
57 - Avoid his food in the future.

Aatrox was on his way to leave to prepare for the event that would take place at night. But on the way to the door, he found Annie worrying about something deeply.

"Yo, are you okay?" Aatrox asked.

Annie looked at him and was surprised. She strongly believed that he would no longer want to talk to her after training with her father. So much so that when her uncle arrived, she begged him to convince her father to take it easy with her friend. But to her surprise, when her father came with her uncle, she was able to identify some injuries in him. 

In all those 17 years she's lived, she's never seen her father hurt before. Not even a little knife cut, nothing. But today she had seen his hair a little shaggy and his forearm a little swollen, even if he had tried to hide it.

In her head, she could only assume that her uncle had done this to her father. Probably because he had been excessive with her friend and that maybe Benjamin came out of the dojo very hurt. But what surprised her was that the boy in question was perfectly fine, if she didn't know, she could have imagined that he had just gotten ready after a bath. She wasn't even able to see a small bruise on his body.

'It's not possible that he did that to my dad, right?' Annie thought internally as she got up from the couch and stared at him, looking for something abnormal. "How was the training with my father?" She asked, trying to understand what had happened.

As Aatrox promised Amelia he wouldn't say anything about cultivation to Annie, Aatrox simply replied. "It was good. Your father knows a lot about self-defense techniques, it was so useful for both of us that we decided we should schedule a second session again in the future." He answered with a carefree face.

"Really?" She looked at him with a dubious look. Her father had a security company, and he personally trained most of the security guards. She couldn't find any possible way for Benjamin to get out of that dojo unharmed, let alone cause an injury to her father.

"Uh-huh." Aatrox answered.

Annie was a little relieved, since he was treating her normally. At least she wouldn't have to worry about him getting scared of her father and never talking to her again. 

The two talked superficially about some issues until Aatrox said he had to leave to prepare for an evening commitment. Annie was curious about what that commitment would be, but he didn't say anything.

When Aatrox got home, it was just him and Alex. His father was finishing saving some files and turning off the computer, he had probably just finished working.

"Hey, son, how did it go over there?" Alex asked with excitement when he saw Aatrox coming in. He was Anthony's friend for a long time and finding out that his friend was also a cultivator aroused a lot of interest in him.

"I was right, he's a cultivator and so is his brother. I don't know if Amelia is too, but she knows they both are, and she asked me not to tell Annie." Aatrox answered.

"His brother, you mean August? And you fought?" Alex asked after reflecting for a while.

"Yes, August is also a cultivator. I couldn't figure out his strength, but I know he was stronger than Anthony, who in turn is weaker than me." Aatrox responded while looking to see if there were any breakfast toast leftover.

As Alex reflected on what he had just heard, Aatrox was dissatisfied to discover that there was no toast leftover. Being at the top of the Knight ranking, Aatrox felt hunger less than a normal person, as part of the nutrients he needed to live could be achieved through the energy he absorbed during cultivation. But he can't help but feel the urge to eat after tasting these planets food.

Looking at the stove, Aatrox thought, 'This machine is used to make food, why don't I make some for myself?'

Thinking it would be a great idea, Aatrox took the phone and looked for some simple recipe. On the internet, he found an omelet recipe. On the recipe website, it said it was something simple to cook, so he thought it would be easy to prepare.

Aatrox took two eggs and beat them by hand. After beating the eggs very well, Aatrox turned the frying pan on and put some butter on the stove to spread.

[Alex POV]

As I reflected on what Ben had told me, I realized he was no longer here. When I went to the kitchen, I saw him looking for something to eat. Lately, he's been eating a lot, it must be because of the cultivation.

When I saw that he didn't find anything to eat, I was going to tell him that today we were going to eat in a restaurant, just the two of us, since Amanda and the kids left early. But when I saw that he took the phone, I was curious.

Apparently, he was looking for a recipe to prepare. Since he showed great mastery for everything he tries to do on his own, perhaps today I will experience the best omelet in my life?

At first, I saw him preparing and confirming it internally. Even the part where he greased the frying pan was all right. But then he did something that left me with my chin down.

An omelet is one of the most practical and easy recipes to make in the world, even though making a perfect omelet is not easy, but making an edible omelet is something that anyone does, especially when accompanying a recipe.

But after Ben threw the eggs in the frying pan, I can't explain what happened in the simple process, but in less than 15 seconds, the kitchen was so smoky that it was hard to see more than two palms ahead. Quickly I went to check to see if he was okay, but by the frown on his face, I don't think that was the result he was expecting.

Even if I don't know what he did to turn the omelet into this smoke bomb, I need to leave a mental note to avoid his food in the future.


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Already 22 chapters (More than 3 weeks) ahead published and intend to be more than 28!

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