
Auction Invitation

In the following days, Professor Slughorn had the Slytherin Prefects going around collecting the 3rd year Slytherin's permission slips signed by their parents or guardians. Everyone naturally turned them in as instructed. Later that same evening a notice went on the common room board stating that the first Hogsmeade trip would be on the last weekend of the month. Needless to say, everyone was excited including Severus.

Terry excitedly says, "I want to visit Zonko's!"

All the girls including Rowan make wary faces as Silvia drily says, "You're already evil enough, Terry. You don't need any more external help from Zonko's."

Terry proudly sniffs and rubs his nails in a very posh fashion, "Tis to be used for the greater good against those who seek to plot against me."

Tiffany quietly murmurs under her breath, "I'm sure that's exactly what the devil says." Earning her a sharp glance from Terry caused Tiffany to instantly hide behind Bethanie.

Bethanie merely sighs trying to keep the peace. "Well, I don't know about you all. But I hear the tea is quite lovely at Madam Puddifoot's tea shop."

"Isn't that where all the couples go to?" Rowan asked as she narrowed her eyes thoughtfully at Bethanie. She was not the only one as everyone else turned to stare as well.

Bethanie immediately flushes and says, "I'm not going with anyone! It's just with Tiffany and Silvia!"

"I always knew the three of you were closer than normal," Terry impishly remarked earning him a sharp jab in the ribs from Silvia and dark glares from the rest of the girls.

Quickly changing the subject, Terry turns to the distracted form of Severus who had not said a word the entire time. "What about you, Severus, any plans?"

Rowan and all the girl's snicker as Severus glares at this twin sister. "If you must know, I've already asked Lily to accompany me down to Honeydukes," Severus proudly answered.

Rowan actually seems surprised and a bit proud as she says, "Good for you, Severus. I never thought you'd actually ever gain the guts to do so. But apparently, I was proven wrong."

"What about you, Rowan?" Severus barked irritably back at his twin.

"I think I might stop at Honeydukes, before heading back," Rowan confessed. "There isn't much of anything that really calls to me. But who knows, I have enough money to shop for if anything catches my fancy."

They all stare at Rowan with mixed expressions as Terry valiantly sighs, "Look Rowan, you can hang out with me provided you're willing to go to Zonko's with me."

"No, thank you," Rowan firmly declined as Terry shrugged with the expression of, "Suit yourself, I at least offered."

Quickly changing the subject, Tiffany jumps in and says, "Did any of you read today's Daily Prophet?"

"No, why?" Rowan asked as she leaned back in her seat.

"The goblins have announced the auction of a giant basilisk snakeskin to be held on Dec. 23rd with other valuable items," Tiffany explained. "Invitations have gone out to all the potion and alchemy guilds not to mention the Ministries of the world including sole alchemists and potion masters of renown have been invited. Non-buyers have not been invited including the reporters, but the goblins did make an exception for that popular upcoming journalist, who wrote that scandalous biography on Armando Dippet, "Armando Dippet: Master or Moron."

Tiffany paused and made a face of dislike. "Her name is Rita Skeeter. Though I don't believe she actually had Armando Dippet's permission to write her so-called biography seeing as he lives in the southern France countryside. And Papa says that Rita Skeeter is a vapid upstart."

Rowan almost chokes at the name and makes a sour face. "No doubt, the news will be particularly tantalizing."

"Well, whoever is selling the basilisk skin is going to earn a fortune," Terry observed. "A single square foot of basilisk skin goes for hundreds of galleons. I can't imagine how much that will end up selling for."

Terry paused and furrowed his brow. "On the other hand, where did the buyer get such a rare item? Basilisks have not been seen in Great Britain for hundreds of years!"

"Apparently it was an old family heirloom," Bethanie helpfully answered. "Or at least that's what the goblins claim as no other basilisk parts are for sale."

"And if that's the case more than likely the seller is in urgent need of money," Silvia wisely concluded as Rowan nodded her head in agreement. She really was in need of her own funds.

The rest of the conversation flows over Rowan until they retire for bed. Closing the curtains to her bed, she sits on her bed to meditate. Feeling the power course in her, she begins to ponder the invitation she had received only a few days ago from the goblins informing her of such a thing.

It was too good of an opportunity to miss since everyone would be preoccupied with the auction. It would be the perfect time to destroy the Horcrux within Bellatrix's vault. And as on the route to vault #113, they had rather conveniently passed nearby said vault. There was a good chance, she could get to Bellatrix's vault.

Over the course of the weeks, Rowan had carefully been further refining the ingredients. She had been able to refine the concentrated venom and safely store them in vials. She had several vials full of basilisk venom for her use. If all went well, she'd even be able to smuggle a vial into Gringotts without getting caught.

Everything and anything that could go wrong had the potential to occur. Then again even in the worst of scenarios, Rowan would be fine as long as nothing could be traced back to her. The most important part of a crime is to have the perfect alibi. If she had an alibi, she could not be accused of being the culprit. And since she would not be stealing anything from Gringotts therefore there would be nothing to incriminate her.

Though Rowan had to admit she was sorely tempted to take a certain side trip to an incredibly important vault containing a priceless stone. But there was no actual guarantee that the stone had been moved to that particular vault yet. But still, it was nice to dream. And to be perfectly honest, it was greed more than anything else as she wasn't sure she wanted to be immortal.

Making sure to clear her mindscape of her plans, Rowan finally tucks herself into bed, when a thought occurs to her. What if she wasn't the only one who saw that day as amply full of opportunities? Plenty of guests and security through tight would be distracted keeping track of all the guests. It was the perfect setting for a crime.

Shaking her head, Rowan turns on her side. It's better not to worry about a hypothetical situation. But still, just in case, it wouldn't hurt to come prepared. With that in mind, she fell sound asleep as even in dreams her mind began to churn.

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