
Niklaus's Plans

It was Late at Night and Sheriff Noah Stinlinski Stood in front of a convenience store, The glass windows had been shattered, in the inside of the store was in rambles.

The cashier had been found with half of his neck missing, they suspected animal attack but with no other witnesses, they couldn't be sure.

"Here you go Sheriff, things just keep getting weirder in this town," A deputy said handing Noah a CD.

"Tell me about it," Noah said as he entered his car, inserting the CD into the computer he waited for it to load up before skipping ahead. He stopped just before 8:00 pm, resuming the video he watched as an animal charged into the store on all fours.

The store was then torn to shambles as the animal moved through the isles closing in on the Cashier. The camera Angle changed zoning in on the cashier frozen in place as this huge monster approached. Noah felt himself shiver finally getting a good look at the animal, It was huge, resembling a wolf and its eyes shined a bloody red.

It made quick work of the cashier biting into his neck before he could even react, the monster jumped through the window disappearing into the darkness, but before he disappeared Sheriff Stilinski could see it's shadow change fro that of a monster to that of a man. Closing his laptop he looked around making sure no one else had seen what he himself had just witnessed. He needed to talk to someone, someone who might have seen something like this before.

Michaelson Mansion

Elias laid in bed tossing and turning as moonlight cascaded through his window even in his sleep he could feel his hunger growing. Inside his head, a nightmare was playing out, he was surrounded by his friends laughing and having a good time when he looked at Stiles telling a silly joke. The sky turned dark and he was alone standing in front of Stiles. Blood dripped from Stiles's mouth as his eyes looked lifeless his right arm was missing Elias could hear him repeating the same thing over and over again.

"Why Elias, Why," Elias looked down at his hand seeing the missing arm of Stiles he dropped it, taking a step back. The arm looked mangled as if someone had taken bites of it, bring his other hand up to his mouth he noticed he the blood on his face. Frowning he looked back to Stiles but he wasn't alone this time next to him stood Derek, then Allison, Scott, and Lydia.

Finally, Marin appeared canine marks on her neck her heart was missing and Elias immediately noticed it appear in his hand. To the side, he could see his uncle Klaus watching it all unfold with a smirk on his face.

"Elias, Elias, Wake up Elias," Elias was pulled from his nightmare as his canines extended and his eyes shined red. Niklaus did his best to hold him down before finally releasing one of his arms biting into his own before bringing to Elias's mouth.

It took a while for Elias to finally calm down and Niklaus couldn't help but feel a bit of sympathy for his nephew. A couple of years ago his life was so peaceful, free from the pain and terror this world held.

"The full moon is tomorrow and from what I hear that hunger you feel will only grow worse, no school for you today. Rest well dear nephew, I'll bring up a batch of blood bags that way you can calm yourself while I'm away." Elias didn't reply only breathing in and out heavily sleep wasn't something he was currently interested in.

Niklaus sighed before exiting the room, preparation was needed if Elias expected to survive the future just considering the number of enemies it would be tough. But this Marcus was someone they all needed to be worried about, he was a ghost even to them who knew how long he had been hidden.

Setting a cooler full of blood bags next to Elias's bed he soon disappeared running through the woods he searched finally picking up a trail. Tracking down the Alpha would be difficult if you weren't extremely experienced. Tracking the Alpha's scent was the easy part but you would have to know that a werewolf in his werewolf form smelled completely different then he would in his human form.

The scent trail soon ended most wouldn't be able to pick up the human's scent but Niklaus immediately recognized it the smell of Alcohol, armpits, and body odor made his nose wrinkle. Following the scent, he ended up in front of Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital, walking inside he turned down a hallway eventually ending up in the long term care facility.

Compelling the nurse sitting at the desk he quickly entered the room where the scent was concentrated most.

Inside the room he found a man sitting in a wheelchair, his back facing the door he couldn't help but smile seeing his plan had worked. "Not out terrorizing the neighborhood today," Niklaus smirked walking to the other side of the room. "You have a little something on your face." Niklaus pointed looking at the unresponsive Peter hale.

"I mean you must know who I am, and that means either you reply or I'll simply kill you now." Niklaus focused his vision of Peter waiting for him to reply and just when his patience was reaching its limit he noticed Peter's pointer finger twitch.

"Going to such lengths just to remain anonymous," Niklaus frowned before grabbing a syringe, reaching for a foam cup he bit into his wrist allowing blood to fill the cup. Using the syringe he filled it up with blood before bringing it to peters should stabbing the syringe into his skin he injected him with his blood. He watched as his face visibly healed before the drug he used to stay paralyzed wore off and a frown appeared on his face."

"Now why would the great Niklaus Michaelson come to visit little old me, if you wanted me dead I would be which means you need me for something I wonder what it is?" Peter smiled evilly.

"Don't be mistaken I don't need you, I could do all this without you, but with your assistance things will be a little less troubling. You're doing all this killing, hiding and terrorizing for revenge, but you're misplacing your efforts. Sure Kate Argent pulled the trigger but she wasn't the one who ordered the death of you and your family."

Peter frowned hearing that "You're here to protect Kate Argent?"

"I could care less about Kate Argent, but I need her alive, figure out a way to make her pay without killer her meanwhile start making plans to kill the mastermind behind all of this her father Gerard."

Peter thought about a bit before nodding, "And what about your nephew and his meddling friends?"

"Hit them with all you got," Niklaus smirked.

"Don't blame me if he dies."

"If you have what it takes to kill my nephew it means he doesn't deserve the Michaelson name," Niklaus said walking away leaving Peter to his own thoughts. He was already aware of Kate's deception he found it to be interesting a human, planning to take down an original he found it laughable. If Peter understood what he was implying Kate would soon go from hunter to hunted, and when that happened he would have a guinea pig. He felt he was one step closer to breaking the curse...


If anyone's feeling generous...

MrGodlyGod01creators' thoughts
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