
Yuan Shao Played Them

Lu Bu and his army soon arrived at Xiapi with Liu Bei's wives. Yun welcomed them all while clearly separating Lu Bu from Zang Ba so no fight would assure between the two.

Yun was informed about what happened in Xiaopei by Guang Jia. He was cold at first until Guang Jia told him that nothing happened between Fang and Mi Shi except for Mi Shi treating Fang's injuries.

Yun was happy to hear that since he would have made his son a eunuch if he had laid his hands on a woman against her will. Yun's logic still followed the modern world instead of the logic of the past in which it was common to rape and plunder your enemy.

He didn't follow those impulses and made sure that his men didn't follow them either. He also wanted to have a chat with Lu Bu about this but he let it slip because nothing else happened going by Guang Jia's report.

They soon received messages from all the Commandery in the Xu Province and the South which entailed Guangling, Xiapi, Donglai, and Pengcheng seemed to have surrendered to Yun or better said to Cao Cao while in the North only Dongguan and Langya surrendered to Yun while Licheng was adamant to fight.

Licheng is a small Commandery which made Yun wonder why they wouldn't surrender to him compared to the bigger ones like Guangling in the south or Donghai in the middle of the Xu Province.

"Either they have nothing to lose or they have a big sponsor," says Yun to himself looking at the map or better said at the isolated Licheng when Yun smiles.

"Why are you smiling like that?" asks Pang Tong worried since that smile normally tells him that a lot of work was coming his way.

"Who is the current ruler of Qing?" asks Yun rhetorically at the people around him.

"It should be Yuan Shao at the moment," says Zhuge Liang not knowing what Yun wanted to say when he realized it.

"Yuan Shao is backing Licheng," says Zhuge Liang as Yun nods before painting on the map the territory which belongs to Yuan Shao and Cao Cao.

"We are already at war with Yuan Shao. That's why Cao Cao only sent us to take the Xu Province since his other armies needed to strengthen the borders," says Pang Tong looking at the map when Yun paints an arrow on the map.

"That is?" asks Dian Wei curious about why Yun would paint the arrow on the map.

"This is where Cao Cao will win over Yuan Shao," says Yun pointing at Guandu.

"Licheng is only a distraction to keep us here longer and to lose important men while fighting it while the real battle will take place at Guandu, Boma, and Wuchao," says Yun to his men.

"Do we ride back and ignore Licheng?" asks Lu Bu as everyone looked at Yun for an answer.

"Zang Ba will be laying siege on the Licheng Commandery while we return to help Cao Cao in winning this decisive battle against Yuan Shao. If he wins there against Yuan Shao the Northern Plain will be his," says Yun seriously before turning to Hua.

"It seems your wedding will be pushed back for a while," says Yun in a funny tone as he didn't want to miss this battle that will decide the future of the Northern Plains.

"So do we move right away or do we wait for our orders from Cao Cao?" asks Hua looking at Yun who was thinking hard about it.

"We will need to move right away or we might look like a third party trying to take advantage of the battle between Cao Cao and Yuan Shao to expand our influence.

If we move now we will be able to arrive at Puyang in New Year. The battle won't take place until the ninth month giving us at least seven months before it begins," says Yun seriously going through everything he knows when he remembers something.

"Shit!" shouts Yun startling everyone when he says, "It might begin earlier than I predicted it this time."

"What do you mean?" asks Pang Tong confused as Yun looked at Hua before looking at the map.

"When did Gongsun Zan lose against Yuan Shao?" asks Yun making everyone think hard about it.

"I think, it was around the same time we defeated Lu Bu maybe a bit earlier," says Huang Zhong confident in it which made Yun hit the table breaking it in two in anger because they were played not only by Liu Bei but also Yuan Shao who seemed to be one of the masterminds behind everything.

"You march immediately for Puyang with all the men," says Yun seriously as he was calculating the time difference Yuan Shao needed to regroup his men and recuperated after launching his attack on Cao Cao which made it around four or five months shorter than originally needed.

"He will be attacking Guandu in the third or fourth month and Cao Cao will need any man he can get since Cao Ren is in the south looking over Wan and Xiahou Dun will most likely not move from Lu since he is defending the Northeastern border from there.

Cao Cao will have around thirty maybe forty thousand men at his disposal at the moment since his army is split in four," says Yun explaining to everyone why they needed to move.

"We got all played by Yuan Shao. He made Cao Cao split his troops as he did only for him to now focus his men on one point and attack Cao Cao by taking his capital in one offensive battle instead of stretching the battle out," says Pang Tong grim after puzzling it all together.

"But can't we attack Qing? It will make him swift his attention," says Lu Bu bluntly gaining some sighs even from his own Generals.

"It would be if Qing would be the place Yuan Shao resides but Yuan Shao resides in Ji better said in the city of Ye. If we really wanted to get his attention we would need to conquer Qing in less than a month and continue falling into Ji and surround him," says Yun explaining to Lu Bu how impossible this task would be since they would run out of supplies before they even reach Ji.

"We don't really need to conquer Qing but we could take his son hostage," says Taishi Ci surprising everyone.

"What do you mean?" asks Gan Ning confused with everything that is thrown in.

"My family resides in Qing as you all know and I always am informed of everything going on in Qing. Right now Yuan Tan is the Governor of Qing. He is Yuan Shao's son and we could use that against Yuan Shao," says Taishi Ci trying to help Yun brainstorm.

"It could work," says Zhuge Liang she Yun shuts the idea down.

"It won't, Yuan Tan might be the oldest son but not the favorite son of Yuan Shao. If it was Yuan Shang who we could capture we would have a shot," says Yun showing his knowledge of the enemy while holding his head.

"Then we only have one way and it is to return to Puyang as fast as possible," says Guo Jia who was paler than last year.

"Tang Shi will lead the army while I, Lu Bu, Hua, and Dian Wei will ride before you to arrive there before the army just in case I miscalculated and the attack begins even earlier," says Yun to everyone.

They all knew what to do and left the room when Yun stopped Gan Ning and he says, "I want you to go to the naval base and get the Galleons ready to sail for battle. I wanted to keep them as long as possible a secret but I think their time has come."

Gan Ning's eyes lit up after hearing Yun say that and he gave a slight bow in excitement before leaving when Mulan says to Yun, "I want to join you in this battle."

"You will follow the army, that is an order," says Yun coldly making Mulan feel fear for the first time when Fang puts his hand on Mulan's shoulder.

"War isn't as glorious as you think, sister. Trust me, it is bloody and unforgiven," says Fang to his sister trying to appeal to her common sense since he was in a battle and he saw nothing glorious in killing the man across from him.

"But I wanted to experience it just once," says Mulan wanted to be spoiled when Yun grabs her by her shoulders making her feel his tight grip.

"I told your brother before and I will tell you the same this time. There is no glory to be gained on the battlefield. I think I spoiled you too much while growing up and allowing you to join the army but this time I will be adamant and not allow you to follow me into battle since it could be my last battle as a human being," says Yun with intense cold eyes stating into Mulan's eyes trying to convey his feeling to Mulan.

"Fine, I will stay behind," says Mulan seriously as Yun lets go of her.

"Thank you for understanding me, child. I don't want you to see your father fighting in a war. You will only come to resent me," says Yun relieved about Mulan finding reason.

He leaves them to prepare his things before going to the stables to get Thunder when Guan Yu stops him and says, "I want to ride with you. You said my brother would be fighting beside Yuan Shao. It would be the perfect place for me to join him and leave the battlefield without many eyes on him and me."

"What about your wives and his wives?" asks Yun seriously as Guan Yu looked at him seriously.

"I think that I can trust you with them until we settled down somewhere," says Guan Yu trying to believe in Yun.

"Fine by me, but don't let them wait too long or they will find another man to warm their bed," says Yun warning him that a woman doesn't wait for long when a man abandoned her.

"She will understand and follow me after my brother has settled again," says Guan Yu knowing that Yun wouldn't mistreat them.

"Fine, you can follow me but your poor horse will suffer badly from it," says Yun when he looked at his son's horse and says, "Take my son's horse. He won't need it until he reaches the battlefield and until then there are at least three months apart."

"I am hon-," says Guan Yu when Yun interrupts him.

"We don't have time for that. Get the horse and your weapon and get moving to the west gate we are leaving immediately," says Yun telling Guandu to make haste since they don't have time to talk.

He gets on top of Thunder and rides to the west gate where he finds Tang Shi when he says, "Leave at least twenty thousand men behind to defend Xiapi and Huang Xu shall lead them it will give him some practice for when he has to watch over his own city."

"What about Guo Jia? He looks like he could die any moment," says Tang Shi worried about their strategist.

"I wanted to heal him after the war for Xu was over but this situation complicated the matter. Try to keep him warm and take your time to get to Puyang. Just me and the other four can change the flow of the battle if we take the enemy by surprise," says Yun when he sees Zhang Liao join them with Lu Bu, Dian Wei, and Hua.

"Zhang Liao wants to join us," says Lu Bu as Yun accepts it since Zhang Liao was to Lu Bu what Dian Wei is for Yun.

"What are we waiting for?" asks Hua when Guan Yu arrives holding his Guandao in his hands.

"Ok, we are ready to go," says Yun as Hua looked at Guan Yu before giving him a signal telling him that his eyes are on him.

They ride out of Xiapi six men strong to help Cao Cao in his battle against Yuan Shao.

Hope you like it.

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