
The shackles of Maya

Sam took a few steps back and put on a normal stance. There was an awkward silence, but after seeing that the other party didn't intend to attack any further. 

The Old doctor finally released the Evil sword, which flew back to Sam.

then she spoke in a humble manner " I am sorry for the interruption, i will give you an explanation after treating the children "

The Old doctor was wearing white fingerless gloves on both her hands, which were giving out a white Aura. 

Sam understood that the gloves were not ordinary but some high grade weapons.

  Sam didn't know why the Old doctor would help the culprit escape but he could guess that  the situation was not so simple, so he didn't make any move.

She moved like a ghost again and arrived on the Altar. After releasing the children and  checking upon them she heaved a sigh of relief. 

Then she applied some medicine on both Ravi and Edgar, All this while she had been vigilant about the other party.

On the other hand Sam just stayed put and let the doctor do what she needed to do. After taking care of the children she turned back to Sam, with an apologetic face. Then held her hand together and did a small bow to Sam.

The Old doctor spoke  " Thank you for your kindness, I am really sorry that I interfered in your fight, but I couldn't let you kill someone from the Blood God's church... when children from our  village are involved in this matter.... you should know how the bloody church deals with anyone who is involved in a matter relating to the death of their own..."

After a small pause she spoke again " I am Hanna, a doctor from the violet flower village. I apologize again to the benefactor ... "

Even though she seemed to be apologizing, she did not let her guard down for even a second before this stranger, It appeared to Sam that she was stalling for time so that the rest of the team would also arrive.

Sam didn't understand the matter of Blood God's church and all, but he knew the doctor and she was always kind to him and to everyone in the village. Except when the matter of Jemin came.

Sam had always suspected that she was strong, But he didn't think she would be this powerful, at least in the fifth level of the True warrior realm.

Sam came out of the golem suit, there were still some serious injuries to his left side but they were healing at a fast pace.

The Old doctor was surprised to see that her benefactor was a really young man with trimmed beard and black spiky hair, his brown eyes exudes calm and stability like the solitude of the vast earth.

She thought " a True warrior at such an age, probably some genius from a big sect or family... I clearly haven't met this person before, his aura is also not something that I have sensed before, but I have this weird feeling that I have met this person somewhere..."

She asked again " Pardon me, have we met before..."


Māyā .... " when Maya manifest, it become the world for the ignorant and an illusion for the enlightened "

Maya was defined in different ways by different religions and philosophies. But the meaning has been more or less the same, Maya was the illusion of the world which a person would sense with his limited five senses.

" Just as when the dirt is removed, the real substance is made manifest; just as when the darkness of the night is dispelled, the objects that were shrouded by the darkness are clearly seen, when ignorance "Maya" is dispelled, truth is realized. "

It is said to be an illusion because, for a seeker who seeks truth. Truth is beyond what a person could comprehend with just his five senses or beyond the so-called reality that one perceives through one's five senses . So what an ordinary person perceived  through his five senses was only a partial truth or an illusion.

Some of the scriptures further define it in a different way, Maya is anything that has real, material form, human or non-human, but that does not reveal the hidden principles and implicit knowledge that creates it. Here Maya is  considered as the power of creation or the creation itself which hides the truth.

To put it in another way The first cause or the creator, created the creation, this whole creation is considered Maya. For seekers of truth and enlightenment, one should understand what is beyond the creation itself which is the creator, Here creation becomes an obstacle or an illusion which is stopping the seeker from seeing the creator or the truth.

So the seekers of enlightenment always considered the Maya as a shackle that was stopping them from realizing the truth, at the same time it was reality for the rest of the world.

The little chain that Sam wore on his right hand as an ornament and used as a weapon, was a real partial manifestation of the great Maya and it took the form of a chain or shackle. It could transform into anything similar to the great Maya that manifests into the whole reality.

The shackles of Maya that Sam wore had almost all the properties of the great Maya. which included creating illusion that appeared to be reality. 

The moment Sam fell into the river after being attacked by the young master and his gang, the shackles of Maya wound around him and completely shielded him by creating an illusion around him, later by the suggestion of the Evil sword the little chain completely transformed his real aura and how he looked before Yue yan found him.

Sam knew everything after the Evil sword explained to him after waking up, even though it felt weird  to have a different appearance, Sam knew this was the right choice. He didn't know the villagers well and neither did he know if they had any connection to the people that he had a  battle with earlier.

It was soon realized that the decision was the right one. A  few days after Sam arrived at the village a lookout notice showing his picture circulated throughout the Sky network. He was portrayed as a dangerous criminal wanted by the Alliance government. His picture was also listed in the wanted list of the hunter association.

He was able to live peacefully all these days and acquire all the knowledge about this world, without much of a hitch, was all thanks to the shackles of Maya.


Even now the decision to reveal his true appearance to the old lady doctor was due to circumstances. Of Course he had thought of revealing his true appearance to Jemin if their relationship developed further.

The shackles of Maya were imprisoning the blood cell which had been trying to free itself from the bondage all this time. So, much of its energy and focus was on the blood cell, even though Maya could still create a simple illusion it would be hard to fool someone like the Old doctor who was much stronger. 

Either way he had never thought of revealing the fact that he was Sam.....

Sam spoke " You don't need to thank me or apologize... I am Dror..... If you don't mind, I would like to ask you some things that I don't understand..."

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