
Empty Castle Ⅱ

Rowan wasn't gullible enough to believe that she could discover the female vessel at Hogwarts with only that single clue alone. Her mapscape could not reveal a vessel nor much less her instincts could be trusted. With the exception of Professor Slughorn's dinner, she had never sensed a vessel. Since then even when paying attention to the gazes upon her, she had never sensed anything remotely resembling the presence of Hydra. In other words, as long as the vessel was acting on its own without the actual presence of Hydra, there was no way for Rowan to sense otherwise.

There was also the most concerning factor of all excluding the second vessel is that there was a strong likelihood that Rowan in fact knew the female vessel in person. Firstly, because that was what she would have exactly done, and secondly, Occam's razor states that the simplest explanation is usually the right one. Based on that inference the vessel was in her year, but the question was who? It was a disturbing question to contemplate, but she couldn't discount anyone, nor could she trust all those that she knew. It was a complex paradox with no escape.

Rubbing her aching head, Rowan winces feeling the familiar ache behind her left eye. Stress only served to increase the pain on the left side of her temple, especially in her left eye. Closing her eyes as she feels the familiar agony pulsing behind her left eye. The pain was getting worse and worse as of late that lately she had trouble reading and concentrating for long periods of time. She really needed to retrieve the goblin forged artifact by the goblin Master Crafter Wulm.

Without opening her eyes, Rowan enquires further. "Thank you, Nadira, but what else did you overhear?"

"It spoke of possessing your friend, Lily," Nadira hissed irritably snapping her jaws at the air as if imagining biting Hydra.

"Lily?" Rowan blurted out rather startled and opened her eyes despite the ache in her left eye. "Are you certain that it mentioned Lily?"

"Yes, protector," Nadira firmly replied. "It said that they would like to try, but with the wards strengthening and the presence of your aunt at the Hogwarts, they could not attempt to weaken the Hogwarts barriers. They would have to wait to convert Lily until she graduated from Hogwarts."

"That is excellent news," Rowan said with a sigh rubbing her painfully pulsing temple. "That will at least buy us some time," she paused and gestures to Nadira to move away and give her room. The serpent unhappily uncurls from around Rowan. Nadira sulked more than a bit curling up on top of the table to watch her protector.

Reaching into her pocket, Rowan pulls out the strengthened headache potion she had acquired from Madam Pomfrey, before chugging the vial down. She winces at the taste but feels the pulsing pain begin to ease to a dull throb. The regular version of the potion no longer worked on her and she had been forced to request a strengthened version. Madam Pomfrey had disapproved initially but after seeing that the effects of the regular pain potion did not work on Rowan, she finally agreed to give Rowan the strengthened version. Still, it was done with caution and Rowan could not take any more than three strengthened headache potions per week.

Rowan rubs her head in thought. From the memories of Marcellus, she knew that Hydra required at least seven months of pure contact. Using Occam's razor, she could deduce that the female vessel was likely a Gryffindor in their year. That greatly narrowed the possibilities and there was an even greater likelihood that the individual was Lily's dorm mate or from Lily's circle of friends.

And though Rowan and Lily didn't share the same circle of friends, some, yes, but not all. Even with that knowledge, it simply wasn't enough with such a broad group of contacts. Not to mention the fact, well, they were all going through puberty. Teenagers aren't exactly normal during this time period and are known for their poor and out of character behavior as they grow up.

Although using Occam's razor theory, Rowan could deduce that the identity of Hydra was likely someone she knew from their friend circle. It was the most probable of conclusions and one that filled her feel ill. However, she could not afford to be weak. She would have to be clever to trap and learn the identity of that vessel.

Putting the problem aside for the moment, Rowan pensively, "The topic will be temporarily set aside for the time being. We can't afford to move without any plan nor failsafe in place. It would be far too risky, and the risk outweigh the gains."

Rowan thoughtfully taps her fingers together, before pausing, "Is there anything more to add, Nadira?"

"It spoke of a puppet that would return in three nights time and that puppet would do the work for them," Nadira murmured.

Rowan's eyes widen for a moment as her mind connects the dots. The only existence to return within that time frame with the power to change fate was Riddle aka Lord Voldemort. She rather disliked when her theories were proven correct apparently. Seeing that was indeed the case that certainly did confirm much of which she had suspected of Riddle's past. Still that only served to further complicated things as there would likely be an existing vessel within the Death Eater's to continue to influence Riddle, the outcome of the organization, and the war. It certainly explained a lot in Potter's time and how a deranged Riddle went on to successfully become a powerful force enough to possibly even have become a world power.

"Go on," Rowan gestured to Nadira to continue.

"There was nothing else except that the deceased one said that 'Sagittarius runs before Capricornus, the traveler comes and as does the archer, But I saw the appearance of a Grim residing at the bottom of my afternoon teacup. We best tread with care for Death is near and will seek any advantage to cause us harm," Nadira muttered with a grimace.

Rowan's eyes slightly widen at hearing the same words, she had heard from Firenze. It would seem that the former Professor Zephyros possessed a gift for accurate divination. He had not been a seer, but he did have a true gift for divination. No wonder, Hydra had immediately converted him into a vessel. At least one good thing had come from Nadira's willful actions that night and that is that a powerful foe had been neutralized before becoming a hazard to them.

Still, she had the unease feeling that War was looming on the horizon. It could not be prevented no matter how much, Rowan had tried. It was destiny for it had been written in the stars.

Reaching into her pocket, Rowan pulls out the silver engraved pocket watch, a gift from her grandfather. Glancing at the time, she snaps it shut and rises to her feet. "Nadira, we have tarried enough as it is," she firmly instructed. "You must go." They were on borrowed time and the first of the students would begin to return. She could not afford nor permit for anything to happen to Nadira.

Nadira blinks her sapphire-colored serpent eyes unhappily at Rowan, but the protector does not soften at her sad gaze. Unwillingly, Nadira uncurls from Rowan's body and slithers onto the floor allowing Rowan to lead the way to the exit. The protector was truly so unfair at times, really!

Time for some terrible Halloween jokes!

What does a panda ghost eat? Bam-BOO!

EsliEsmacreators' thoughts
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