
The dragon lady

Shao Yan felt as if this was her first time dating a guy. Everything felt so surreal, she was once married! But now she acted like a shy teenager.

Li Xiqing on the other didn't feel any awkwardness. Instead, he felt so warm, so peaceful and content.

Li Xiqing decided to drive home. It's already late and tomorrow was still work day for her.

He drove to her home and along the way, Li Xiqing just kept on smiling and kept stealing glances at Shao Yan.

Shao Yan was so shy, she just refused to look back at him, and kept facing the window. But she could see his reflection from it.

"Stop that", she exclaimed softly, "Just drive properly". Shao Yan really felt like hiding.

This guy was too obvious!


Shao Yan was staring at his reflection in the window.

Shao Yan really could feel that this time, her face was really really red. It's been a while since she felt this way. At the same time, she felt uneasy.

She's worried. What if this happiness would not last long? What if it's only an illusion?

But Li Xiqing's words kept playing in her mind. That they would be in this together. That he would walk with her. Always.

So she decided to calm her restless heart and decided to trust him. She decided to trust their feelings.

Shao Yan wanted to be brave for once!


Li Xiqing drove to the parking garage, and got down from the car with her. He carried her laptop bag and was holding her hands tight, walking to the elevator together.

"I will pick you up tomorrow, alright". He said that while looking at her. His left hand was still holding her hand, so he used his right hand to press the elevator button.

Shao Yan looked back and pondered for a while. She let go off his hand, and took out her phone to check her calendar.

No business meeting. No customer visit. No inspection. Wow! How rare, she would be stuck in the building the whole day.

Shao Yan looked back at him, nodded and gave him a really sweet grin.

Li Xiqing's heart turned so soft at her smile. She's super cute!

He caressed her head again, and then back to holding her hands.


When they arrived in front of her door, Shao Yan asked him if he wanted to come in.

Li Xiqing very much wanted to come inside, but it's already so late. So he declined and just told her again that he would picked her up tomorrow and he would bring breakfast for her again.

"What do you want to eat this time? Still want a meat bun?" he asked her with a really gentle voice. Shao Yan pondered for a while, "I want vegetable bun this time".

Shao Yan started to exercise her rights as a girlfriend to make demand for the first time?

Li Xiqing smiled.

"Sure, I will get that for you. Don't brew any tea tomorrow. I will also get soy milk for you".

Shao Yan nodded and smiled at him.

Li Xiqing moved closer to her, both of his hands were holding the sides of her head slowly embracing her. Shao Yan closed her eyelid, and she felt his lips was kissing her forehead gently.

"Good night", she heard him whispered.

Shao Yan opened her eyes and she gave him a really beautiful smile. She turned around and entered her passcode and scanned her fingerprint.


When the door was opened, Shao Yan could hear the TV sound from the living room.


She was in a HUGE problem.

Qi Ling must have been waiting for her to come home to interrogate her.

Shao Yan abruptly closed the door again. Li Xiqing looked at this and was puzzled.

Shao Yan looked back at him with pitiful face. "Qi Ling is going to kill me. So don't text me or call me tonight until I contact you, alright?"

Li Xiqing wanted to laugh at this. So she also could have this kind of expressions?

He smiled and gently grab hold of her hand, "Let's go in together. Let me properly introduce myself this time", he pursed his lips and patted her head.

Shao Yan now realized how much Li Xiqing liked touching her head. Was it because of her height??

Shao Yan was debating for a while, when all of sudden, the door behind her opened again and Qi Ling, the dragon lady, came out.

"You are home, but why didn't you come inside, Miss Shao Yan?" she enunciated Shao Yan's name with full of bitterness.

Shao Yan was really scared of her fangs.

Li Xiqing just grabbed Shao Yan around her shoulder protectively and said, "Let's go, let's talk inside" and then he looked at Qi Ling.

Qi Ling stared at him for a while, before she stepped aside to let the couple came in.


Shao Yan came in first, took off her shoes and quickly went to the living room to turned off the TV. Li Xiqing also followed her and then sat down next to her.

Qi Ling sat on a chair in the corner with her arms crossed, Shao Yan and Li Xiqing occupied the couch. Qi Ling's aura was so strong, Shao Yan felt worry for Li Xiqing.

"I haven't properly introduced myself to you. I am in a serious relationship with Yan Yan, so let's be friendly with each other." Li Xiqing paused. "We care about the same person". Li Xiqing just went straight to the point.

Shao Yan was shocked at his bluntness.

She silently looked at Qi Ling and then she slowly stood up to go to the kitchen to boil some water.

"Don't bother to escape, young miss. I have boiled the water for you earlier. Just pour it and come back here", Qi Ling said that to Shao Yan.

Shao Yan was amazed at Qi Ling's timing. She quickly made two cups of warm lemon water with honey for Li Xiqing and herself.

Qi Ling was still in a staring contest with Li Xiqing in the living room when Shao Yan came back.

Li Xiqing saw Shao Yan was slowly walking closer, he stood up and grabbed the mugs from her hands.

Qi Ling had noticed all of his actions and facial expressions ever since she opened the door just now. In her heart, Qi Ling had very much approved of this man dating her best friend.

Qi Ling just sighed a relief. It was good that Shao Yan finally met someone that could touch her heart. She could worry less now.

"I won't talk too much. I can see you really care about Yan Yan", Qi Ling finally said after a while. "Yan Yan was hurt before, and it's up to you to heal her heart".

Qi Ling said again "If you hurt her, I can guarantee you, that I won't let you see her again. Ever!".

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