
Giant Attack on the Ministry of Magic Ⅱ

As Battle Commander, Rufus Scrimgeour could not afford to lead the Auror's directly into battle rather the position was turned over to the Senior and Veteran Auror's instead. His duty as Battle Commander would be to coordinate and order attacks while relaying the message to the Senior Auror's on staff via the A.P.D. members who were avian's in their animagus form. As for the inner defense of the Ministry of Magic it was held by the A.P.D. officers, who were relaying messages as reinforcements continued to steadily arrive via the floo.

The fledging Auror's were holding the entrance to the inner foyer of the Ministry of Magic as the final point of retreat into the Ministry of Magic. The fledging Auror's were escorting fleeing civilians to the floo hearths for evacuation. Auror's Shacklebolt, Podmore, and Stein were holding the Auror Headquarters relaying messages as well as finalizing the last details for the international portkey to be used by the Lithuania ambassador.

Knowing that he would be forcefully grounded for the majority of the battle makes a risky decision, but Rufus refused to lose any more Auror's at his hands. He paused to glance at Gringotts in the distance and could only hope that the goblins would rally in time as conveyed by Nurnaff.

Bringing himself back to the present, Rufus raises his wand and casts a powerful dark charm of protection. "Protego Diabolica," he shouted as a ring of black blue fire spread and engulfed the front steps of the Ministry of Magic and further spreading into a semi-half circle. The powerful enchanted fire was capable of incinerating enemies of the caster who came into contact with the flames while leaving their allies unharmed.

It was an incredibly magically draining spell and rarely if ever used by Auror's considering, who the last known infamous wizard had been to use it, Gellert Grindelwald. The spell was a useful one, but one rarely used even by Auror's as it was considered dark magic, and Auror's were rarely ever standing still in one place. However, Rufus did not think in plain terms of dark or light magic, but rather if the spell could be useful or not. And if worst came to worst, well, the Minister of Magic had authorized the use of deadly force against dark wizards or in the protection of the citizens.

Rufus knew that the spell would not dissuade the giants, but it certainly could offer at least some measure of protection and cause painful burns to the giants. Turning towards the A.P.D. officers that remain on standby unlike the rest of their counterparts, he orders, "Shield's Up!"

"Fianto Duri," "Protego Maxima," "Protego Toltalum!" The A.P.D. Officers shouted as they each had been assigned to cast one of the three spells. Fianto Duri and Protego Maxima combined to form magical defenses capable of becoming harder and more durable. The shields would be capable of taking actual physical giant attacks or physical debris attacks. While Protego Totalum would stop and repel any intruder or spell for a protected amount of time except for the most powerful of curses. Unfortunately, the spells greatly drained the magic of the caster. The more they were attacked the faster the shields would become depleted. At best, they would have 15 minutes of protection and at worst only 5 minutes.

Dolohov nor Wurfbog are not ones to be intimated by mere protection bubbles. Wurfbog rapidly speeds up before nimbly leaping into the air, before swinging his club with his full weight forward. The earth shakes like a wave, and nearby shop windows break at the collision of the giant's club clashing with the shields. The A.P.D. officer's let out painful moans as their hands shake in pain from the backlash, but still, they maintain their magical shields despite the agonizing +strain.

"Attack," Rufus shouted as he concentrated and forced the flames to hungrily swarm upward to consume and incinerate the giant's club. However, Wurfbog was far too nimble and easily leaped back in retreat. Wurfbog's shark-like grin grew at having successfully dodged the Auror's attack.

The Auror's begin attacking from long distances but the majority of their attacks failed and those that succeeded are far too weak to cause any real damage as dozens of giants steadily continue to approach the front steps of the Ministry of Magic. The giants emerge with their own weapons uprooted trees that were over ten to fifteen tall that had been easily carried on their backs. They all simultaneously begin to attack the shield held by the dozen of A.P.D. officers. Immediately the shield begins to crackle loudly under the assault of a dozen giants.

Rufus can't burn more than a few giant clubs at a time, while still maintaining the spell. Feeling his magic being drained that much faster and the A.P.D. officers becoming weaker with each passing second, Rufus begins to send out different orders to his Auror's, when a chilling voice pierces through the air.

"Avada Kedavra!" Dolohov shouted as a green eerie light flashed from his wand and safely passed through the enchanted blue, black flames. The killing curse strikes an Auror, who simply falls limp to the ground.

"Dolohov!" Rufus roared in fury at seeing the first of the Auror's fall dead under his watch. His mind connects the dots between the dark wizard and the giant attack. Of course, it was related to the wanted murderer and dark wizard known as Tom Marvolo Riddle or under his two other aliases as the Dark Lord and Lord Voldemort!

"Come out and play or else, Scrimgeour," Dolohov said with a wicked grin, "I will kill an Auror every ten seconds. The clock starts now, 10, 9, 8-."

Rufus knew that if he lowered the spell, the giants would swarm them in an instant. But if Protego Diabolica remained up, he would be forced to watch as his Auror's were literally picked off one by one until the magical shields finally fell. He would have to make a choice, but both choices unfortunately would only lead to the deaths of those that served under his care.

Suddenly, a piercing cry is heard as a giant frantically scratches at their burning and bleeding eyes. The Auror's and the giants turn to gaze up to see a troop of hags diving at them dropping dark-colored swirling poisons. "Poison!" Wurfbog roared as he raised his club and swatted the poisonous orbs heading towards him like a baseball.

"Half-breeds," Dolohov snarled in disgust before rising on his broom and moving to attack and slay the hags.

The hags immediately scatter with the grace of professional Quidditch players causing a few Auror's to file that tidbit away for later. It would a shame if TALENT like that went to waste! But that is a tale for another time.

Abruptly, the air is filled with an unpleasant stench like dung bombs. With pale-green skin and straggly air, the Forest Trolls along with hairy purple-skinned River Trolls with short horns roared eagerly rushing forward. Over 12 feet tall and dragging large clubs follow only a few gray-skinned Mountain Trolls. These trolls had a nose that looks like a lumpy grey glue, a similarly shaped body, and flat horned feet. Despite their current slow pace, Mountain trolls were the most violent of the troll's species when approached.

The smarter Forest and River trolls carry large weighted nets and staffs on their back. Those carrying nets expertly hurl them forward just as they would at Gringotts to catch an intruder. The weighted nets easily entrap the already enraged giants, who roar and turn to face them. The Forest and River trolls do not take the bait, but rather begin to attack the weaker forces of the giants that were entrapped by the weighted down nets.

"The Trolls are a distraction ignore them," Wurfbog roared only to suddenly dodge as a piece of pavement is hurled at his face. The Mountain Trolls instinctively encircle the most dangerous of giants and begin to attack together. They were far from a cohesive unit, but they more made up for it with sheer viciousness and brutal strength.

From behind Wurfbog, a loud whooshing sound is heard as jagged rocks hurled from the goblin trebuchet's with incredible precision towards the Giants. A giant is struck right in the head causing his head his massive head to explode like a watermelon.

"Forward!" Rufus shouted seeing their goblin allies attacking from the distance and the hags and trolls pinning down the giants. The Auror's swarmed forward and began to attack the giants with dark art's as stunning and regular spells were unable to penetrate the giant's thick flesh.

The Giants roared in agony as they were attacked on all sides by enemies. Seeing the giant's morale beginning to waver, Wurfbog roared, "Defend!" Before becoming serious for the first time during battle. If he wanted to survive, he would have to give it his all. It had been a long-time since he had felt this type of pressure. He had nearly forgotten what it was, unease. That seemed to only infuriate him more at finding such a weakness within himself. Enraged, he began to fight even more wildly killing one of the giant Mountain Trolls but effectively enraging the remaining three. It was 3 Mountain Trolls vs. one Giant, and who would be the final winner only time would tell.

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas! Two more chapters will be going out after this! Treat yourself to something nice m' lads and lasses. Because Family can be tense at times...

P.s. All I'm saying is that that a pack of wolves can bring down a moose or a pack of lions can bring down a water buffalo, so why should a pack of Trolls not be able to bring down a giant?

EsliEsmacreators' thoughts
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