
Hua finding Lady Gan

Yun looked at the distance, seeing the headless cavalry retreat, which would spread the rumour of the God of Fire, Zhurong. This would make it possible that Cao Cao won't suspect him.

He then walked over toward the last of his men, Wen Xi, who was lying down feeling the rest, his strength leaving him as blood flowed out of his wounds.

"You brothers did well," says Yun to Wen Xi while going down on one knee.

"We d-drove them b-back?" asks Wen Xi not sure about it as he didn't have strength to lift his body up to look at the retreating cavalry.

"We did," says Yun placing his hand on his chest only to find Wen Xi move his remaining arm with the last bit of his strength.

"D-don't, I would rather join my brothers on this field and inform them that we succeeded rather than die on our way back to camp," says Wen Xi not wanting Yun to use his Qi to heal him since he would die anyway because of the blood he lost already.

Yun removed his hand and moved the sword he took from Cao Chun and gave it to Wen Xi before saying, "Then take this sword with you. It should serve you in the afterlife. Tell your brothers that they succeeded in their mission and that I am proud to have been able to call them my warriors and brothers in their last battle."

Wen Xi grasped the sword weakly as Yun placed it over his body while Wen Xi last breath gasped through his mouth. Yun closed his eyes before standing up to search for the other two brothers to give them at least a burial they deserved.

Once he collected their corpses, he began to dig their graves, burying them while leaving a marking that read, 'Here lay the Guardians of Jing who gave their lives to safe millions from being slaughtered.'

Yun then stood before the grave when he says, "Ythyleit help me turn back."

'Of course,' says Ythyleit in his mind as Yun began to feel pain as his body began to reshape itself on his own before he looked down on his hands again seeing normal hands with some roughness on them.

The two hills on his chest disappeared, and he gave a tone from himself, sounding as manly as he always did before asking, "Do I have to go through such pain always when I change shape?"

'It is a curse as well as a blessing to be able to shapeshift your body. It will always hurt, and if you are unlucky, you could rupture your intestines by shapeshifting. I have seen some poor fellows even split in two because they lost concentration in the middle of their transformation,' says Ythyleit remembering some accidents that happened to her followers.

"How do you know the specifics?" asks Yun when he hears Ysmrgra's voice in his head laugh out loud.

'That's because they were her followers or how you would call them 'Acolytes' since they worshipped her,' says Ysmrgra remembering how one of them once exploded in front of him because he wanted to shapeshift into a Dragon.

'At least, I had followers,' says Ythyleit angrily as the conversation seemed to turn into a discussion between the Dragons in his head.

'I never needed them. I would rather enjoy my time sleeping or eating than watch over some mortals trying to learn our talents for their own gains,' says Ysmrgra lazily back to Ythyleit as he mentally laid down again before a fight broke out between both of them.

"'ENOUGH!'" shouts Yun verbally and mentally making both of them stop as they saw a furious Yun before them.

'NOW, will we all be friends before I become crazy because I can't hear my own thoughts, or do I need to chain you both up instead of letting you roam freely?' asks Yun while calming down to take rational matters.

'We will be quiet,' say both Dragons at the same time not wanting to be robbed of their freedom again.

'Good, now back to you Ythyleit,' says Yun as he looked at Ythyleit before asking, 'You said something about changing anything I touch as well. Does that mean that I could change my weapons and armor as well?"

'Yes,' says Ythyleit when Yun remembered that his future-self didn't use the same armor or weapons he uses.

'I see where you are going. Lucius didn't use the same weapons and armor as you do,' says Ysmrgra seeing through Yun.

'Exactly, he must have changed them to fit his time and civilization to not rise suspicion and danger over him and his family,' says Yun as he was quite suspicious of why Lucius was using a different armor than him back then.

'Anyway, we should get moving since we are still on a moving battlefield,' says Ysmrgra remembering Yun that he had more time later to ask Ythyleit out about his new powers.

'You are right,' says Yun as he looks around to get some clean cloths to cover his face again only to find some bloody rags.

"They will do until I return to my camp," says Yun covering his head with them, leaving only his eyes free so he could see where he was going.

"It will take at least two days maybe more to get back to the camp," says Yun to himself as he sighs before beginning to walk in the direction his army should be in three days.

In the meantime with Hua and his cavalry, Hua was riding his horse in search of Lady Gan and her maidservants as Yun ordered of him.

He was riding the battlefield up and down, leaving no stone unturned while telling the civilians to abandon their foolish ideas before they got killed by Cao Cao and his army for supporting Liu Bei.

Hua was desperate since he heard from a messenger sent by Pang Tong that Cao Cao ordered Cao Ren to support Cao Chun and his brother Yun in cleaning up this mess to get to Liu Bei faster since Yun's army was marching too slow for his taste.

Hua left his cavalry with one of his most loyal men while taking five cavalrymen with him on his for Lady Gan while the rest fought against Liu Bei's troops since they had to play their part as Yun always says to him.

It took him a day to Lady Gan and her escort of maidservants as well as two guards who are protecting her. Hua stopped the carriage with his five men by standing in its way.

"It is over, Lady Gan," says Hua calmly as her protectors pull out their swords while Lady Gan took a peak out of the carriage since she recognized Hua's voice.

"It seems I won't be able to escape from you nor your brother, General Zhao," says Lady Gan knowing that she wouldn't be able to escape from Hua or his older brother.

"So, are you going to kill us all?" asks Lady Gan seeing that Hua wasn't with his army but only five men by his side.

"No, my brother asked me to take you and your son with me to our camp. You will be kept as safe as possible until this war is over under my brother's protection. Once the war is over my brother will hand you, your son, and your followers over to Liu Bei again," says Hua seriously as he looks at his men before giving them the order to kill the two protectors.

Lady Gan was shocked with Hua killing the protectors when she says, "Didn't you say that you are taking us all as prisoners! Why did you need to kill them?!"

"We still need to sacrifice some people to make it believable to our common enemy. He wouldn't believe that we took you without any resistance. They were just a little sacrifice for the lives of the people in the carriage, don't you think so too," says Hua coldly imitating his brother as he dismounted from his horse.

He walked toward the carriage, seeing the newborn son of Liu Bei in fresh cloths and sighs in relief before looking at Lady Gan who was a bit pale.

"We should hurry back to the army camp so my brother can take care of your health immediately. You must have lost a lot of blood while giving birth to your son in those circumstances," says Hua concerned now since he needed to get both for his brother's plan to work.

"It took quite some energy, but at least he is a healthy boy," says Lady Gan proudly of the boy she gave birth to.

Hua took the boy from the maidservants and wrapped him in more cloths before placing him around his chest since he could protect the boy more easily that way.

Lady Gan was confused with Hua's actions when she hears, "It is for his own protection. If we get attacked by Cao Ren's men while retreating to the camp I can run off easily with the boy. I will have my men then kill you as gently as possible so you don't fall into their hands."

Hua just told her the reality she was in at the moment as he mounted his horse again while making one of his men now ride the carriage. They travelled as fast as possible trying to avoid Cao Chun and Cao Ren as they retreated slowly to their camp.

They almost made it to camp when they found Cao Ren trapping a man wearing bloody rags around his head while wearing a normal black armor and no weapon in his hands.

Hua wanted to help the man since it seemed like he was protecting the fleeing civilians but right now his task was to get Lady Gan and the boy he was carrying with him back to camp.

Lady Gan could feel the tension in the air and didn't dare to take a peek outside out of fear that she would be killed if they caught her when they heard a loud noise.

This picked everyone's attention as Hua looked at the man who was covered in flames when he hears a gender neutral voice say, "You, mortal, dare to face me, the God of Fire, Zhurong! You will pay for this, as did the former man that challenged me!"

Zhurong plunged the earth around him in flames as Fire Qi was covering his clothes, not burning them when Hua realized who was fighting Cao Ren on his own.

There were only four people in his mind. The first was Lu Bu, since he was known for his Fire Qi. The second was Guan Yu, who was at the moment on a ship sailing to the East to get help from Sun Quan to help his brother. The third one would be he himself, but since he can't be in two places at the same time, the only person left was his brother, Yun, who normally doesn't use Fire Qi.

"Fuck!" shouts Hua as he looked at the carriage seeing an opening to get the carriage through Cao Ren while 'Zhurong' was distracting him and his army.

He ordered his men to rush through while Zhurong looked in his direction before looking at Cao Ren again and he got into a fighting stance looking like a Shaolin as he used only his body to fight instead of using a weapon.

Hua rushed past Cao Ren's army as he looked back only to see his brother's sky blue eyes staring at him with warmth before they turned ice-cold the next moment as he blocked the incoming blades with his forearms which created sparks as they collided with his forearms.

Hope you like it.

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