
Chapter 34.

Whether we survived the fall would be questionable though. A twenty meter fall would definitely hurt. However, now that I looked at it more closely, the cliff on the other side was at an incline. By increasing the time that it takes for us to come to a complete stop, we could decrease the overall force acting on us from the fall. It's a tactic commonly used in parkour. In this case, sliding down the incline would increase the time over which we experience the force.

Crunching the numbers using standard formulas any high schooler would learn, I determined we needed to maintain a speed of 5 m/s horizontally which was equivalent to 18 km/hr. That should be easy enough to manage for the two of us. If we can run faster than that and maintain our speed in flight by decreasing the air resistance acting on us to the minimum by positioning our bodies at the ideal angle, it should be doable.

"Hey, Boss, how fast can you run?"

Instead of responding to my question out loud, she mirrored me and squatted down on the ground and wrote something in the dirt. When I read what she'd written, I discovered her true thoughts on the matter, "are you really an idiot?"

"Is there anything to eat or drink on this side of the cliff?"

She shook her head left and right then wrote, "everything on this side is dead."

"Then won't we die regardless of whether we take the risk to jump it?"

Her response was again a simple shake of her head. She threw a mysteriously smile at me as if she were amused by my assumptions.

"Without anything to sustain yourself, how do you plan to not die?"

She lifted a finger and pointed directly at me.

Doubt was plastered all over my face. I was confused and I couldn't help but seek out clarification on what she meant, "What? Do you expect me to make food magically appear for you?"

With her brows turned upwards happily, she nodded with a smile like she was congratulating me for finally saying something smart for a change.

"Where is this magical food supposed to appear from? Here? Or there? Maybe, here? Just for the record, I'm not a magician who can pull food out of my ass."

She squinted her eyes then narrowed the distance between us. Her face drew closer and stopped only a few inches away from mine. She then raised her right hand like she intended to point out where the food would come from. The closer her finger got to me the more antsy I felt.

"You can't go eating your employees, that would be quite the scandal you know."

I'm not thinking anything dirty right now. Definitely not. Okay, I might be thinking about being eaten by my boss in that sort of way. With how she's been teasing me lately it's hard for my thoughts not to wander in that direction.

With my better judgement interrupted by such stray thoughts, I didn't notice her left hand that was hidden behind her back at all until it was too late. Before I had any chance to react to it, I felt a powerful electrifying sensation I hadn't felt in quite some time. My paralyzed body fell backwards onto the ground, electrified from the strong current which wrought havoc inside my body as it spasmed violently from the unexpected shock.

I somehow remained conscious, but I couldn't move my body or say a thing. When I looked up at my boss who adeptly wielded the taser in her left hand, I naturally understood what happened. All sorts of crazy thoughts raced through my mind and I wanted to ask her what the meaning behind her actions were, but it didn't take long before I found out.

She sat down by my side with a knife in hand. She slit the tendons in my arms and legs which left me with no means of escape. My nerves were paralyzed from the earlier shock and I couldn't feel a thing. Throughout the process, she looked at me like an animal free to be slaughtered with a wide, devious, smile plastered across her face.

Why is this happening?


The real question is what does she intend to do with me right now? Could it be that I'm really about to die?

She lifted my right arm and brought my finger into her mouth. She wore a wide grin on her face as she stared deep into my horror stricken eyes. She chomped down firmly into my index and middle fingers and ripped them cleanly out of their sockets. I heard the crunch of broken bones resound from between her lips while watched powerlessly as my very own flesh, meat and muscle tissue was minced into little pieces inside that deceptively petite mouth of hers.

She's eating me? She's really fucking eating me?!

With my fight or flight instincts triggered and adrenaline rushing through my veins, the pupils in my eyes constricted as I struggled to try to forcefully flip my body over and somehow flee. My struggles were in vain; to no avail, another round of a shockingly powerful jolt from her taser robbed me of my ability to escape once again.

When I looked back at her again with a face begging for mercy, her smile became even more vicious and ecstatic like she were enjoying every moment of my suffering.

Even in my electrified state I struggled to voice out a muffled, "w-hy?"

Instead of answering me, she crawled on top of my body and bit down onto my right shoulder strongly before she pulled her head back. A large chunk of flesh was simultaneously ripped from my shoulder when she pulled back her head. It dangled grotesquely between her bloodied lips before she fully encased inside her mouth. She chewed it up well like one would when tasting fine cuisine. She fully savored every second of it like it was a rare delicacy.

She wore a look full of drunken euphoria like she was at the peak of a climax from pleasure when she looked back down at my face which was contorted in excruciating pain when the numb sensation in my body was forcefully overwritten. It felt as if the sounds of my hoarse screams of anguish that echoed out through the barren land was one of the finest pieces of music in the world from her perspective when I saw her close her eyes peacefully as she listened intently.

She repeatedly chewed up the flesh in her mouth like a prim and proper lady sampling a dish served to her by a master of the culinary arts. If I ignored the blood that trickled down her lips, I'd never be able to tell what she was really chewing on at all.

When she finished swallowing she bent over again, this time her lips pressed against my right ear like she planned to whisper sweet nothings to me. Yeah, there's really no escaping reality here, there definitely were no sweet nothings to be found coming from her crimson, blood stained lips. The next thing I heard, instead of sweet nothings was the sound of an ear, ripped clean from my head. It was definitely a sound I never imagined I'd hear in my lifetime.

I had no way to escape or resist, I could only helplessly watch on as she continued to take sometimes large, while other times small, chunks of flesh out of my body one piece at a time. This went on for quite some time, she only stopped after feasting on me for a solid ten minutes.

I thought she'd had her full, but when I saw the look on her face which suggested otherwise, I trembled internally. She walked around the wasteland picking up dried sticks and rocks, when she returned to my side she placed them in a circular pile beside me.

She looked directly into my eyes and clearly reveled to herself when she noticed the dismay in my eyes. She squatted down directly in my line of sight with her knees pointed outwards. She took out a lighter, ignited the pile of sticks, and started a fire with a malicious grin on her face.

She actually planned to cook me alive now?! Why can't she just put me out of my misery? Why must she torment me like this before I die? One of my greatest fears in life was to be tortured before death. The feeling of being powerless to control one's own death was the only thing I always wished I'd never be forced to truly understand, especially not through first hand experience like this.

She didn't look like she cared in the slightest about what was on my mind though. Instead, she calmly shuffled over from beside my head to my waist with a knife in one hand and a pointed stick in the other. Her following actions left my heart dropping to rock bottom. She unzipped my pants, pulled it down and skillfully chopped off the line to my future descendants. Then as if she were roasting marshmallows and wieners, she dangled it over the fire to cook it.

When she finished cooking it, with a jubilant smile she raised the shriveled up wiener and two roasted marshmallows to her mouth. She opened her mouth wide, placed it at the entrance to her mouth then ch-

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