
Chapter Fourteen

Every night since Kara had arrived on Earth, she had dreamed of those last horrible years of her life back in the city of Argo. She hadn't told Clark about the nightmares and how they kept her up most nights. Kara knew he wouldn't understand.

He was practically a different race than her. Clark was mostly human, while she was a remnant of a dead race. She envied the fact that he could call this place home, for not knowing what it felt like to lose everything and most of all, to not have to watch his home die... Though at times she noticed a deep-seated sadness if he ever found her watching it would be replaced with a cool smile... a practiced mask.

Kara had lost everything, the dreams she had for her future died along with her world. Now she was just supposed to move on, somehow navigate her way to calling Earth home and start a new life. She just wished someone could tell her how to do such a thing.

She had spent five years just surviving and she realized now, she hadn't really processed the death of everything she once thought she might one day have... or one day might become. It was dead now, and she hadn't even had a chance to morn its loss.

Kara spent a lot of time on the Kent Farm, much like her cousin when he was a small child. Earth's environment was the ideal home for her race and with parents like Clark described she began to understand why Kal-El had turned out so well. But when Clark introduced her to chocolate, the primitive Earth started to not seem like such a bad place. Maybe she just needed some time, she hoped.

When she met Danny for the first time, she found herself wanting to have a friend, she would have done anything to feel a semblance of normalcy. She didn't even really mind when it turned out to be dangerous. She just needed something to do.

In many ways, she felt very detached from life in this world, but at least she had a friend. During the course of the battle she had with the Dark Seider's (which held the threat of invasion/conquest), Kara realized something... many of the little things she enjoyed over the past few months had started to mean a lot to her.

The clear beautiful skies, the smell, and taste of chocolate, even the few people she had gotten to know over the small amount of time she had been on this world started to mean so much to her now. She had imprinted on to these people like a baby bird does to its mother. Yeah, Kara still didn't feel like earth was her home… But it was the only place that still held kind people and even if they were not Kryptonians.

After Kara had finished with Granny and her 'lost little lambs', Terry had begun to tie up or knock out the few people that were not already unconscious, he didn't want Intergang to have a way out after all this work.

Finishing the last few thugs there, Terry saw Kara currently lost in thought after her battle with Granny. Staring at her for a few moments, a frown couldn't help appearing on his face. Normally, he might ask her why she was still standing around in a daze. For one, it was dangerous directly dazing off after what they had gone through, but she had fought the entire battle pretty much by herself and he decided to give her a break.

Holding up his right wrist, Terry began typing in a message to get Barbara and the GCPD down here to pick up these gang members, they were technically still in Gotham city even if it was barely still considered Gotham anymore.

Suddenly a voice inside his suit caught him by surprise when it spoke, "Terry, we got a problem."

Terry's reaction seemed to kick start the still dazed blonde out of her revelry and she started using her newfound skill of 'Super hearing' to listen into Terry's conversation.

Tapping on his receiver he responded, "What is it? I'm just finishing up here."

Terry was a little relieved to hear from Diana, he was beginning to believe that he was going to be on his own the remainder of the night. He was put off when she told him there was another problem but it didn't seem too far off from normal. There have been nights where trouble didn't stop until light broke the horizon and he had to go the rest of the day on no sleep. Terry disliked these types of days the most, though he found that he learned the most on those days as well.

"Someone has abducted Bruce. We need to reconvene and go over strategy." Terry was speechless, he couldn't even imagine somebody getting the drop on the old man. Let alone, taking him away.

Eye's narrowing and jaw locking in place, Terry tried not to lose focus. He had to think this through even though Bruce is gone doesn't mean he couldn't find a trace, he just needed to get there immediately before the trail got cold, "On my way. Do you have any video data, showing the attack?"

"Yes… I have more experienced eyes going over the data now. But you are Bruce's successor and I don't want to cut you out, but you will be taking a backseat on this one." Her voice was caring but final. He knew he couldn't argue on this, though he didn't like it.

"Fine, send me your location…" Terry's voice stopped abruptly, as he saw a portal appear behind the bound Granny and the two other ladies that had had been her helpers recently. Ripping through the bindings with little effort, she grabbed Mad Harriet and Stompa and stepped into the portal that was still warping in the suspended space around her.

Acting swiftly, Terry sprinted faster than he had ever before, attempting to stop them before it was too late. With a sinister smile, Mad Harriet waved at him with one of her free hands as they stepped further into the gaping hole in empty space as she said, "Catch us if you can, batboy."

Anger blinded him as he engaged his thrusters, attempting to get to them before the portal closed. He was mere inches away when something strong forced him out of the air and down tumbling on the hard-concrete rooftop stealing his chance at catching them away.

Dizzily Terry looked up only to see the portal close and Granny's voice faintly say, "Pity."

Kara knew that if Batman went through that portal he would be on a hell-like world. Although she wasn't overly fond of the way he abruptly spoke to her, she wouldn't wish such a fate on anyone.

Terry wanted to glare at the blonde that had knocked him out of the air, he wanted to protest that she caused him to miss his chance to catch the main culprits behind this entire situation... but after a few moments also guessed that the portal remaining open as long as it had was a trap. Terry knew that he hadn't been thinking straight, he'd let his frustration about the old man's abduction blind him at that moment.

It wasn't too much of a stretch to say the blonde had likely just saved his life.

Still, Terry was too angry to acknowledge this fact. Deciding not to dwell on it for the moment, he spoke into his coms towards his battle instructor instead.

"Yes, everything is fine. Though I'll have another mission once we get the old man back." Terry said growling the last part in annoyance.

"We will have to worry about that another time, I've sent you my coordinates. See you soon." Diana's voice was clipped in frustration when she ended the call. Terry assumed it had something to do on her end but didn't have the time to care about it for the moment.

Turning back to Kara he noticed she had been listening in to his conversation, "I need to go, you should find your friend." Terry's tone had a finality in it that Kara didn't appreciate.

"What about all these people?!" The blonde demanded.

"The cops are on their way and they'll have enough evidence to put them all away... You should be going. Your presence will be a complication when they arrive." Pausing for a moment Terry considered his next words carefully, "Thank you... I acted out of anger in those last few minutes. It would have been bad, otherwise."

'Was this gratitude?' Kara couldn't honestly tell. Kara had begun to have a bad impression of the boy dressed as a bat. His face hidden under the mask seemed handsome enough but something about him frustrated her.

Pressing a button on his belt the Bat-Jet hovered above him. Terry didn't want to waste any more time speaking with the girl. She was powerful, but he didn't believe they needed each other after this fight.

"Well… See you around…" Terry started to say only to be interrupted by her next words.

"Hold on a second, I'll give Danny a call and I'll come with you. It sounds like maybe I can help." Terry had just seen her in action and he knew she was a capable fighter but she would only be helpful in this situation if she'd would don't rush in. Her actions today told him one thing about the blonde... She was reckless and though she might be helpful in some situations, he didn't believe this was one of them.

"You should call your friend. See if he is alright." Terry said Crossing his arms and he waited.

The surprise on her face made it apparent that she had forgotten all about the boy she had arrived her with. Pulling up a holographic display on her forearm and dialed a series of numbers, almost instantaneously Danny's face appeared on the display sweaty and out of breath.

"Kara! Are you okay?! God! That was insane..." Danny spoke in a rush. He appeared to have been running until he received the call, Kara decided to cut his rambling short due to the emergency she overheard from Batman's earlier conversation.

"Danny, I am fine. Do you have a way to leave this part of the city quickly?" Kara asked.

"Yeah, but... What about you, I'm not leaving until..."

"It's fine. Batman is still here and able to get me out safely, but I was worried about you..." Kara mumbled, blushing a little. She knew the words were a little too much, if it wasn't for Batman's reminder she wouldn't have even thought of the red-headed boy until much later.

"Gosh Kara, wow... Umm, I didn't know..." Not really understanding why Danny started to stutter, Kara looked over her shoulder and spotted Batman launching off into the sky towards a large hovering aircraft that resembled a large bat.

'Is he leaving me behind?!' Kara exasperatedly wondered.

"Danny, I have to go something has come up..." Not listening to Danny further she disconnected the call and flew into the sky attempting to catch up with the boy that apparently had no patience whatsoever.

"Hey, where the hell are you going?!" Kara shouted in outrage.

Scowling, Terry turned back to the blonde that was hovering behind him and spoke, Look, I know you have great skill in fighting, but this next place I'm going isn't a place you can swing a fist at. Sorry but I already need to play detective catch up." The Bat-Jet's cockpit closed displaying Kara's own reflection back at her before flames burst out from the back and it zipped away in the blink of an eye.

Kara was left behind watching the dark aircraft disappearing into the distance. Kara knew she could probably still catch up, but she was a little stunned by his abrupt actions.

After a few moments, the anger on her face was in full bloom as she angerly shouted, "Do you really think fighting is all I'm capable of?!"

Glowering at the place the infuriating boy had once been she said in a much more controlled voice, "I'll show you I can be just as much of a detective as you Bat-boy."

Flying up into the clouds, she disappeared from mortal eyes… but those weren't the only eyes that had been watching her. In a large palace in an unknown location, a brown-haired beautiful girl watched the blonde as she flew through the sky.

Her icy blue orbs tracked her progress as she whispered one word, "Interesting."

Okay, I feel like I'm making Terry kind of an asshole here. But remember he really isn't the same character in the animated series... he has the genes of Bruce and Diana so some differences in character should be expected though overall he is very similar. Nature Vs. Nurture and all that...

Lonefrogcreators' thoughts
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