
Birthday Party

Adam was barely keeping up with his new life, after only a month in this new body and the amount of work was wearing him down.

It was the end of summer, meaning that he got up early, worked the entire day and slept as soon as he got back.

Things seemed to continue in this never ending cycle, until this morning when his father surprised him with some good news.

"Adam, today we're only going to be working for half the day." His father casually said as they were leaving the house, Adam happy at his first break but knew there was a reason behind it.

"Did something happen dad?"

"No, it's just that we were invited to princess Snow White's 12th birthday party. You see, it was an invitation for our entire family, meaning that you're coming with."

Adam was wondering how a lowly baron such as his dad would be invited to these prestigious events, but then shrugged it off as Loki's interference.

No way is he going to believe that the God of mischief stays true to his word to not get involved.

Harry checked his son's reaction and expected at least a little excitement. It was said that many boys his age knew of Snow White' beauty, and so many sought to meet her.

To his surprise Adam showed very little excitement; the boy was more pleased about receiving a half day than meeting the beautiful princess.

"Adam, you're at that age when you start seeing girls differently. So when you see Snow White can you promise me one thing?"

"What is it dad?"

"Promise me that you won't try to approach her- you see, although we are now nobles we will forever be known as farmers.

You might get carried away because she is so pretty, that's why you must make this promise."

"Alright, I promise that I won't go near the princess."

His father nodded and didn't continue with the subject any further, trusting that Adam understood and will keep his promise.

-8 hours later-

Adam was fidgeting in the new clothes that his father had bought for him, although expensive they were very uncomfortable.

Him and his father are currently being driven to the palace by a carriage they have rented, although they could afford to buy one his father doesn't think that he'll use it often.

"Stop loosening your collar, it makes you look sloppy."

Although he said that, Harry thought that his son looks vey handsome in his current clothes and was inwardly puffing his chest.

"But dad, it's so itchy!" Adam replied and let go of his collar, hoping that the party will pass quickly.

"Endure it! It's only for a couple of hours and you definitely have to look presentable. Who knows, you might even find your future wife at this gathering.

A lot of other lower ranked nobles are coming with their children so you must make a good impression."

"But dad... I thought that we were only farmers..."

"I know I said that but, I was thinking of signing you up for school. Your mother always wished for you to be educated and I think you should also be able to choose what you want to become."

Before Harry could continue with the topic their driver shouted to them that they've arrived at the palace, so after straightening Adam's collar one last time the two stepped out of the carriage.

The palace was a lot bigger and luxurious than how it was portrayed in the movies and the stairs of the palace were covered with a red carpet to welcome the guests.

As they were walking up the stairs Adam saw his reflection for the first time since he arrived, reflected in a knights armour(on every two steps of the stairway stood a knight clad in shiny armour). He was surprised to say the least... wasn't he just a little too good looking?

*That would be another gift of mine! You can't expect to not look like a Prince Charming in the Disney universe, am I right? Dark black hair, blue eyes, a perfectly shaped nose and the typical square jaw.

You're still young though so the handsome features aren't that clear, but still good enough to make every other girl your age look twice. No need to thank me by the way.*

Adam got used to Loki's commentary over the past month, but like every other time he chose to ignore them.

"Adam why did you pause? Are you interested in the knight's armour?"

His father spoke from two steps ahead of Adam with a reminiscent smile-every young boy wants to become a knight in shining armour don't they?

"Just a little bit dad."

"It's fine, that's perfectly normal. Like I said before in the carriage, you don't have to become a farmer.

If you're interested in becoming a knight I'll gladly help you. You see I was a knight in my youth, before I met your mother and settled down."

His dad spoke with pride while Adam looked at him with sparkling eyes.

"Though that doesn't mean you can slack off from the farm work, it just means that you'll have to work harder from now on."

That sentence made Adam lose all the sparkle in his eyes while his dad chuckled and slapped the boys' back to continue walking.

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