
An Emergency Meeting

In a dimly lit study room, a man sat on the chair. His hair was clipped nearer to the head and peppered lightly with greys. But despite the grey hair, the man was built finely and his eyes were as bright as ever. His contours reminded one of fine-aged whisky that only tasted better with time. He stared at his laptop while he drank his green tea, grimacing a bit at the taste. He never did like tea but had to drink it to appease his wife. He leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes, his profile lighted by the glow of the laptop screen. He was waiting for an emergency meeting to begin.

Just then the door of the study opened and he extended his arm, without opening his eyes. Soon ,his Alicia placed her hand in his and curled into his lap resting her head against his shoulder. "Hubby! We are going to be seeing your brothers. I can just sit on the chair! We are quite old to be serving them dog food!"

"Ha! Those brats will think that we are fighting if we sit separately. They are already used to it! And we are less shameless than Neil who is at present on his 'n'th honeymoon and Ah Hai who will not leave the twins alone with Shi Ai because they are teething!" Giggling at her husband's whiny tone because he was obviously missing his brothers, Alice snuggled closer and waited for the others to appear. Soon it was Neil and Ah Hai and very much similar to their brothers, their wives were also sitting close enough to touch if not in their laps directly.

Immediately, Neil complained," Hey! Why is your camera switched off! Are you doing something you should not be doing? Do you want me to tell Ru about how naughty his parents are?"

Shaking his head, Ryu switched on the camera and asked," Go ahead and see if he doesn't wash your mouth with soap!"

Neil grinned at this and said," Hello my dear brothers! And welcome to the emergency meeting for Project Matt-Ever After! Let me state the agenda for today. The most important point is to make Matt fall... in love. It seems he has already taken a step in that direction but the lucky lady is too little. So we must move on to her mother and make them love each other so that the little princess can have the love of both. Naturally, we will not be altering the course of things just giving them a nudge in the right direction. I propose to make this a joint project because Matt happens to be the dumbest of us all and will need all the help he can get!"

Immediately interested, Alicia and Shi Ai both leaned forward asking for details as they listened intently while both the brothers simply ignored everything. This was an emergency meeting? They should have remembered that Neil Long was a crazy man! They could have been sleeping so comfortably.

However after Neil finished the entire report, the women started with a brainstorming session as to bring the people closer. After a lot of back and forth the people came to the conclusion that to bring the couple closer, they would have to get them to come to the city where they could observe the situations.

As a result, Alicia turned her puppy eyes to her husband as he would be the only one with the power to order his brother to come back. Heck, they would have pestered Matt to return a long while back but Ryu had been adamantly sheltering his brother, letting him 'heal'. As long as they got Ryu Long to their side, 'Project Matt' would be a success!

Before Ryu could answer, however, Neil let out a low whistle and lifted up stunned eyes to the screen. Opening his mouth a bit, he closed it again and then looked down at his phone's screen. Once he had made sure that he was not seeing things, he said in a choked voice," We need a change of agenda. Matt has just messaged me to prepare a prenuptial agreement..."

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