
Image Destroyed

This sight triggers an emotional flashback in Noah. He recalls the time he just started elementary school. Out of the rest of the children, he was the oldest and tallest.

Among the many classmates stood a group of boys who'd never miss the chance to harass and bully Noah. That is until one hot sunny day, the boys' harassment got out of hand, and Noah was at his limit. During the break, children are allowed to play outside. This was the perfect opportunity to make any mischief since the caregivers and teachers were not as attentive. The group of mischievous boys was quick to surround Noah, who was sitting under a large tree trunk, shading underneath the tree's large leaves.

He was resting his head against the tree, suddenly the light shade darkens, alarming him to quickly open his eyes when the group of boys maliciously grin, "why are you sleeping? Don't you sleep enough during class?"

"it's not fair! The teachers don't say anything to you because you're an orphan!" they whine.

Another joins, "they feel bad for you! That's why they treat you differently than us!"

"That's right! Everyone feels sorry for you because you're an orphan! Why don't you sleep at home?"

"He doesn't have a home. He lives in a church!" the boys all laugh mockingly.

Noah wears a poker face because he's already used to their blunders. And instead merely stands, heading back to the classroom through the back.

But as he did, this enraged the boys when they run after him, tiredly trying to catch up to his long steps. When they finally reached him, the boys surrounded Noah, making it impossible to leave the circle.

Every time he tried walking out of the circle, the boys only pushed him hard enough for him to end up on the ground each time. Until finally, reaching his limit, his patience ran out, like a ticking bomb. He explodes, getting into a fight with all of the boys, but driven by fear and anger. He did not realize how easily he beat up all of the boys.

The only way he came back to his sense was until a classmate loudly gasps, shouting in a panic voice, "teacher! TEACHER!!!" she runs away frightened as if her life were in peril.

Noah looks around to see the boys collapsed on the floor, groaning in pain and others crying in fear. He couldn't believe himself, "did I do this?" he thought to himself as the pain quickly crept into his fist. But before he could get to his feet, the teacher arrives, panting in utter shock! When she notices Noah shaking his fist, her anger leveled.

When he turned in the teacher's direction, loud slap echoes, Noah didn't know how to react, but one thing was for sure, it hurt. His shocked eyes couldn't stop from trembling when the angry teacher made a fist, "look what you've done!!!"

In that instant, Noah took a glimpse behind the teacher and noticed the rest of the classmates terrified, staring at him in the distance.

He was left speechless. No matter how many times he opened his mouth, no words came out.

This incident got out of hand, but eventually, it was all left to the parents' decision. After a week of rest, the boys returned, but Noah, on the other hand, was separated and placed in a particular class.

He felt even more ostracized, but after spending a whole week in special classes, he befriended the classmates there. Nonetheless, the teachers and staff were worried about keeping him in their school. Because they were concerned, the parents might rebel and sue the school.

Noah noticed his "mother" Mi-sun frequently visiting the school with small gifts to gain favor within the staff. He despised seeing how desperate Mi-sun was for trying to keep him in school.

One afternoon, as Noah was on his way to retrieve his forgotten box of color markers, he overhears the teachers talking, "he's older than the children in his class."

"He sticks out like a sore thumb too."

"But what can we do? Parents don't want that child getting close to theirs."

One sighs, "I swear, things are never going to calm down even if he were to leave."

"Well, from what I heard, the director is thinking of kicking him out."

"Oh no! that'll go into his record!"

"No school will want him now."

"Good riddance, he is too problematic for our school!"

Their conversation continued, but Noah left before hearing the rest because it only made him sadder.

As he walked behind the school where the fight happened, he's surprised to see the group of boys from then. They all gasp, and some even tremble a bit after meeting Noah's gaze.

Noah grips the side of his pants, summoning a bit of courage to say, "what…WHAT!"

The groups of boys all turned to Noah, looking perplexed when Noah bravely shouts, "WHAT CAN I DO TO CHANGE YOUR MIND?!"

The boys stare at one another, confused, "huh?"

"I'LL DO ANYTHING! JUST…PLEASE LET ME STAY AT THIS SCHOOL!!" he looks at them with angry trembling eyes.

At that moment, Noah notices their smirks while nodding at one another. They've concluded, when one of the boys replies arrogantly, "we will tell our parents to drop the charges if!"

Noah squints his eyes at that moment, mentally preparing himself to become their slave in return.

"IF YOU GO ON YOUR KNEES AND BEG US FORGIVENESS!!!" all of the boys somehow felt superior, regaining their pride that was lost during their fight.

Noah said nothing. He quietly nodded, "If I do this, will you promise never to bother me again?"

The boy's haughty snickers only irritated Noah further when they reply with a nod, "we don't care about you anymore, just go on your knees and beg!"

Another comment, "hurry up! Or else we're leaving!"

Noah takes heavy steps while gripping onto his pants so tightly, his menacing furrow brows scare the boys to gulp their saliva, but before they can say anything, he slowly bends his knees, falling onto the ground. He winces at the pain of his knees, hitting the bare dirt. But once he looked up, he was astonished to see the boys all grinning.

His pupils only kept shaking with fear and embarrassment at the sight of them pointing and laughing at him. He stared at their amusement. He couldn't help but bite onto the corner of his lip in spite.

They shout, "Say, you're sorry!"

"I am…" Noah hesitates, feeling the urge to cry.

"Huh?! We can't hear you! Come on! Say it!!"

Noah painfully stares at them with tears running down his cheeks, "…I'm sorry! Sorry! I'm sorry! PLEASE FORGIVE ME!!!" he shouts aloud, feeling weak, small and his pride trampled on.

In Noah's eyes, the boy's illusion turned into monsters with sharp teeth, ugly looks, and sharp claws laughing hysterically at him. It only terrified Noah even more when he shut his eyes in denial. Still, as his tears streamed down his face, he kept staring at the dirt beneath him and sank his nails into the earth, feeling its soft texture against his fingertips, "this is how it feels to be at the bottom," he glares, "this is the last time…I promise!" he releases his grip.

End of Flashback.

Once Mabel went on her knees, Noah's body unknowingly dashes. Everest confusedly runs after him.

Belen turns to catch a glimpse of Noah when overhearing footsteps and crosses her heavily, panting while caressing Mabel in his embrace. Her eyes widen, stunned to see him being so gentle.

Her brows furrow immediately after Noah sneers, sizing up to her, placing Mabel behind him, shielding her.

"Wha-" she's cut off by Noah's angry, low stern tone, "I can't believe you're no different than those bullies! What do you gain from making your OWN sister! FLESH AND BLOOD GET ON HER KNEES FOR?!!!" he yells so loudly making Belen step back amazed yet with a hint of fear in her eyes.

Everest catches his breath when he jumps in between to separate the two, "stop this! Noah! Just take a step back!" he says, casually glancing behind to see Mabel getting up from the ground to pulling onto Noah's sleeve.

This was not enough to stop Noah's intense stare, interlocking with Belen's.

Her authoritative calm voice throws him off, "get out of my face, or else you won't like what I'll do next."

Everest can't stop looking back and forth at the two, impressed by Noah's bravery while at the same time shocked to hear Belen's calm, demanding tone.

"Everest, stand back." She says authoritatively.

On the contrary, he obeys, whereas Noah is standing firm while making a fist. It's like a battle of who blinks first. Mabel pulls Noah back with force. He breaks his stare from Belen.


His eyes widen in shock to see Mabel begging and crying to him, "please stop!"

Noah's anger only levels as he turns to Belen, "Is this what you want?! Power? Wealth?! Well?! Belen?! I thought you were better than this!!" he growls.

Belen can't twist her brows into a twist any longer when she snickers wearing a pleasant grin, only upsetting Noah more, gritting his teeth.

If Mabel weren't pulling him back, who knows what he would've done, but rather seeing her malicious grin only shattered a piece of the person, he thought he once knew so well.

She arrogantly calls "Mabel."

Mabel pops her head aside from Noah, pulling him back, "y-yes?"

Belen stares down at her with such cold eyes, "did I order you to go on your knees?"

"…N-No, b-but I!" she stutters nervously.

When Belen's icy tone makes her shiver, "Did I ever say to go on your knees before me?"

Noah turned to Mabel, "You d-didn't, but I thought that was the o-only way" she gets cut off by Belen's cold tone, "well, you thought wrong," she slightly turns to him, "do you hear that, Noah? Is that sufficient evidence for you to believe?"

He stays silent, with unmoving lips, when she says, "leave, I must talk to Mabel alone."

Both Noah and Everest stare at her and Mabel with uneasy expressions, "this is my business. You two have no part in this!"

At her demand, Noah and Everest disappear. Only then was Belen able to finally breathe, relaxing her tense up shoulder and neck, "Is this enough to make me look like the bad guy?"

Mabel can't even meet her eyes when hanging her head, staring at the smooth, hard cement. "It was never my" she cringes at Belen's click.

"Ugh, I'm honestly tired of this bs Mabel," their eyes meet, "look at you. I'm disappointed to see my oldest sister, the oh so loved and beautiful Mabel~" her tone shifts, "begging her little sister for money…you think going on your knees is enough to forgive you?"

"But I didn't do anything wrong!!" Mabel shouts as anger surges through her eyes.

"That's what you think, Mabel. But I guess running away really made you forget everything, huh? Sadly your consequences will only continue to ruin my life."

Mabel's brows furrow, unable to understand, wearing a confused expression as if wanting to ask for more information.

Belen merely smirks, "If I tell you what it is, then a simple sorry won't suffice. So, why don't we make a deal?"

Mabel gulps, "what kind of deal?" she asks suspiciously.

"How much are you willing to sacrifice for your daughter?"

"Anything!" Mabel replies without hesitation.

Her eyes gleam with joy, "then we have a deal!" she says, hiding her Grinch-like smirk while walking into her house, leaving Mabel perplexed at what just happened.


The following morning went by quickly, and the usual happened during the inspections, but something felt a little off from Noah.

Whenever Belen pointed out a flaw within the departments, Noah would usually curry to her word for word, but this time he didn't act this way. Instead, he'd quietly nod and continue along the way, it made Belen uncomfortable, especially when she'd comment about something and only silence would follow.

Even the employees found Noah's silence rather alarming because the atmosphere turned awkward, but Belen did not let this ruin her morning. Until she entered her office, a few minutes later, Noah finally reported in about her changes.

Though as he was reading her schedule for the day, Belen interrupts him, "that reminds me, Noah, do you still have the invitation to the GHYG?"

He quietly nods, "I do."

She bitterly smirks, "send in my rsvp. For six people."

Noah curiously cocks his head, "for six? But madam, you've hardly attended those dinners at all in the past? Why now?"

Belen sighs, "so now you decide to talk?" she says sarcastically, raising a brow.

He remembers his behavior and quickly zips his mouth, "I…uh…"

"Mm, anyways, I found some people to go with."

"But won't they want to know who those people are?" he calmly asks.

"Let's just say it's a surprise," she grins "you know how people love leaking any news about the Astares."

He nods, "Okay, is that all?"

Belen glances around her desk drawer "here," she takes out a magazine, "since you practically see her every day, I expect you to hand this to her."

Noah grabs the magazine. With a glance, he can tell it's a regular A Star catalog, but why? He asks, "you want me to give this to Mabel?"

She nods, "yes, have her pick out a suitable dress," she pauses, "because you'll be matching."

He glances at her in confusion, "what do you mean?"

Belen gives him an "are you kidding me look," making him even more perplexed. "argh!" she annoyingly rolls her neck, "You'll be going as Mabel's escort, in other words, her date."

Noah coughs, choking on his saliva as he gasped, "w-what?"

Her brows wrinkle, "hmm, not the reaction I was expecting," she thinks to herself.

But in contrast, Noah felt so flabbergasted he did not know what to do or say, to think he'd be Mabel's date to the GHYG. If he could, he wished to see the reason for her decision but quickly thought, "that means," he clenches his fist, "she's taking Everest as her date!"

Belen breaks his concentration, "you may leave now. Ooh, by the way, Noah." Her tone coldly shifts, "Don't think I've forgotten what you did last night," she pauses, "your actions are engraved," she coldly glares at him.

He gulps, not saying a word, and merely bows exiting the office.

Once he left, Belen let out a tired sigh while rubbing her forehead, "ugh…I hate this. Why did he react so strongly? I thought he'd be over the moon. Isn't that what he wants? To date, Mabel?"


It's 7 pm. Noah got off work earlier than expected, so he took the opportunity to go home, shower, and immediately left for the hospital.

As he arrived, he was escorted to the VIP floor, where Emma is kept away from the public. He peeks inside, noticing Mabel quietly sleeping beside Emma's bed. He lightens his steps when walking closer and slowly puts down a backpack.

He lightly sits at the chair next to Mabel's, but he can't help but stare at her sleeping face. "they look very similar…" Noah whispers to himself in awe.

"But," Noah unconsciously moves the strands of hair covering her eyes away, "Belen resembles her mother the most as well."

Mabel suddenly wrinkles her nose. In that instant, Noah pulls himself back, feeling embarrassed, thinking to himself, "what the heck? What was I doing? Shit!"

He overhears Mabel yawning, "mmmm?" she rubs her eyes, putting her glasses back on, "Noah is that you?" he turns around, striking an awkward smile, "mm, good evening."

She stretches her arms, "ahh, how long have you been here?"

"I just arrived. I didn't want to wake you," he says gently.

Mabel sincerely smiles at him, "thank you for coming all this way."

He nods, "so, Ummm, about yesterday," he clears his throat, not knowing if now is the right timing or place to talk about what happened yesterday.

She gets up, away from Noah to serve herself and his water, "ah, yes, well hmm," she bitterly smiles, giving him a glass of water.

Noah brings a magazine out of his backpack and hands it to her.

Mabel confusedly stares at it while flipping through, "wow, the dresses are pretty," her eyes glisten, "but why are you giving me this?"

He nervously bites his lower lip when it rises in a smile, "actually, Belen told me to give you this catalog, so you can pick out something to wear at an event."

Mabel freezes in place, "so soon…" her smile disappears, looking worried.

"Ummm, Mabel, if it's alright to ask, what did you and Belen talk about last night?"

Her shoulders slump, "anything she wants until Emma recuperates," she sighs while sadly glancing over at Emma on the hospital bed.

Noah directly asks, "but is that what you truly want? If you make an appearance, there is no telling the swarm of paparazzi that'll start following you."

"I-I know," she clenches the magazine, "but this is for the sake of Emma. I don't have enough money to pay for her expenses. I can't even begin to look for a job at the moment. I can only stand being away from Emma for so little. I'm scared," she trembles, "I must do anything I can for my little girl" tears stream down her face.

Noah understands, "even if that means giving up your life?"

Mabel meets his gaze, "Belen promised me protection. She won't allow anyone to know about Emma. That is enough for me."

He nods, "mm, that sounds good," he smiles half-heartedly.

Now that Noah connected the dots, he still has no idea what to do. Should he view Belen as the villain, or was he mistaken? Knowing the full details and figuring out Belen's motives are coming together as he sent out the rsvp.

He sighs, staring at the night sky from the hospital window, "I hope everything goes well during this dinner…"


Meanwhile, that night, after Belen got home from work. She sent Everest a message to meet her at the entrance of her house. Surprisingly as she arrived, he was actually there.

She got off the car and entered the gates walking alongside him when he cheekily smiles, welcoming her home, "so how was work?"

Belen narrowed her eyes, "what does he think he is? A housewife? Especially to be asking such obvious questions." She blankly says, "the same."

Everest comments, "well, that sounds boring," he chuckles, walking inside her house together. Immediately the lights go on, "wah!" Everest exclaims, spreading his arms as if he were giant enough to reach the ceiling.

He happily sighs, "I can never get tired of coming into your house," he says excitedly, looking at everything around him as if it were his first time.

As Belen put down her purse on the living room couch, she couldn't help but giggle seeing his child-like behavior.

"Everest!" she loudly calls, her voice slightly echoing from the living room to the center of the house. He hurriedly runs in the direction of her voice like a puppy, "yes?"

He pops his head into the living room, making Belen chuckle, "follow me," she leads him upstairs.

He gets suspicious the more they continuously pass through the hallways, "Ummm, do you know where you're going?"

She ignores his comment, trying to remember a specific room. As he's walking behind her, he realizes her petite size, slender shoulders, and her long wavy black silky-looking hair but an image of the time he saw her half nakedly in the mountains pops into his head, making him blush bright red.

He internally sighs, "shit! Stop thinking about it, Everest!" he cocks his head to the side, away from Belen.

She halts in front of a room. He curiously looks over when she opens the door, his eyes widen, letting out a gasp, "Woah!"

He cautiously steps inside, amazed to see the brimming lights but most importantly, the size of the room. If he had to guess, the room was huge, like the departments at A Star.

He felt his feet draw him to the suits, shoes, watches, and everything a man would need in life, all second to having a woman. But he immediately snapped out of his trance when glancing around the room, "wait, something doesn't seem right," he utters.

"What is it?" Belen scares him, standing beside, "hmm, as I thought." She observes the suit he's touching, "you have terrible taste in fashion," she bluntly says with a blank expression.

He's caught off-guard by her words, getting choked up, "how do you have a whole department in your house?" he asks, astonished.

She smirks, "it's my house. I can have anything I want in it as long as I wish for it."

"Wish for it?" he thoughtfully mutters underneath his breath.

At that moment, Belen is gone from his side, checking out other suits across from him, "but why did you bring me in here?" he glances around at the expensive watches displayed in a glass.

She comments, "try this!" he jumps back, making her retreat, "are you done?" she says coldly.

He turns around, leaning against the glass, startled, "what am I supposed to?"

"Try it on!" she says roughly, going on her tippy toes to match the suit to his shoulder height. When deciding, "this should be fine," she tilts her head sideways, trying to paint a mental image of Everest in the suit.

He nervously asks, "why are you picking out a suit for me? For what?"

"Hmmm," her eyes narrow, "you're going to an event with me, that's why, and you have to look" he cuts her off in surprise, "AN EVENT?!" he shouts, straightening his back, taking Belen by surprise as she falls back, but Everest quickly reacts, wrapping his arm around her slender waist to keep her from falling, "s-sorry, are you alright?" he leans forward meeting Belen's brown sparkling eyes.

She tightly grips onto the suit when pushing him away, "here" she shoves the suit to his chest, "try it on. The changing room is on your left."

He reluctantly enters the changing room, and after a few minutes, comes out wearing a navy blue suit and dark brown shoes. Belen stares at him with a smile, heightening Everest's self-esteem. When he turns to the giant mirrors in the room, "do I look okay?" he lightly fixes the suit to his liking.

Belen appears next to him with a watch. He turns when she reaches for his left arm, "what are you?" he asks in surprise. He quickly shuts his mouth when looking down at her stern, quiet expression. It seems as if she's concentrating on something, but the silence did not make him uncomfortable as other times. Instead, it felt warm.

He couldn't keep his eyes from watching her put on a watch on his left wrist, "Belen, I don't want to say this, but" he hesitates, "I don't plan on attending anything. Your efforts are futile."

Belen looks up, meeting his warry blue marbled gaze, "uuhh," he panics, turning away when she smirks, "you have to, remember what I said back at the motel?"

He peaks at her through the mirror's reflection, "I-I didn't think you were serious, anyways, I don't think I can handle being in the spotlight" he pulls away from Belen, retracting a step back.

She stares at him through the mirror, "you have the appearance of a golden retriever," she says honestly.

He offendedly turns to her, "what?! Are you calling me a dog?" his brows twist.

Belen bursts out laughing, "not at all, just like golden retrievers, you're loved. Why should you hide from anyone when you didn't do anything wrong? Golden retrievers never do anything wrong. Everyone very likes them. That is why I doubt you'll have any trouble fitting into the spotlight" she genuinely smiles.

Suddenly a faint frown appears on her face, "unlike me," she says to herself, when Everest comments, "since we're comparing ourselves to animals, you know what you remind me of?"

She bewilderedly stares at him for an answer, making him giggle, "a wolf," he says bluntly.

"A w-wolf?" she says unbelievably.

"hehe, yeah! Wolves are beautiful, no matter how much you look at them. They can be hot and loving, but they are difficult to approach. And they know when to show their fangs!" he shivers, "you're just like a wolf!"

She laughs, not knowing whether she should take it as a compliment or feel offended to be compared to a canine. Everest happily laughs along with her when he thinks to himself, "am I like a golden retriever?" he sways his brown hair to the side.

Look forward to next week's chapter!!! I can't wait to update!


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