
Empire's Descent ( Part 1 )

Escanor did as he was told and maintained his vigilance. 

He coordinated with his colleagues as they monitored their sensors. It is natural that the Moon Base's devices could not be compared to those that were installed in Ace's small spaceship.

"Make sure that we won't miss anything…"

"Yes, sir!"

Ace's corvette-class spaceship passes through their base as they waited for any of their devices to see whether something was really tracking them…

Everyone in the command center waited for a while… This lasted for about half an hour before they decided to make a report that no one is following their boss…

"Sir Escanor… I think that it should be safe to say that it's clear… No one should be trailing them."

"Mhmm… I think so too… Alright, give the signal to Sir Wallace…"

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