
The Society for the Reformation of Hags

In a cave near deadmarsh, England, there lived Annis Black, a hag. Though she looked like most hags, there were just a couple of things that were off about her. Aye, she looked rather like a plain older human woman, who even lacked the typical warts of a hag. She had nary a wart upon on her flesh except for a large mole on her pointy chin. Her flesh was rather human-like not a touch of green nor yellow anywhere upon her flesh. Nor did she possess the typical yellow eyes of hags, but rather she had the gray-colored eyes of her father.

Yea sees, although her mum had been a hag, but her da had been an older squib farmer, who had fallen for the plucky hag. In fact, Annis Black was only half hag, but local wizarding families tended to hastily pull their children away from her in the nearby village and shoot her dirty looks. It was one of the main reasons why she was a hag advocate especially after the Daily Prophet's portrayals of hags as flesh-eating beasts!

Now Annis Black knew that hag's in the past had liked eaten human children. She wasn't about to deny what hags in the past had done. However, nowadays hag's lived respectable lives as potion brewers! Hags were often undervalued for their work all because they preferred to eat their meat raw more than most folks! There were promising talents every couple of generations, but all because they were hags, they were not permitted to join the potion guilds nor apply to be official brewers nor much less ever become potion master! It simply was a blight to wizarding society because there was so much hags had to offer!

It was by sheer coincidence that a letter via courier had arrived from Gringotts bank just before Annis Black was about to set out for the monthly meeting held for the Society for the Reformation of Hags. She quickly read the letter that caused her thin lips to crinkle up in a smile revealing glistening sharp white teeth. Carefully tucking the letter into the folds of her skirt, Annis Black sets off on her broom towards her destination in mind.

The night was cold and cloudy, but Hags can by nature see clearly in the dark. The weather wasn't an incumbent either as Hags tended to dwell in less than adequate places. As such, Annis Black hardly felt a thing except to tuck her marron-colored shawl tightly around her lest she loses it during her flight. She wasn't the only hag arriving via broom as she met with various hags on the way.

These hags were full-blooded and looked like a proper hag ought to. They looked like ugly, old witches with plenty of warts and a greenish tone of color to their flesh. They had four toes on each foot unlike Annis, who had five toes like a human. It was at times a source of misery for Annis, who could not purchase hag-made shoes and instead had to purchase them from wizarding cobblers. Not that she hated her human side, it's just that it was dreadfully inconvenient at times.

The hags grow quiet and more careful as they approach the edge of London. The bright muggle lights were dreadfully revealing, and they had to be on the lookout for muggle power lines. They did not hurt much unless the hag fell off her broom. Although some of the younger hags liked to tie lanterns to the back of the brooms to prank the muggles. Apparently, the muggles believed that the light coming from the hanging lanterns were something called U-F-O's, whatever that was.

The dozens of hags arrive in a small courtyard at the edge of London. The hags creep inside to reveal a dark, simple room that felt very cave-like. There was an official room for guests and the like, but the hags preferred this cozy place. The hags find various perches to sit on as they chatter and wait for the arrival of the Hag Council.

A chandelier hanging overhead lights the room with flickering candlelight, but that is the only source of light in the chamber. The hags grow quiet including Annis Black as the current council of hags enters the leader is a middle-aged witch with a hooked nose. Melanchtha Nutcome was the descendant of Honoria Nutcombe, who had founded the Society for the Reformation for Hags. Honoria had been a half-blood much like Annis Black, but unlike Annis, Honoria had sufficient magical power to even attend Hogwarts. As such the Nutcombe witches to this day are honorary members and part of their society.

The other two council members are Perpetua Misericordia and Indira Grymm. Perpetua Misercorida was a full-blooded hag with plenty of warts on her face. She was an elderly hag at that, but she still swung her cane with firm force to reprimand any misbehaving hag. There was a reason she could keep the younger rowdier hags in their place.

On the other hand, Indira Grymm was a great beauty. Her skin was as white as snow, her lips as red as blood and her hair as dark as ebony. It was ironic to see that the many great's great-granddaughters of Malodra Grymm looked so much as her great-grandmother's nemesis, Snow White. For indeed, Maldora Grymm had been a hag, who took a beautifying potion and married a King. Maldora Grymm happened to be the Queen, who inspired the tale of Snow White.

However, unlike her ancestor, Indira Grymm was a natural-born beauty. She was a witch, who owned her own perfume shop that catered to the wealthy. However, the women of the Grymm family were either great beauties or looked very much like their hag ancestor. There simply was no in-between for them. As such, there was always a female member of the Grymm family partaking in the hag society lest their daughters are left unprotected in society.

The three females come to a halt and sit down on the three large chairs before them. Once seated, Melanchtha Nutcome calls the meeting to order by loudly clearing her throat. "Welcome sisters on this dark night. Is there any news to share?"

The hags all glance at each other, but as usual Annis Black is the first to stand. Melanchtha suppresses a sigh and in a dull tone of voice wearily asks, "And what social injustices have you to share with us, Sister Black?"

"Many, but that is not my point this evening," Annis firmly said. She hastily reached into the folds of her skirt, before hurrying forward without permission from the council. "I received a letter from Grok Gringotts this evening prior to my departure for our monthly meeting. It is a most exciting offer that will change everything for us!"

Melanchtha frowns but accepts the letter and begins to read quietly. At her side, Indira Grymm and Perpetua Misercordia peer over her shoulder to read the letter as well. Perpetua lets out a gasp, while Indira purses her lips in an enchanting manner that would have caused any man on the street to gape. Indeed, Indira is literally a heart-stopper, that, and a man killer.

The mentioned original founding Hags are mentioned in HP or in the HP games or even trading cards. I tried to create descendants to keep the real context since there does exist a Society for the Reformation of Hags in HP.

Annis Black is a real character in HP. She is mentioned in the Daily Prophet as a British Hag, who lived in a cave in Deadmarsh, England. And wrote to the Daily Prophet complaining about the paper's portrayal of Hags as flesh-eating monsters. Nowhere, does it state that she cannot be related to the pureblood Black family. And considering how many members have been kicked off the family tapestry with no explanation it is not an impossible stretch to believe that she might have an ancestor who was from the Black family.

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