
Chapter 40

"Are you insane?! If you stay out somewhere overnight you should at least inform me what the hell is going on!" Leon shouted as he walked into the room with Lester beside him while Duan Cai strode himself over and sat on his chair.

Inside his mind he still felt extremely confused about his own actions he had done last night while he was out with Shea. His body had reacted on it's own accord and kissed the girl. Duan Cai was a god from another world and was over ten thousand years. In all of those years he had lived he'd never reacted towards someone like that. Emotions were completely new to Duan Cai so he could not comprehend what he had done with a logical reason. It was the first time in his very existence that he had ever kissed another being. Without the capability of having emotions in his past world he had no desire towards such actions and only saw them as trivial things that mortal beings did towards each other. It made no sense in his mind what had happened.

"I'm not in the mood right now, Leon. Please, cease your yelling for now." Duan Cai rubbed his own forehead in frustration with himself.

"Do I need to ask why your mood seems like complete shit right now?" Leon asked with a scolding tone as he watched how his boss was acting and felt it was strange.

"Leon, maybe you should calm down for now.." Lester sighed as he placed his hand on Leon's shoulder trying to get him to relax a bit. The action only caused Leon to feel goosebumps and more agitated towards Lester touching him. Leon knew that Lester was loyal to Duan Cai but he still did not care much for the man because of the way Lester was so open with his own emotions at times towards his boss.

The room was enveloped in silence on Duan Cai's side of the room while on the other side Lester and Leon were starting to bicker among themselves. It was obvious that Lester wanted to take things in calmly while Leon was burning with annoyance at the fact that his boss never listened to him. The conflict among the two of them was like a cat and dog trying to get along. It was something that normally would amuse Duan Cai but at the moment he could not get over himself for what he'd done simply because he could not understand it at all. At times he found himself wondering just how far he would fall into mortality. He wondered if his very existence was receding into that of a simple mortal and he would one day start to loose himself in other ways.

"What's wrong with me?" Duan Cai asked himself out loud while his question caused Lester and Leon to both turn and look at him with puzzled expressions that simply showed they had no idea what he was talking about.

"What's wrong?" Leon asked when he heard the question while Lester simply stood there in silence instead of repeating the same question.

"I did something last night that I simply can not understand why.. or what exactly it was.." Duan Cai's face cast a dark shadow over himself as he spoke those words out loud. The more he said it out loud the more ashamed of himself he felt. He had seen the expression on Shea's face before parting ways with her this morning and could tell that something was off with her. For a moment he wondered if she was simply upset with him and he could not understand why.

"Again, I would ask you what the hell you're talking about but unless you actually tell me shit I wont understand a damn thing your saying right now." Leon started ranting and was getting ready to light a cigarette but paused with the unlit cigarette in hand as he saw Duan Cai walking towards them both slowly.

Duan Cai paused in front of Lester as he knew the man was probably the better option towards his action when it came to a choice between the two of them for what he was about to do. There was no way he could figure out the words to express what he was trying to explain to them as he simply did not understand it himself. It the action of a mortal and he knew nothing about such things when it came to mortal actions. His eyes caught sight of both of them standing there in puzzlement at what he was planning to do by walking up to them.

His hand reached out and grasped Lester by his collar and yanked him towards himself. Their mouths connecting with each others in a soft kiss. Lester's eyes were wide open in shock as he forgot to react in that situation. He could feel himself blushing from embarrassment of Duan Cai's actions at that moment but he was too emotionally accepting of the action to bother refusing against it. They could both hear the confused and frustrated grunting of Leon at their side at what had just happened. The kiss did not last long but for Lester and Leon it felt like it lasted forever before Duan Cai shoved Lester away and turned to Leon with a puzzled look on his face. It was an expression that they both wondered why the hell Duan Cai was the one that was confused when they had no idea why he randomly kissed Lester to begin with.

"That.. I did that.. What the hell is that?" Duan Cai bluntly blurted out his words that made him feel so annoyed with himself that internally he felt like he was going to explode if he did not get answers towards it soon.

"I.. This.." Leon felt like his face was green and that he would vomit blood at hearing such a childish type of question coming from his boss that was someone capable of destroying dozens of people on his own without a problem. Lester was still frozen in shock with a dead expression on his face.

What the hell do I even say about this situation.. Leon thought to himself with a shadow over his face from the horror of the topic. If Leon realized his boss was a god over ten thousand years old that could kill thousands at the raise of his hand if he wanted and just had his first kiss he'd probably drop dead in that moment from shock.

When it came to the gods deciding on their partners in life a normal god did not even choose between genders so Duan Cai could not even comprehend that his action to kiss Lester was something shocking on another level itself for Leon. For many gods, a lot of the time, Duan Cai had even known several who had multiple partners because their existence was on a different level than a mortal who singled out one person in their eyes so his understanding of mortal affection was something that still felt like it was on the level of that of a child. His capability to hold emotions towards others was still developing inside of him since his fall to earth so at the moment he felt like a child who had no idea how to control themselves. It almost gave him the urge to laugh at himself the more he realized he was a god having a problem that mortal children dealt with as they were developing into their mortal life. It felt like a sad and vicious joke to Duan Cai in that moment.

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