
Smooth Operator

"Why don't you take a break tonight?" Raghu suggested softly to his wife.

He had said the words to her but they were intended for and directed at Veer. Even though Raghu hadn't really warmed up to the guy till date but still he couldn't take the sheer torture that his wife was subjecting him to, in the recent past. It was as if she held an old grudge against him and had decided to punish him for it in one go. The guy looked worse than when he had first come to them in his state of sickness!

Before Bela could respond, Shaurya stood up and said respectfully, "I will go and light up few more wicks in the courtyard for better illumination."

Raghu pursed his lips in indignation. He had tried to help the brat but apparently, he wanted to act all cool even when he was dying. So be it!

Bela waited till Raghu finished his meal and then spoke up.

"We are probably going to be facing unexpected times ahead. I know that I have always enjoyed your unequivocal support but I am going to need even more of it in the near future. Please take care of me and be a little more patient than you usually are. I…" he leaned ahead and pressed his palm on hers, stopping her from saying anything more.

It was extremely unusual for Bela to acknowledge any sign of weakness in herself and even more, to ask for support. Her doing so twice in a matter of a few days nearly spooked Raghu. He knew that she would not be willing to share her burden and hence didn't place her in the tough spot by asking her about it. He picked her plate along with his own and got up, wordlessly. He needed to work harder as well in taking care of her.

Bela leaned her back against the wall and closed her eyes. As the target day drew closer, her nerves were starting to get jittery and she was ashamed of herself. All these years, a part of her had resented the department for throwing her out just after one failed mission. But now she wondered if they had seen her deficiencies at that time, itself? She couldn't help but question Prithvi's faith in her. Was his trust in her capabilities blinded by his twenty years' old faulty memory? Was she actually worthy of handling the mission? But there was no choice anymore, was there… they had all come too far to turn their back to it.

Next morning

Both Bela and Raghu had gone for the zilla's monthly meeting being held by the elected council. Apparently, the Northern zilla chief was upset with Southern zilla winning the best zilla award this year, breaking their winning record of the past couple of years. As a result, all residents were expected to contribute creatively toward the next year's initiative. Though Bela had been reluctant to waste time in travelling and attending the meet, it was a must for all the residents. She left Shaurya with a string of instructions and work, enough to last him till that evening.

As Shaurya wrestled with an answer to a tough question which was a part of his written training, the front door was knocked at loudly. He cautiously opened the door and looked at a similar aged guy standing there.

"Uh, is the police chief at home? I am here from the Northern zilla police station," he introduced himself.

His voice was friendly but eyes were filled with curiosity and questions.

"Bela maasi* is at the zilla council. My name is Veer. I am her nephew. Please come inside," Shaurya invited him in with a smile.

The police officer relaxed visibly and replied with a smile, "No, please don't bother. I am here to just handover the letters which have accumulated for the chief during her absence. How is she doing?"

Shaurya shrugged his shoulders and said with a sheepish smile, "Ah, you know my cousin, Mrignayani, right? Well, she has got it in her head that she wants to participate in the Queen's competition and is driving all of us crazy with her antics. She called me all the way from the capital, just to help her practice. The rest you can imagine. Phew!"

The guy grinned and replied, "No wonder the chief had to abruptly apply for leave from the station. We were all wondering about it. Please wish her luck from all of us. Here are the letters. Good day!"

Shaurya's shoulders which had been stooping few seconds ago straightened up and his smile vanished as soon as the guy went out of his sight. He climbed the steps to enter the house and drop the letters at the kitchen counter. About to walk back out, his gaze fell on the first one on the pile. It was addressed to Mrignayani and if his eyes weren't tricking him, the stamp was that of the Southern zilla.

Without the slightest of hesitation, he picked up the letter and took his knife out of the kurta's pocket. He heated the knife on one of the lanterns and slowly slid it through the wax seal on the scroll.

It took him a few seconds to skim through the contents of that lengthy letter. That wimpy kid dared to profess his love once again after acting like an assh*le? The letter contained some sort of a feeble explanation for his atrocious behaviour which didn't impress Shaurya even slightly. Did the guy take her for a fool?

Shaurya vowed to himself, "If for nothing else, I have to come back successfully from this mission, just to save her from the likes of these stupid morons who surround her."

*Maasi - Mother's sister

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