

Saturday morning, the girls began to arise with Tiffany excitedly pulling the emerald bed curtains around Rowan's bed wide open. "Good m-," Tiffany sang only to abruptly halt.

Nothing can be seen sticking out from under the cover except for the top of Rowan's head and her hand. In a threatening manner, Rowan's wand is directly pointed at Tiffany's strawberry blonde hair. Tiffany tactfully, very cautiously shuts the bed curtains again around Rowan's bed.

"Come now, it can't be that bad," Sylvia huffed rolling her bluish-gray eyes in disbelief and exasperation. "Move over," she muttered moving rapidly towards the closed bed curtains of Rowan's bed.

Tiffany hurriedly dove for cover and joined Bethanie on her bed, who was leisurely combing her long, silky auburn hair. Bethanie arched her brow delicately at her friend's actions. "Don't you think you are overreacting, Tiffany?" She gently murmured to her friend.

Tiffany frantically shook her strawberry blonde bobbed hair. "Sylvia is going to regret it," she eerily whispered before safely retreating to hide under the bed covers.

Bethanie sighs and puts down her brush when Sylvia shrieks in panic and ducks frantically for cover as a hissing hex flew out from Rowan's bed. The stinging hex singes the carpeted floor causing Bethanie to stare. From beneath the covers, Tiffany's muffled voice can be heard saying, "I told you so."

Bethanie sighs and rises from her bed pulling on a bed robe. "Come now, Rowan, there is no need for such theatrics-," when another stinging hex flies just past Bethanie's cheek crashing into the wall behind her.

"I think she meant it," Tiffany safely mumbled from the confines of her hiding spot under the bed covers.

"Right," Bethanie cleared her throat and reached for her wand. With a quick spell, she closed Rowan's curtains and helped Sylvia to her feet.

"What was that?!" Sylvia hissed quietly in bewilderment.

"I am not sure," Bethanie softly answered with a furrow on her lovely visage. "It is most unusual for Rowan to act in such a manner." She paused, "I suppose it could be that TIME if you know what I mean."

"Nope, Rowan cycled last week," Tiffany swiftly replied cautiously creeping out from the safety of the bed covers. "I know because I saw her secretly eat an entire cake by herself."

"Oh dear," Bethanie gasped in surprise and shock at the revelation. "That is indeed most unusual."

Sylvia snorts, before guilt creeps into her bluish-gray eyes. "I suppose her Prefect duties are finally starting to get to her with O.W.L.'s, this year and N.E.W.T.'s, this year."

In an unspoken agreement, the three girls tried to be quiet as they dressed. They hurriedly departed towards the Great Hall, where Severus and Terry happily helped themselves to a second plate of food having polished their first plate. Severus glances up at their approach, but he begins his frown. His onyx-colored eyes fill with worry at the missing appearance of his twin sister.

"Where is Rowan?" Severus pointedly asked.

The three young women all share glances before sitting down to join them. "Well, I am waiting," Severus coldly said.

"Calm your horses, Severus," Sylvia snapped back. "Rowan was still in bed last we checked."

"That's odd," Terry replied with a mouthful of food. "She's usually the first one up."

"Er, she's having a bad morning," Bethanie delicately put it.

"A bad morning?" Severus furrowed his brow. "What do you mean by-?" His words abruptly died in his mouth.

Severus's face stiffens as Terry innocently glances up and happens to meet icy black holes of death. Terry's eyes glue themselves to his plate and proceeded to stuff his face as fast as he can. His instincts were screaming at him to run away!

"She's standing behind us, isn't she?" Tiffany feebly whispered. Severus can only woodenly nod in reply as Rowan takes a seat next to her so-called FRIENDS…

Rowan emotionlessly begins to serve herself. For some reason, everyone winces every time she uses her knife to cruelly cut up her food or the dramatic flinches every time, she uses her fork to stab her food. She wasn't angry mind you, no, she was just annoyed, VERY ANNOYED! She had only been sleeping for a few hours when she was very LOUDLY and most CHEERFULLY woken up! Can't she have a few hours of peace and quiet? Is that too much to ask!

For the rest of the morning, everyone wisely gave Rowan a wide berth including the younger years in Slytherin. They only needed to take one look at Rowan for their preservation instincts to kick in. They wisely stayed out of her dark path for the rest of the day.

Not that Rowan was in any mood to be appreciative. Long periods of sleep deprivation tended to have an adverse effect on her personality. She had not been sleeping as of late and last night had been the final drop. She needed to properly sleep, but she did not want to rely on the Dreamless sleep potion. There would be nothing, but empty darkness and a part of Rowan feared that the most.

Still, it was a fruitful day with Rowan heading off to the library to study. At some point, she didn't know when she began to feel drowsy and lay her head on her textbook. The rare warm sunlight streaming through the windows lulled her to close her eyes. Before she knew it, she was being gently shaken awake in gloomy darkness.

Startled Rowan comes to and warily studies her surroundings. It takes her a moment to reorient herself, before paling at noticing who woke her up. The dark-haired librarian with suspicious eyes of the newly married, Madam Irma Pince-Filch folds her arms over her chest and frowns.

"Miss Prince, the library is no place to be sleeping," Madam Filch sternly said.

"My apologies, Madam Filch," Rowan sincerely replied, "I must have dozed off."

"It is nearly dinner time, Miss Prince, and I do believe you have a detention to serve with my husband, Caretaker Filch," Madam Filch briskly chided with a tender gleam in her eyes at the thought of her husband.

Rowan privately winced at hearing how late it was. She had slept most of the day way including through lunch. "Thank you, Madam Filch," she said again, before hastily gathering her things and departing from the library under the watchful gaze of the librarian.

Not feeling very hungry, Rowan decided to head directly downstairs for detention. She stifled a yawn and slowly stretched her limbs as she walked to better wake up. Still, her mood had significantly improved, and she felt much better than this morning. She wryly smiles to herself knowing that she would have to apologize for her actions that morning. Merlin knows they were going to hold this over her for days on end…

We all have those days..... If you talk to me, I will kill you.

EsliEsmacreators' thoughts
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