds of reporting styles they agreed on to hand over reports to Ulrika however only for the more important ones.

Ever since she found out that Dominic received a letter from Ajuka stating he might have Masaru leave for Greater Malling during his school period, they should notify the school ahead of time. She had been preparing so that Masaru will not head without information into the lion's den.

So, without even waiting for Masaru to give her the order. She had already started sending some men that were disposable but had decent amount of information gathering skills they managed to secure in this short amount of time, to head over to the UK since the command seal is safe so she could take the risks to have them investigate the witches.

However, all of them disappeared after a few days when they made their last report. If it was once or twice she might understand, but she was perplexed how the enemies could kill her subordinates so effortless. She even sent one elite and the result was the same, she somehow hypothesis that the witches might be using a unique kind of power that could not be sensed by devils.

Ulrika rubbed her forehead wondering how she should approach this problem before Masaru heads over she wanted to at least offer enough information to him before he arrives there.

"I will have the spy in the Magician Association release a rumour within the associations to have them alarmed of this as well as see if he can get any information if they knew of this. For the Pendragon Household. I will have one of the pawns deliver the letter to one of their students after beating them up severely enough" she muttered.

Ulrika decided to have an unfortunate student to get beaten up badly to attract the attention of an Elder and also to prevent the said student from opening the letter as they would not understand the value of it.

Ulrika then read the report about the infiltration in the Bael family, this was really a difficult opponent to handle because getting higher ranked people to leave the building was getting harder the higher the level of authority they have.

But thanks to their current level of Authority the amount of information Ulrika gathered which was mostly about other families was quite shocking, especially about some families that had dealings with Grim Reapers but she knew Hades hates Fallen Angels and Devils.

The luckiest find was the location of Purgatory, with this she obtained a method for her Master to enter Heaven should they have to launch a personal assault on that place if they someday become an enemy.

"Fufu, I wonder if Master will spoil me a bit more... His kisses are intoxicating" She muttered absentmindedly with a smile.


"I'm so sorry!!!!" Rias felt like crying, it was scary.

That "THING" was scary, she never expected to see that in there to the point she blew up the room before confirming if it was real or not, Masaru, however, was silent he was not angry in fact he was happy.

He finally put an end to the Horror Maze so the people can go straight for the Cosplay Cafe now, however, the entrance price was only lowered so they still had to pay. But he even scored a treasured video that can make one Devil King go mad since he is dying to hear his sister calling him "Onii-sama" and this video naturally contained it.

How she screamed, "Onii-sama please save me!"

Masaru knew if Rias knew of that video then all hell will break loose. Not for him though he just had to keep the trace clean to ensure it does not track all the way back to him, as countermeasure he ensured that the tracks would lead her to come across a pervert in the Rias Fan club.

'Thank you for your self-sacrifice' Masaru thought in his mind as the plan he set was already laid perfectly.

"It's fine, I was already tired of carrying fainted students to the infirmary today so it's a nice change of ----"

"GYAAA!!!!" a reverberating scream could be heard coming from the Cosplay Cafe followed by a male student being thrown out along with his broken camera.

No one questioned this event as it was the seventh time it happened as well, these boys sure are persistent in getting naughty photos from Akeno and the girls so they first tazed the man in his balls before throwing him out, naturally. The camera was broken in the process as well along with the data.

"Your cafe is popular as well" Rias spoke looking at the thrown out boy with scorn, as a girl she was naturally accustomed to lecherous gazes from boys but she still hated being looked at as an object since it reminded her of Riser but Masaru who was next to her did not even pay attention to her figure.

What Rias never knew was Masaru already saw her bare breasts in a fragmented memory he managed to pull out and it was something he could not understand nor forget... This world is really THAT unreasonable after all

Masaru entered the Cosplay seeing the girls dressed up all nicely however it appears Sakura in her butler outfit was quite famous among the girls who came, Masaru was concerned about the lolicons he spotted wondering if he should call the counsellor to teach those fools the commandments of the Loli Bible. Or the FBI?

"Welcome Master" Akeno came to greet Masaru in her Fallen Angel outfit but her fallen angel wings were real ones, the sight was quite enchanting how well developed her figure has grown these past few years to the point Masaru had trouble holding himself back.

But the promise with Akeno was an honest and true one so he kept his will power strong so he gave Akeno a warm smile "Thanks for your hard work"

The boys did not say anything but their eyes said it all, Masaru went over to the kitchen to start helping Everest with cooking so she could have her last Dragon Time and relax a bit while he will man the kitchen for now.

He could even hear the people screaming out as if a rare event has started up once more, and Masaru knew he will have to spoil Everest later for enduring this kind of treatment. It could be said that the Halloween Festival was a complete success, the girls made enough pocket money to buy their own things while Masaru was thinking how he should exploit that Devil King for this golden tape.

'I already have their backing, Serafall owes me a favour... Guess I don't have anything in mind at the moment, might as well drag him into owing me a favour as well... Two Devil Kings in my pocket I should be safer from now on'

11/08/2020 - changes made

Father buys a lie detector that makes a loud beep whenever somebody lies around it. The son comes home in the afternoon. Father asks him, “So, you were at school today, right?”

Son: “Yeah.”

Detector: “Beep.“

Son: “OK, OK, I was in a cinema.”

Detector: “Beep.”

Son: “Alright, I went for a beer with my friends.”

Father: “What?! At your age, I wouldn’t touch alcohol!“

Detector: “Beep.”

Mother laughs: “Ha ha ha, well, he really is your son!”

Detector: “Beep.”

CompleteNoobcreators' thoughts
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