
Brave and Daring



THAT DAMN HAT MUST BE BROKEN!," said Draco with a shocked and an angry face

"YEAH!, DO IT AGAIN!" said Pansy with a similar shocked expression

*loud commotion*


The Hat is never wrong!,

now .. Miss. Malfoy!, Please proceed to your house table" said Prof. Dumbledore

but Anny didn't even react to him, she was still dazed and shocked.

MARCUS!, MARCUS!!, Aren't we going to do something about this!?, quickly!." said Draco urgently


"Draco, we really can't, if that old man is so bent on the rules, then the only thing we can do is inform our father and wait for him..." I said with a cold voice while looking at that old shit

"B..BUT!. AHHHH!. damn that old man!" said Draco whisperingly

"Miss Malfoy?" said prof. Mcgonagall as she poked Anny

"Ah!, So..Sorry, i..I was Ahh.."

"That's alright dear. just go and sit with the others, and try not to think much about it" said prof. Mcgonagall with soft voice as she's looking at Anny with pity

then Anny stiffly went there and sat on the edge of the table

"No way!, one of the Malfoys is now a Gryffindor!" said one fat Gryffindor boy

"stop talking nonsense Nevill!, the hat MUST made a mistake!" said Ron with an annoyed face

"B..but, Dumbledore said the hat can never be wrong!" said The fat boy named Neville

"He is right Ron, the hat is always Right.." said Hermione as she glaring at Anny with curiosity

"Well I don't care!, I will not accept her as a true gryffindor!" said Ron with his head high

"Well, we can't judge her based on her family!" said Harry

"But what about Marcus and Draco?, they are always on our necks And up to no good!" said Ron quickly

"Yeah but we don't know her yet, you never know, she might be different?, I say let's give her a chance and just see" said Harry

"I couldn't agree more" said Hermione with a happy smile

"You both are mad!" said Ron with his eyes Rolling




The night continued calmly, Anny sat quietly and a bit lifelessly at the Gryffindor table, Draco tried to talk to her, but Anny avoided him and sat far away from us, and quickly ran with rest of the Gryffindors to the house common room with haste.





Gryffindor common room ...

as Anny was walking with the rest of the students to their common room, and Listening without any focus to the Prefect, and then, she felt someone tap on her shoulder gently,


"Hi, how are you doing?, I'm hermione , Hermione Granger!"

"fine.." said Anny with a faint a voice

"listen, I just wanted to say that nobody will try to hurt or bully because you are a Malfoy, so don't you worry, you are one of us now" said Hermione with a gentle smile

"oh okay,

Excuse me" said Anny uncaringly and moved to the girls Dormitory after the prefect finished talking



"So..?, what did she say?" said Ron with a curious voice

"Nothing much, I guess she will need time to settle in" said Hermione with a sigh

"HA!, what an ungrateful brat" said Ron annoyed

"Hermione is right, she probably needs time" said Harry

"I can't believe you two!" said Ron, then left to the boys dormitory with a bit of anger,

Harry and Hermione just watched him clueless as for what making their friend that angry.





"Dear Father, by now I guess you got to know about Anny situation.

First, I ask of you to calm down and to not take any aggressive action. I have an idea, Father, and it might prove to be very useful for the family, please trust me on this!, and don't you worry, I will protect Anny at all costs.

Your dear son, Marcus




Malfoy Manor...

"Lucius!, we can't leave our daughter in that damnable house!, I want you to talk to that old mad man!, he overstepped the line this time!" said Narcissa with a seething anger

"I know dear ... but I trust Marcus, I don't think he will say that without a reason, But I will not let this go without consequences .." said Lucius with a cold voice as he looking at a normal looking book on his table.




after 3 days in the Early morning, Slytherin Common Room...

I was sitting with Loki by my side, thinking about what happened these past days,

before Anny did that hat test, I knew there was a small possibility that she might end up in Gryffindor

But Fuck, I didn't know that her luck was that bad, But on the other hand, this might be good for her, after all, even though she is clever and a bit evil sometimes *Smile lightly*, she is also Daring and Brave.



"Marcus, what's wrong with Draco this past Days?, he doesn't talk much and always avoiding you and Anny!?" said Pansy

(Father did as I said and didn't do a thing to get Anny out of school, but he did cause quite the ruckus in school, but nothing major happened)

"Draco is only upset about what happened to Anny, leave him be for the time, he will get better and grow out of this childish acts" I said

"I think so, but he is becoming more aggressive towards all the Gryffindor students, he even almost started a fight with that Harry potter, I'm afraid he will get himself in more trouble, Marcus" said Pansy worriedly

*Sigh*, "Alright, I will talk to him, so don't you worry now, but First, I need to finish somethings" I said as I left to the great hall

There, I found Anny eating her breakfast alone, we haven't talked since the ceremony, but now I figured she calmed down a bit and settled in.

"Anny.. so how are you doing in your house?" I said as I sat down in front of her

"Fine.." said Anny faintly

*Sigh* "Anny, listen to me very clearly, I'm your brother, I don't give a damn about what house you are in!, and don't you worry about Draco, he is only upset, he will grow out of it,

And always know that we have your back *Slightly Smile*

"Alright, But really, you shouldn't worry too much Marcus, I'm doing well there, even though there's some people who don't want me, but I can handle myself!" said Anny with a sweet smile.

*Wide Smile* "Good!, that's my sister!, now tell me, what position would you want to be on the Quidditch team?".





As I was wandering around the Forbidden forest in the afternoon, I saw a little blonde girl barefoot walking close to the forest, so I followed her,

She didn't do much, she was humming and jumping around, I found it strange finding her here, since she was a first year!, then she said something surprised me immensely,

"I know you are following me, come out" she said with a gentle voice and a laughing smile




"How did you know?" I said as I came out behind her

"Nice to see you again" said the girl


Oh!, you're that girl, Luna lovegood!" I said

"Yes!, But you didn't tell me your name?" said Luna with a sweet smile after me saying her name

"Well you never asked, but I am Marcus, Marcus Malfoy" I said calmly

"Malfoy?, you don't look that evil *giggle*" said Luna

*Slightly smile* "You don't know me, I might be the evilest of the them, but anyway, how did you find out I was following you?" I said curiously

"I felt your magic, it's too violent, I can hear it from far away!" said Luna with a straight face

"Feel?, how can you feel my magic?" I said fascinated by her reply

"I don't know, I was born with it I think" said Luna cluelessly

"Hmmm, alright then, be careful and don't go around the forest it's dangerous" I said as I disappeared between the shadows

"Wait, don't .. you ... Want.. to ... play..?" said Luna faintly disappointed as I left unexpectedly.



As I was walking around the Quidditch pitch, I was thinking.

(What a strange girl that's, she seems to have a similar special power as I am!, and what funny personality she has *Smile laughingly*).



"Hey Malfoy, why are you back here again?, coming to embarrass us even more?, didn't your sister did enough!" said an ugly looking kid with a group of Slytherin house team players sinisterly with a loud voice

"Flint *Smile Slightly*, I see you have the guts to get your face out in public after messing up the team and our house reputation last year!, you are truly brave and daring!, are you sure that you are not a Gryffindor at heart?" I said

*Hmph* "you say I'm a Gryffindor while your own sister is, is that not laughable?" said Flint with a laughing smile

"yeah but she is not a hypocrite, she is true to herself, what about you?, struggling year after year, I really pity you" I said

"Watch it Malfoy!, you have crossed the line!" said Flint with an angry voice

"Did i?, I'm sorry then" I said

"Yeah, you should be and don't you dare cross me again!" said flint with arrogance

"No no no, you misunderstood me *Slightly Smile*, I'm sorry because I'm going to disappoint you, you see. I'm gonna cross that line and believe me, when I do, you would wish otherwise" I said as I Left while laughing on that idiotic kid


xN2jcreators' thoughts