

1 year till the destruction of planet Vageta, over the 6 years our mc has been training if you can call it that she has been beaten black and blue by the instructor assigned to her she also fully changed into her new LSSJ:2 base form and now her battle power is 4m(400m) meanwhile king Vageta is gathering the last few components for his rebellion plan that also includes imprisoning Scatha's parents to use for gathering information on her tho she doesn't know that as she was barred from leaving the planet and leaving the special facility she was being trained in.

"whew 1 year left till the planet explodes huh iv been training really hard i should ask for leave and visit my parents"

"teacher can i go visit my parents i haven't seen them since i went to the worrier training camp"

"no lord Vageta said you cannot leave no matter what you are to continue your training get back to work!" 'heh she doesn't know she has no parents to go back to i bet lord Vageta has already killed them trying to get the information about her from them' Scatha thought that her teachers actions and answer was fishy so she planned to sneak out when he wasn't paying attention.

'hmm teacher is acting strange why cant i leave the facility something must be wrong' she thought that because over the last year her teacher has been watching her 24/7 other than when she is bathing and changing she is kept under high guard with 6 elite class worriers outside of the facility

current time 9pm when she usually bathes but this time Scatha is going to use this gap in surveillance to sneak out and see her parents

"system is there a way i can sneak out of here without being noticed by teacher and the guards?"

[yes system can hide your ki and physical form for 20 minutes would you like to? Y/N]

"how much will it cost?"


"then yes"

*Swish* *swoosh*

[done host is now hidden 20min remaining....]

Scatha proceeded to escape the facility and headed in the direction of her home only to see it in shambles and small blood stains on the floor and what looked like a hand she started to feel an intense heat in her chest but she still had 1 other place to check and that was the palace

all-tho Scatha thought she sneaked in undetected lord Vageta was waiting for her "welcome to the palace Scatha i have been waiting for you hehehhe"

"system cancel the stealth mode"

[stealth canceled]

"were are my parents bastard!?" Scatha had a ominous feeling in her gut like something very bad was going to happen

"hehehehe worry not they are safe for now do you want to see them?" ' perfect she is a beauty and very powerful if im right this will throw her into a rage hehehehehe'

"take me to them bastard!!" lord Vageta and Scatha walked from the palace gates to the underground of the palace were scatha saw her parents all bloody they were hanging on by a thread

"here we are and there are your parents nice right a nice family reunion hahahhahaha"

"YOU BASTARD!! ILL KILL YOU!!!" Scatha flew off the rails but it wasn't enough soon guards rushed in with a device that would knock Scatha out

"hehehe sweet dreams see you in a year" the guards proceeded to knock her out

"WHA-!?" before she could finish her sentence she was enveloped in the darkness when she woke up again a year passed the year the planet would be destroyed

'ugg system when will the planet be destroyed and what happened?' a dazed and confused Scatha asked

[planet Vageta will be destroyed in 20minutes... and you were knocked out by lord Vageta's men in order to get you under control and Freeza's men are surrounding the planet Lord vageta is about to enact his rebellion plan with radditz]

'what happened to my parents?'

[your parents are with lord vageta they are going to be forced to attack freeza with lord vageta]

Scatha panicked started to fly as fast as she could to space were she saw her parents lord vageta and freeza but by the time she was about to call out to her parents they were turned into specks of dust next was the planet with a giant glowing red ball


*VROOOOOM* *BOOM* with those sounds the planet and her parents were gone

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" Scatha screamed but it was too late her parents and lord vageta along with the planet were turned to dust Scatha could feel an intense heat fill her entire body

"ooo 1 monkey remains and she is a beauty"

"YOU BBBBBBBBAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSTTTTTTTTTAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRDDDDDD! DIE!" at that moment Scatha lost all reason her yellow green hair and tail turned white, white fur covering her torso with skin in the shape of a v covering her breasts halfway while the rest was covered in fur her eyes turned black with electric blue pupils her battle power spiked through the roof surrounded by a large electric blue aura

*ding* scatha heard the notification but ignored it she was simply too angry to care

host status

Name:Scatha {Logan}



Bloodline:[100%]Legendary-Ancient(innate battle power)


Base Appearance:Legendary Super saiyan 5 {Berserker mode}


Estimated life span: 1,000 years

Body condition:Healthy

Battle power: 400million(850billion){berserk<125trillion}

Active skills:

Passive skills: moon essence, Adaptability, Superior endurance, Superior strenght, Superior agility

Transformations/modifiers: [Ancient oozaru:50x] [LSSJ:1 x160] [LSSJ:2 x800{base}] [LSSJ:3 x1600] [LSSJ: 4 x3200] [LSSJ:5 x4250{base}{normal}] [Berserk LSSJ:5 x38400]

shock waves coming from Scatha turned freeza's men into dust while freeza him self was blown very far back at that moment Scatha charged freeza with enormous power

*BANG!* "GUHH! DAMN MONKEY YOU ARE LUCKY I NEED A PET GHAHAHAHAHA NOW SEE MY FINAL FORM" at that moment freezas battle power spiked from 1billion to 150trillion he grew a disturbing body long head sharp teeth super buff body large tail with spikes

to be continued....

all future characters will have equally op stats but not as strong as her, freezas power is temporary using a skill called explosive boost (also Battle power may be changed as well as modifiers)

ShadowFlux1909creators' thoughts
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