

Oh fuck but I have a hangover. Yyyy ..... (still lying, grabs his head). Everything hurts. I swear I didn't drink anything. Hehehe. It feels like I'm coming back from my friend's bachelor party, although I didn't remember anything the next day. And now I remember everything.

And I feel stronger than before, despite the current numbness. I feel much stronger than before, apparently the body has become more tame with my power. That's good, that means I'm stronger.

I stood up and began to stretch.And I summarized yesterday's events:

-First, no more walking with bare chest. Not that I don't like it. But it's time for a little change. So I'll have to study the construction of materials and a few other things. Books that I borrowed and took with me from the orphanage are here. So I will have something to do.

-The second thing is what happened yesterday. In total, everything went according to plan. Which I thought of while waiting. Hehehe.

-Although I have one but. My guilt is that I didn't think they might want to throw away the Helicopter and threaten the lives of civilians. Only for Batman to catch them, not me. Which, in total, is the way out for them. Because if Batman took them, they would only be thrown into prison. And then, anyway, the Penguin would get them out, or bribe the prison boss, or do it by forcefully blowing up the prison wall. Either way, Batman would save their lives and the worst thing that would happen to them was a short stay in prison. But it turned out that there was no escape from me. And they ended up as they deserve. Incinerated and not threatening anyone.

-But they gave me some valuable information, or rather only Clint the rest was just rubbish. They gave me locations for Penguin's right hand stay. Not what "Ignatius Ogilvy" [Author: Thanks for the help of "Promethee"] I don't know much about him. From what I read in the newspapers, it has superhuman strength, endurance. This basic set also has a few extra powers but I don't know much about it. I know that it has a combination of Poison Ivy, Poison and Bat Serum. But I don't know what their features are. But I'll find out how I meet him. That's for sure.

I know he received a task from the bosses (Penguin) to eliminate Poison Ive. Because it prevents you from building a secret facility for chemical weapons research. She destroys the equipment, kills people working there (the thugs alone, employees who did not attack her, she left alone). Which of course the Penguin didn't like and he ordered to get rid of her. In about a week and a half, I know the exact date on which they are to measure.

How can you be sure that they will not do it earlier, and this is because the right hand of Penguin has not yet completed the previous task. And it will take him another week and a half to finish it and to reach the construction site. I don't know what the mission is, but Clint was responsible for hiring people for this construction and for Ignatius Ogilvy. Although he didn't need her.

So I have about a week and a half to get to the construction site and save this green beauty. So now I can focus on other things.

From what I can see it is around noon so I have some time. At present, I want to check how the children from the orphanage are doing. I haven't seen them a bit. Maybe short, but taking into account recent events, it's better to be sure.

And I still have to sell this knives that now collect dust in the corner of my hideout. But for generations.

I stood up and spread my wings, which I had to generate again (I had no idea what to call it). When I was already in my horned form, I went to a huge hole in the wall and jumped out.

I spread my wings and started heading towards the orphanage. The distance that separated my hideout from the orphanage was a long way. However, it wasn't too long for me, and it takes about six minutes to get there, and not at full speed. And on the one where I can admire the views and enjoy the flight. And it is something, just the view of the city and the feeling of wind in your hair is something amazing.

When the orphanage appeared in my field of vision. I saw a small commotion in front of him. When I saw several cars and a bus in front of the building, the worst case scenario occurred in my head that the Penguin wanted to take them hostage and make me work on him. Although I don't know if he would associate me with them. Because I didn't mention it during the fight in the hotel.

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Few minutes later.

Fortunately, my guess proved to be wrong. From what I was able to determine. Flying around the orphanage on each side with "Invisibility mode" dragged on. "All the action triggered my communication to the media about the potential whereabouts of the" Devil of Gotham. " It gave a better result than I initially assumed.

Because, she noticed the condition of the orphanage and all the misery there. Which quickly caught the attention of wealthy people who either want to increase their popularity and image by helping people or actually want to help them. And the person who showed support to the orphanage, which I deduced from the inscription on the bus, was the company "Wayne Enterprises". It belongs to this playboy, how was it there. Hmhhh ... Oh, yes, Bruce Wayne once read a lot about him, he was I used to be my idol. Rich, handsome intellectual, he led the life I have always dreamed of. I tried to be like him, but I got bored of following idols and focused on everyday life. And now I see that at least I did not waste my childhood but rather a few years being a teenager on admiring someone who didn't deserve it. Let's not jump to conclusions that I'm not saying that Bruce is wonderful because it can only be for show. However, the fact that Anna and the children will be better, gives me warmth in my heart. So Bruce has a plus with me. But I'd better make sure I just make a round around the orphanage and see if any villain is planning anything.



Another few minutes later.

Fortunately, I didn't find anything interesting in the area. So I could boldly do something more important.

I went in through the open window in my former bedroom. And with "Invisibility Mode" turned on, I crept into the main hall, where it was the loudest. From what I saw, apart from children with bags filled with clothes and Anna, who, like children, has a bag with her.

The children are now equal and watch Anna's conversation with the tall man. Of course, this person was Bruce Wayne, although he has aged a little, he is around thirty now, although I don't know maybe more. [Author: I am not good at descriptions. So I will add pictures in the comments that will show you what I mean]. I stopped focusing on Wayna's appearance and now I paid attention to the conversation.

Anna that tears in her eyes begin to thank. Although there is little to understand, because Anna is in such a state that it is difficult for her to say anything. Anna tries to bow to Bruce to show his gratitude but he stops her by saying.

(Bruce)-You don't have to bow. I did what every person did in my place. I should rather apologize to you that I did not do anything before that you had to live in such terrible conditions. - Bruce helps Anna straighten up and then bends her head slightly. To show an apology. -Of course I will try to reward you. As I mentioned earlier, I will take you and the children to one of the Wayne Enterprises centers. Where you rest and take care of specialists there. Who will help you return to full health. And in a few months you will be back from the renovated orphanage. Now let's go the bus is waiting.

(Anna)-Thank you, I don't know how to thank you - Bruce, with a gesture of his hand, shows her and the children the way to the bus - May God bless you. God really protects us, he has already sent us a second angel. - Then she and the children left the orphanage and boarded the bus.

Bruce, who was a few steps behind them, after Anna's words became thoughtful and stopped for a split second and then followed them.

I clutched my head, because if Bruce tells the media Batman will find out. And he will want to interrogate them or keep them in a place that will not be available to me, so that as soon as I'm around Anna he will be able to track me without any problems.

However, Bruce will not give it to the media, since they are already busy with the subject of good-natured Wayne. And such a move could give them unpleasantness. But at least children will have a better life. In the future, when I master the white energy and gain the knowledge necessary to heal them, then I will visit them.

I decided to escort them to the bus. The orphanage's main door was open so leaving the orphanage was not a problem.

As the children boarded the bus, Anna was standing in front of him, looking nostalgically at the orphanage building. And when her eyes were around me. I became visible only to her. I did it for the first time but it worked for the first time.

Anna was about to shout and run to me, but I gestured that she would not.

I looked at her smiling, and a white aura glowed around me. The wings turned white like never before and radiated bright light.

After a while I had to chase Anne because she stood still for a long time. With a hand gesture of touching my forehead with my hand. Something like saluting, I told her, "Good luck and that I will watch."

She then smiling on the bus and left.

Locating her will not be a problem because if I meet someone, I can locate him. No matter where the person is located. I don't know how to finish it, but it is.

As for what I'm going to do now, I will return to the hideout and dedicate the rest of the week to obtaining information from borrowed books. I just want to yawn at the thought. But without it I won't be able to create things with Energa. Heal them properly, because what I did to Amela was provisional and inaccurate. But she doesn't threaten her life or comfort. So it's time to come back.

Thank you for the activity under the chapters. Thank you to those who share ideas and suggestions for future plot development in the comments. You help me a lot and I am grateful to you.

I look forward to your comments. Thanks so much for reading. See you next. Hi

Kriuswercreators' thoughts
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