
Chapter Three

Nathan surveyed his options, stay here and rot alone or travel into uncertainty with these strangers. Nathan chose the latter. He was indecisive not stupid.

Staying behind was basically a death sentence. They had broken the shutter in order enter the store leaving no line of defense for Nathan even if he were to stay. Although there was no guarantee that Nathan would be safe with those strangers he liked the odds better than what would most certainly befall Nathan if he were to stay. So he nodded his head in agreement and he silently followed them along as they stuffed bin bags full of whatever salvagable goods were left in the store, trying to deplete his presence as much as possible.

As soon as they exited the store there was a thick atmosphere that arose between them . Nathan at first was unsure if he was the cause but after becoming more aware of his depressing surroundings recognised that, that was most likely the cause.

Nathan hadn't the courage to even look outside since the first night so he took this opportunity to take in everything, and there was a lot. Whatever had happened out here Nathan was glad he hadn't been part of it. There was blood everywhere, to the walls on buildings and to puddles of it on the ground. There was the a huge collision of vehicles which lead behind a giant wreckage with some cars turned over and flattening a few bodies splattered beyond human recognition underneath. Even animals weren't spared with the occasional corpses of cats, dogs and birds in the streets. Despite the carnage on the streets Nathan was yet to see that many human bodies despite the scenery suggesting so.

It was then when he lowered his guard did the sight of it a tiny body sprawled up lifeless against the concrete slap his ignorance in the face. Nathan hadn't noticed that all the others almost in an unspoken rule of had turned to look away from the corpse of the child but Nathan couldn't look away something about the helplessness and desperation he could see frozen onto the child's face resonated with him. At first it was only a few streams of tears which hid in the corners of his eyes, then those few streams turned into a river as his silent weeping into a audible cry. The others froze up and just started at him.

They let him sob as he pleased for a short while sharing equally uncomfortable gazes unsure at what to do before Shawn crept beside him and softly said "we need to go now". His hands were unavailable but his ever expressive eyes were filled with apathy which woke up Nathan from whatever emotional trance he was in, embarrassed after letting himself go like that.

As soon as Nathan regained his composure the others wasted no time and began running to their destination much to the dismay of our out of shape, sleep deprived and mentally shaken up Nathan. Just when he began to think they were about to leave him behind due to him being unable to match their pace the leader guy and Shawn slowed down to meet him as the other members traveled up ahead. The leader stared him down as if indeed he was questioning weither or not to leave him behind before gesturing for him to climb on his back. Nathan was in no position to refuse with his legs ready to give up under any minute now he swallowed what was left of his already damaged pride before jumping up and tangling off his toned and uncomfortable back.

When they finally arrived at their location the sun was already nearly completely set in the sky. They had reached the outskirts of the their town and where it was mostly barren except for the surrounding fields of overgrown grass. The lack of any other buildings comforted Nathan less buildings less chances of zombies being around. he thought.

They stopped in front of a warehouse/company with the name Orion Communications plastered against the front of the building with tacky lettering. The name instantly rang a bell. Even a NEET like Nathan who rarely exited his den had heard of the rumours surrounding the communications company that sprung up out of no where at the edge of their small town. They were there for barely two months before the shareholders packed up and left town about 6 months ago. There was a lot of speculation around their abrupt exit but it was almost unanimously agreed among the residents that they because of ongoing investigation of their unsavoury business practices, although as to what the "unsavory business practices" where that was still up to debate.

From the outside you could see the building was still in generally good shape with the high barbed fence still well maintained.A few shouts and rattles of the gate later a large group of about 20 or so came out to us. There was a large variety of people from the young to the old and injured. At first it may have appeared as a warm welcome if it wasn't for the gruff voice that spoke out "well where's the food!!" which was then followed by a woman throwing herself at our group screeching "My poor Baby!!@!!! he hasn't eaten anything for the past few days" with her grabbing and pulling what looked like an 11 to 13 year old boy. The leader guy opened his mouth as to try and diffuse the situation before being interrupted by an old woman "shut up, witch" she said "we're all hungry". Her words were met with an unanimous murmer from the growd.

"There's enough food for everyone" the leader spoke out when the group had finally settled. "let's go back inside and we'll equally distribute it between everyone" the lady that was part of our group said. It seemed like everything was okay with this arrangement in the growd until someone else spoke out "what do you mean equally distributed". The man who said it stepped out of the crowd, he looked easily in his late 30's with faded platinum dyed hair and ears decorated with a litter of piercings, he also had a scantily dressed woman around his arm with similar dyed hair and piercings on her also. Nathan was mid analysis before he spoke again "dont forget the reason you ingrates are only allowed to stay here is because of my generosity and my generosity only, huh Norris" he spat, literally at the big guy. I think I saw the girl beside me visibly roll her eyes before saying in a mockingly sweet voice "Of course Stefan what would we do without you" before throwing him one of the eight bags of supplies they got from the shop. Pleased he stomped away before they evenly started splitting the supplies between the people.

After they were finished distributing the food all that was a half bag between the five them, that is if Nathan was even included. Ever since they had entered this place the others barely acknowledged his existence, except for Shawn who sent a few smiling glances in Nathan's direction.

Nathan's group split up from the main and began climbing up some stairs. Nathan was unsure if he should follow them before Shawn intertwined fingers with him and began leading him along.

They arrived at the 5th floor the highest floor on the building and walked into what once might've been an office but has now been turned into a makeshift room. There were a few sleeping bags and blankets littered on the floor and in the centre of the room there was burning pile of paper and wood with scorch markes on the lush looking red carpet. Best of all someone had drawn pictures of animals and flora and just whatever all over the walls of the rooms adding to the homely atmosphere. Shawn noticing Nathan's awe leaned over and whispered in his ear " just the perks of being in the surveying team " before leaning back and acting nonchalant like that exchange never even happened.

Before Nathan could retort and get in the thousands of questions that were eating away at his mind he was interrupted by a loud exhale coming from the only girl in the group. " Finally I feel like I can fucking breath again" she said before plopping herself down in front of the dim fire and covering herself with one of the snug looking blankets in the room while the others in the room followed her example and began plotting themselves around the fire one by one until Nathan was the only one left standing and he position himself in a spot between Shawn and the girl.

Nathan caught that the girl was staring at him and when his eyes went to meet her she returned a smile."I dont think we've formally introduced ourselves yet" she said "I'm Cheyenne but you can call me Chey, to left of me is big man Norris" she said as she slapped him across the back. It made an audible slapping noise but he barely reacted as he nodded in Nathan's direction. "and to his left is Gideon my younger brother". Despite his name being called Gideon continued to look absent mindly into the air whilst biting his nails." Dont mind him, he's a bit of a day dreamer, he's also the one who drew on these walls" Chey exclaimed proudly. Next she introduced Shawn as simply "Shawn" before adding "but you already know that don't you" before her and Shawn began exchanging giggles like school girls talking about their playground crush.

"We'll now that we've got our pleasantries out of the way it's about time we properly celebrate the arrival of our new member....." she said before trailing off, having forgotten to ask Nathan his name. "Nathan" he said his voice sounding foreign in his own mouth not having talked for a couple of months causing his voice to crack a little as he spoke. "Nathan" Chey repeated her clear crisp voice contrasting Nathan low and deep mumble. She then pulled out a six-pack she was hiding in her oversized hoodie and threw one into Nathan's arm, then did the same to the rest of the group. The simultaneous sound of air pressure being released filling the room "To Nathan" she said.

I found it particularly hard to start and finish this chapter for some particular reason

Also I've been having issues with finding away to upload the story's cover on webnovel for a bit now. If any is experienced with uploading book covers on webnovel please please feel free to contact me on discord as Rainier#7797, I'd really really appreciate it.

Rainier_Mondaycreators' thoughts
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