
Malfoy Wedding Ⅱ

The usher leads the Prince family to the very front of the already seated guests, where the usher says, "If the Master and the Lady of the Prince family would each take a seat on the groom and bride's side. Both families wish to express their thanks in gratitude for the actions of this past year. Both parties request that the Prince couple not decline the honor."

"It'll be no trouble at all," Sirsa answered in her husband's stead as Reginald merely sniffed at the mere thought of having to sit next to Abraxas Malfoy for the entire duration of the wedding ceremony. The two of them each took a seat in the two-seat front row where only the parents of the groom and bride were to sit at. Reginald sat on the left side of the groom, while Sirsa was on the right side for the bride.

The usher then turns to the remaining Prince's. "Madam Prince and Prince heirs, please be seated with the Black family members. They would be honored to have you sit with them." The usher gestured to the second row on the groom's side. The groom's side held the extended Black Family members of the bride as the bride's side was filled with many of the Rosier relatives.

Rowan and Severus immediately spotted T. Rosier sitting next to his parents, a rather large bear-like man and a sour-faced woman. Georgine smirked with a great deal of satisfaction as she moved to sit next to Walburga Black and her husband, Orion. Rowan and Severus naturally followed as Sirius and Regulus eagerly waved at them to come over and sit next to them.

"Why Walburga, you don't look a day over fifty," Georgine purred knowing fully well that Walburga Black was only 49 this year.

The dark-haired woman with sharp features and gray eyes narrows her eyes into thin points at Georgine Prince. "Says, the witch who is clearly ten years older than I am," Walburga Black irritably countered.

"Ah, but dear, I don't look it," Georgine purred causing a vein to twitch on Walburga's pale temple.

"Ladies," said, the handsome, dark-haired man with the same-colored eyes as his wife, Orion Black. Dressed implacably Orion Black is still a sight for sore eyes.

Georgine not one to let an insult go pointedly sniffs and retorts, "I always wondered, why you married your first cousin, Orion. I mean with looks like those; you could have easily married the ever-so-lovely Cecil. Now that girl was a looker all right. She left the rest of us behind looking like mere wallflowers."

"She was a mere half-blood," Orion crossly said through gritted teeth.

"And?" Georgine said with an arched eyebrow. "Cecil was not only incredibly beautiful, but a powerful witch with an impressive family name and dowry to boot. You really could have done so much better, Orion."

Walburga's hands clenched together as did her husband, Orion. Before either of them could reach for their wands, thankfully, their Aunt Dorea Potter intervened just in time. The pale-faced witch looked much better as of late with even a touch of color to her face. Though there were still batches of blue running veins, they were no longer as prominent as before. Dorea Potter's gray eyes crinkle into a smile as she happily comes to sit next to her dear friend, Georgine.

"Why Georgine," Dorea teased in good nature. "You look utterly ravishing this afternoon. With looks like that, you're going to steal the limelight from the bride."

"I can always wear a sack with eyeholes over my face," Georgine smiled back as Walburga and Orion Black both loudly snorted. Turning their backs on the infuriating woman and their aunt, they instead peeked at the arriving guests. After all, some of the higher-functioning members of the Ministry of Magic would be in attendance.

While the adults insulted each other, Rowan and Severus sat down by their friends. Severus sat down next to Sirius and Rowan next to Regulus. While Severus and Sirius discussed the guests in attendance. There was quite a crowd in attendance such as an old wizard with an eye patch and a brightly colored parrot on his shoulder.

Severus and Sirius craned their necks peeking at the guests, on the other hand, Rowan and Regulus discussed what Regulus planned to study in preparation for Ancient Runes. Taking Ancient Runes herself, Rowan pointed out several useful beginner textbooks which Regulus could purchase over the summer to familiarize himself with.

Listening to Regulus chatter to her about the Quidditch World Cup, Rowan casually spots S.R. Wilkes being accompanied by his parents. Yet strangely enough, despite Wilkes catching her eye coolly, he swiftly turned away and acted as though he hadn't seen her. Rowan furrows her brow in bewilderment but shrugs off Wilkes actions and returns to conversing with Regulus.

Time quickly flies by until at last the crowd goes silent as the orchestra begins to play and everyone rises to their seats. At the entrance of the tent enters Lucius Malfoy with his father at his side, Abraxas Malfoy with his silver cane. Much like his son, his long blond, almost white hair was neatly pulled back. Following them were the groomsmen, which included friends, but mostly acquaintances in power.

At the end of the row, Abraxas Malfoy veers off and takes a seat next to the blank-faced figure of Reginald Prince. Both men nod at each other hiding their vehement dislike for each other as this was to be a joyous day of celebration. And neither of them was petty enough to ruin the joyous day because of their mutual dislike.

Suddenly, the glittering gems that had been hanging on the ceiling transformed into a cloud of butterflies that glide through the crowd. Whispers of awe and delight can be heard from the crowd as they follow the path of the fluttering butterflies. Gasps can be heard as the bride enters the tent for the glittering butterflies to land on her wedding gown and transform into glittering gem embroidery.

Gorgeous in an ivory, cloud-like gown, Narcissa Black looks utterly stunning and aglow. Because no matter what anyone said, Narcissa and Lucius were truly in love. And the only existence that they could ever love more than themselves would be their son who would one day be born unto them. (And yes, they were cold, biased purebloods as they come, but they did indeed truly and rather fiercely love in their own way.)

At Narcissa's side is her rather worn-looking mother, Druella Black (nee Rosier). Despite the happy affair, Druella wore a violet-colored gown to signify she was still in mourning. Though there was a tiny smile on her face for she was truly happy for her youngest daughter, despite the unforeseen deaths of her husband and eldest daughter. As of late, she had begun to soften toward her rebellious, middle daughter, Andromeda.

Andromeda had eloped with that no-good muggle-born wizard! But still, the eloped couple had sent Druella a photograph of her first grandchild. A baby girl by the name of Nymphadora Tonks. According to the short letter the child had inherited the rare Rosier gene of becoming a Metamorphmagus.

And yet, Druella is reluctant to outstretch her hand and forgive her secondborn. She had been dreadfully hurt by her daughter's thoughtless actions. But despite everything, Druella yearned to reconcile with her daughter and meet her first grandchild. Just by imagining the feeling of holding a baby in her arms again did wonders in soothing Druella's grieving soul.

Once the bride and her mother pass, they are followed by the close friends and acquaintances of Narcissa who are acting as the bridesmaids. The guests nod in appreciation of the well-dressed bridesmaids, while the female guests return to studying the bride.

Ah, weddings.........I am going to be honest, I'm planning to elope should such an event ever occur in my lifetime. I have no interest in planning a wedding much less wearing a wedding dress. But I love the idea of an expensive honeymoon, so there.

Wedding's either you love or hate them? Which is it for you?

EsliEsmacreators' thoughts
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