
The Little Miss of the Wang family

In the Wang family manor, there was a back garden where «spirit plants» were nurtured. These spirit plants do not contain much qi and only served as decorations.

The garden was designed and created by the General's wife to relieve her boredom and would usually tend to it with Wang Yue. However, after she was called back to her clan a couple of months ago, Butler Sun and Wang Yue were left to tend with the plants.

This time around, when tending with the plants. Wang Yue was the expert who guided Butler Sun. She had been taking care of the garden with her mother since she was five that she was already a pseudo-herbologist.

(I don't know if herbologist is a thing but I think the title is appropriate.)

"Butler Sun please help me cut the red leaves of the [Goldenpetal Rose], if we don't cut them now, the red leaves will start spreading its color and the petals will become contaminated. Oh, you only need to use a sliver of your spirit qi to cut this off. Mother told me that when cutting the leaves, you must be delicate.

"Oh, the [Tigervines]has to be fed with spirit qi before bathing it with blood. The Tigervines is extremely delicate and ferocious, amongst the collection of mother, the Tigervines is a vicious one so please be careful when you care for it… I'll just pour the blood myself, I don't need spirit qi to do that anyway."

"Big sis Qiqi, please don't cut the roots of the [Gliding Lily]. It still needs a week before it matures and lightly floats up before we can cut its roots. If we do it now, I fear we will be killing the spirit plant…."

This was the only time when the little miss of the Wang family become active. Every time she comes to the garden when it is time to care for the plants was the only time she becomes talkative.

There were four people in the back garden. They were Wang Yue, Butler Sun and two maids who cultivated, therefore having spirit qi in their body. Tending to a spirit plant was complicated and there were instructions for each plant one have to memorize to care for them.

Wang Yue had memorized all 23 methods needed to care for the 23 spirit plants that can be found in the garden. She was taught by her foster mother which she was close to so she took every instruction to heart.

Not only that, she had studied spirit plants since she was five. She did self-study so her knowledge was pretty vast. Other than the spirit plants that were rarely seen, Wang Yue knows every low-tier spirit plant in the world.

The sun had risen by now. Wang Yue's tending to the spirit plants was also finished so they started cleaning up. Wang Yue was just about to help in cleaning up the items they had used but the two maids spoke up telling her that they could handle it.

Wang Yue reluctantly abided to their insistence of resting. The two maids knew how hardworking the little miss was. They know how she tends to the Young Master while he was in his 'coma' at night and noon.

Not many know why she had been pushing herself to take care of the Young Master but they thought that it was brotherly love so they found it adorable. However, adorable as it may be, she had truly been pushing herself too much.

Three days ago, the Young Master collapsed for unknown reasons. This incident caused a stir in the Wang family manor. Many were worried about the Young Master especially the little miss.

She was not that close to the current Wang Ling because the Young Master was trying to do his things alone by trying not to rely on anyone. Many thought that the Young Master was just trying to independent and didn't want to become dependent on others.

His actions were commendable when you think how a man who had just gained his mind for a month was trying so hard. 

Wang Ling's attitude made people admire him. However, during this time, Wang Yue felt lonely because she was spending less time with Wang Ling. Wang Yue was one of the people who tended to Wang Ling longer than anyone else other than Butler Sun.

She had formed some kind of bond Wang Ling, it was a bond that's comparable to how a human gets attached to their pets. Not that she considered Wang Ling as a pet, but she did get used to being with him.

Now, the most she could do was call him when it was mealtime and hold some minor conversation with him.

She didn't hate the fact that Wang Ling was getting better. She wanted to spend some time with him, it wasn't anything excessive. However, the Young Master was maturing at a fast rate.

It only took him a full month before he learned every essential thing a man needs to do to live. It was not an exaggeration if the Young Master was called a very talented individual.

He was even kind enough to worry about her and frequently asks her if she has any problems. But because of her circumstances where she distances herself from the main family's offsprings, Wang Yue could only talk to him for a little while before losing her confidence to speak.

Wang Yue at some point admired Wang Ling's attitude and seriousness. How he never do anything half-hearted was something admirable. He was hard-working, kind, serious, and even handsome. In all seriousness, Wang Ling was becoming a role model for others.

Especially to those maids.

However, this seriousness turned out to be too much and Wang Ling collapsed from pushing his body too much.

Wang Ling collapsing, in all truthfulness was his fault. But Wang Yue didn't know that and only know what Physician Mo had said: "He overworked himself too hard." This is what she knows.

Wang Yue felt that she had never really done anything for Wang Ling. Although she had taken care of him in the past, it was only because that is one of her duty and way to say her thanks to the Wang family.

This time, what she was doing was trying to become a proper younger sister for Wang Ling. She was even considering if, in the time when Wang Ling wakes up, she will start calling him big brother.

Well, that is something she will need to worry about when the time Wang Ling wakes up from his 'sleep'.

"Butler Sun, I'll be going to Young… Big Brother's room now. I will replace his covers and administer the medicine Physician Mo told us to give Young… Big Brother."

Wang Yue said her piece and left for Wang Ling's room before Butler Sun could say anything.

Butler Sun and the two maids exchanged looks with one another before sighing. They then turned their gaze back to the little miss who was walking at a slow pace as her legs were still a little short.

As she walked, she was wobbling around and she looked like she would tumble any time soon.

"The Young Miss is working too hard. I fear that she might collapse at this rate… Qiqi, go and order a guard to buy a [Green Bark Tea], I hear they are good to put someone into sleep. I fear that we need to use this kind of measure or else the little miss will continue sleeping as little as she could.

"I know she's worried about the Young Master but what she's doing is ultimately something bad for her. Sigh, I just wish she doesn't come to hate us after we make her sleep with the tea."

Butler sun sighed as he thought about Wang Yue's actions for the past few days. For three days she had been staying up late so she can give Wang Ling his medicines and take care of everything he needed.

The result of taking care of Wang Ling resulted in her lack of sleep. Although he was also worried about Wang Ling and wanted to stay by Wang Ling's side at all times. He couldn't do that because Wang Yue would be doing the same thing as him.

As they say, 'if other people can do it, so can I' Wang Yue would without a doubt do the same thing and stay up all night to care for the weak Wang Ling.

It was hard enough as it is to convince Wang Yue to rest, so having another person act as a bad role model to copy would be disastrous. Butler Sun could only keep a situation like this.

Qiqi who was ordered by Butler Sun to get someone and make him buy the tea was just about to leave when she, the little miss came dashing back towards their direction.

The little miss moved fast. She was so fast that even her little feet looked like it wasn't touching the ground. While she was running, she was screaming something on top of her lungs.

"Butler Sun!!!"

It was her usual call when something major happened. It was also her call when something happens to Wang Ling. The three who were in the back garden already knew something was wrong when they heard the little miss's cute but worried voice.

"What's the matter Young Miss?"

Butler Sun became worried almost instantly.

"It's Big Brother, h—he's not inside his room. He's not in his room!!!!!"

Her voice was stuttering a little but it was clear and concise. Black streaks formed on Butler Sun's face when he heard what Wang Yue had said. Turning around, he ordered Qiqi and the other maid to move immediately and call an order to comb out the whole manor to find the missing Wang Ling.

"Call everyone and make them comb out the entire manor to search for the Young Master. I don't know if he woke up and started wandering around the manor but either way, it is bad for him to move around the place. Quickly, make haste and call everyone."

Butler Sun's orders already came in fast. The two maids responded quickly as they were already prepared to leave the instant they heard Butler Sun open his mouth. They moved quickly so they can find the Young Master.

The two maids left and before long, the only two people left in the courtyard were Wang Yue and Butler Sun.

"I don't know what happened but don't worry Young Miss, the Young Master is only inside the manor so there won't be any danger going to befell him. Let's wait it out."

Butler Sun sounded calm when he spoke to Wang Yue. He was the adult here so he can't very well be showing any sign of anxiety or anything like that.

Even then, Wang Yue's face was still showing her emotions. Her face was warped with worry as she started thinking about her big brother's condition. Soon enough, she couldn't keep her worry at bay and decided to look for Wang Ling herself.

"Butler Sun I think I am going to search for Big Brother myself. Big Sis Qiqi should be reaching the guards by now but I think I'll look for Big Brother myself."

Wang Yue stood up only to be stopped by Butler Sun.

"Please don't move around too much Young Miss. I know you are worried but I suggest you stay here for the time being while others search for the Young Master."

Butler Sun can't have Wang Yue become any more anxiety and stress as she already was. He didn't want anyone to collapse on his watch anymore.

"Please don't stop me Butler Sun, I need to look for Big Brother. Right now he is still weak. Like me, he doesn't cultivate spirit qi so his body couldn't have regenerated too fast. Helping to look around would speed up the process of finding him…."

"Hmm? Is someone missing in the manor?" just as Wang Yue was talking about finding Wang Ling, a voice came from the side.

Wang Ling who was wearing all-white clothing stood there with a worried look on his face.

Wang Ling waited for an answer out of Butler Sun and Wang Yue but they suddenly froze when their gazes fell on him. He took note of their reactions and tried figuring out what was happening, but before he could make any conjectures he heard loud clamors coming from around the manor.

"Did something happen? Did we lose some kind of precious artifact?"

Wang Ling asked.

Butler Sun recovered his bearings and then sighed before saying.

"Don't worry about it Young Master, we already found the one we are looking for." With that said, he turned around and said, "I need to talk to the maids about the search, please stay in the garden with Young Miss, I need to take care of something real quick."

With that said, Butler Sun left like the wind he stops the search for the missing Young Master.

Wang Ling and Wang Yue were left in the garden. Wang Ling who was standing there confused finished processing the information he gathered and made the conjecture. He facepalmed himself as he realized...

[Oh, so that's what's going on.]

thanks for reading. vote if you like the story.

I'm really sorry about the updates, it's just I'm really being swamped by other work. But I'll try updating two chapters a day in the future.

Simple_Dynastycreators' thoughts
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