
Aftermath of Giant Attack

By the time the Minister of Magic, Eugenia Jenkins had successfully arrived with reinforcements to aid the Ministry of Magic, the giants had been successfully been repelled by the Auror's, hag's, trolls, and goblin's (with Dumbledore towards the end of the battle). Portions of Diagon Alley lay in smoking ruins, but the damage could have been much worse. On the other hand, Gringotts and especially Knockturn Alley had virtually survived the assault intact.

The outer grounds of the Ministry of the Magic were scorched, ruins, but the Ministry of Magic remained intact. Scores of teams clear the rubble as the wounded and dead are accounted for. The outer grounds are filled with teams of A.P.D. officers, healers, and Auror's departing in teams to track down the fleeing giants and provide aid to those still in need. While the Oblivator Headquarters is fully staffed including volunteers to oblivate muggles and create plausible deniability. Thankfully, with the squib consultants on staff, a reliable excuse could be faked such as a tragic gas explosion, IRA bomb attack, a terrible fire, including poor construction of a building, etc. There was an infinite list of excuses…

The door is firmly shut to the Minister of Magic's office, while Mrs. Prim, the undersecretary firmly guards the doorway. Minister Eugenia Jenkin's office is simply decorated with neatly filled bookshelves and very few ornaments ringing true to her Ravenclaw Roots. The stout witch with thick, bobbed hair sits behind her desk with a frown.

Three wizards stand before her with, the Head of Magical Law Enforcement, Elphinstone Urquhart still dressed neatly from the presentation ball, while Auror Scrimgeour and Senior Commanding Auror Moody both stained with cuts, injuries, and their clothes scorched from battle.

"Report!" Minister Jenkins harshly demanded to know. She was furious that anyone would dare to attack the Ministry of Magic and much less while she was gone. The tallies of the dead and wounded were still coming in, but they had lost at least a dozen Auror's and A.P.D. officers not even counting the fatalities among the civilian population! She knew that the Daily Prophet would be having a field day tomorrow, but her primary concern was to resolve the situation.

Senior Auror Alastor Moody grimly replies in a Scottish borough, "The attack was premeditated, the attackers knew that the Ministry of Magic would be understaffed. Even more concerning, the giants attacked swiftly and without provocation nor warning. Unfortunately, we knew that the attack was likely an ambush, but we could not very well not ignore the request of aid from civilians."

Elphinstone Urquhart furrows his brow and pointedly interjects, "What concerns me far more is the fact that there was no warning nor any rumors from any of the offices including the Department of International Magical Cooperation. Such a large group of giants does not simply traverse across the world without leaving any sort of trace much less leaving behind any tracks!"

Seeing the dubious expression on Minister Jenkin's face, Elphinstone does not cease to explain. "And I do not exaggerate Minister, I base my rationale on the evidence at hand, the corpses of the giants. Several members from the Beast Division have already confirmed that the corpses of the giants do not belong to one tribe but from countless different tribes from various locations across the known magical world. That is no mere coincidence, Minister, rather a far more concerning one!"

"As concerning as that may be, Head Urquhart, we have far more immediate pressing matters to resolve first," Minister Jenkins pointedly emphasized. "I am far more concerned about the aid the hags, trolls, and goblins proportioned during the attack that is nearly in direct violation of the existing treaty!"

"Ah, that would be me," Auror Rufus Scrimgeour stepped forward. "Considering all the factors, I accurately concluded that the Ministry of Magic would be attacked. The two other attacks were decoys to further lessen the staff at hand. And I still can clearly recall Professor Bagshot, my former Hogwarts History of Magic Professor teaching us about the existing magical realm treaties."

A lion-like grin spreads across Auror Scrimgeour's face, "And though goblins and other magical beings are forbidden from taking up arms, there is an exception. A rather specific clause that permits their aid despite maintaining a neutral stance if Diagon Alley is under attack specifically Gringotts."

Auror Moody hides a proud grin at his partner's cleverness. He wasn't as sneaky as Scrimgeour, but he had grown to appreciate sneakiness. How else could one get things done?

Minister Jenkins lets out a low groan and rubs her aching temples. "Professor Dumbledore has called an emergency Wizengamot and I must explain to the Wizengamot the reason for the goblins and our actions this night! I cannot simply convince the Wizengamot based on a technicality, Scrimgeour!"

"We require allies, Minister Jenkins," Auror Scrimgeour plainly said. "The presence of Dolohov with the giants only proves that the Death Eaters and the giants are in cahoots. The Death Eaters have the giants as allies, but who do we have? We are outnumbered by our enemies, plain and simple, Minister."

Scrimgeour grimaced at the Minister of Magic, Eugenia Jenkins. "Furthermore, we have already lost dozens of Auror's in only three giant attacks. At this rate, the Auror force will be halfway decimated and we are forced to send out less than properly trained Auror's or even worse prompt newly graduated Auror's from the academy without any real experience! We both know that the fresh-faced Auror's will only get themselves killed in the first or second battle!"

Rather contemplatively Elphinstone furrows his brows and rubs his chin in agreement. "Auror Scrimgeour's words are not incorrect, Minister. If we continue as is, we will lose the war before the next battle is even over." He slowly raises his dark eyes causing his widow's peak to lengthen. "These attacks will continue, Minister, and the use of hags, goblins, and trolls as allies will stave off the worst possible outcome."

"Think of it as a new initiative, Minister," Elphinstone somberly suggested. "The trolls from Gringotts's can physically attack the giant's, while the hags can attack from on high as described during the battle, and the goblins from afar with their mechanisms. If that is too much for the Wizengamot to handle, then I suggest the phrase of defending the supply chains. The time for alternative options has come and gone, Minister, it is time to mitigate the treatise for our continued future survival."

Minister Jenkins lets out a low sigh. "I was afraid of that." She rubs her head, before wearily saying, "Is there anything else that needs to be mentioned at present rather than finding about it later?"

Auror Moody and Scrimgeour exchanged glances before Auror Moody's lips twisted in distaste. "It would appear that we had an inner breach during the attack."

"What?!" Minister Jenkins shouted in shock dropping her hand to her side.

"What do you mean a breach?" Minister Jenkins loudly repeated herself. "Immediately explain yourself, Auror Moody!"

"It is unfortunate, but Eric Munch was found dead in the lifts," Auror Moody's hands clenched in anger. "Passing reports from fledging are evacuating civilians via floo all state that Professor Dumbledore fought with Dark Lord in the atrium, and hence the reason for the destruction of the Fountain of Magical Brethren. Furthermore, Broderick Bode was found to be placed under the Imperius Curse and has since been transported to St. Mungo's for treatment."

"Are you suggesting that the inner Ministry of Magic is no longer secure, Auror Moody?" Minister Jenkins harshly inquired.

"I suggest nothing, Minister," Auror Moody firmly replied. "I merely permit for the facts to speak for themselves."

Minister Jenkins refrains from sighing and merely rubs her hand across her face. "Very well, I will take your words under serious consideration, Auror Moody. I will assign new Ministry security initiatives to be initiated from under your office."

"Thank you, Minister," Auror Moody said with a satisfied smile sharing a triumphant grin with his partner, Rufus Scrimgeour.

It had been Moody's dream for the last decade to oversee security measures. It was at long last time to put all his paranoia to use…. At least, Scrimgeour hopefully would be there to reign Moody in. Then again, Scrimgeour was just as paranoid as Moody. This was either a brilliant idea in the making or the worst possible outcome.

"And if I may mention, Minister," Auror Scrimgeour carefully interjected, "The Leaky Cauldron has been destroyed including the untimely demise of the innkeeper, Tom. With the entrance clearly open to the muggle public, a temporary entrance and coverage will be set up. However, a new building will have to go up and serve a similar function. We will have to issue a formal request for proposal to receive a list of suitable applicants to run and build at the location of the former Leaky Cauldron."

"I will have Mrs. Prim commence the process," Minister Jenkins sighed heavily reaching for a quill to jot down another note on the impossibly long list of things to do including the rebuilding of Diagon Alley and of shops. The loss of inventory alone was going to be a hassle!

"Although-," Elphinstone began to say causing Minister Jenkin's face to darken. When was this ever going to end, she silently screamed in her heart! In retrospect, perchance, she should have not run again last year for Minister of Magic…

"-There is one rather crucial detail that concerns me," Elphinstone interjected most solemnly. "Just what purpose did Boderick Bode serve or rather what was it that Tom Riddle (aka Lord Voldemort) desired within the Ministry of Magic?"

The four of them all mutely gaze at each other for a long stretch, before Auror Scrimgeour murmurs, "Whatever it was, he must have gotten what he came for."

Minister Jenkins rubs her pulsating head and adds the detail to her growing list of tasks to complete. Rising painfully to her feet, her bones break loudly. "Gentlemen, I must be going, but I expect reports," she paused and looked pointedly at Elphinstone, "and I expect to be kept in the loop. We'll be facing the media scrutiny soon enough and I don't want another repeat of tonight."

"Yes, Minister," the three wizards reply, before stepping aside to permit the short, stout Minister of Magic to exist first.

Minister Jenkins straightens her back and walks forward. She needed to pretend to be confident even if she did not feel it. She could not afford to show any signs of weakness before the Wizengamot or else she would be torn to shreds like prey.

It is Severus's Birthday! Three more chapters will be going out today, enjoy!

P.s. Considering the timeline of the First Wizarding War, I think James and Sirius along with other Auror's were likely thrown directly into battle rather than being properly trained due to the fatality rate much like during World War 2 with new soldiers.

EsliEsmacreators' thoughts
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