
DC Vs Marvel

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In the beginning, when God created heaven and the earth... Ever since the universe was created, many revolutionary ideas have been created throughout history. But to God what stands out the most for thy, is the creation of DC and Marvel. Ever since their creation, God overtime have been comparing which one is better. To this day it is still unknown and with this problem at hand, it is time to settle this and finally find out which is better. By using his unlimited power, God created a tournament stage for the people to fight to finally decided which one is better and have the chance to win 3 wishes. Fans of Marvel and DC from Earth are given the choice to fight for who they want. They will be evaluated based on their qualities and depending on their results they will receive a random power from a hero or villain of DC and Marvel.

Chapter 11231231232

Losing a mother or father was one of the most traumatic things that could happen to a child. The death of the person a child relied on, the person who loved the child unconditionally, could easily shake a child's foundations and leave a frightening void in a child's world.

Nevertheless, Violet and Powder had each other and over time they were able to heal. The hole in their hearts when they lost their parents was filled and came to love their new family as they grew up.

But to lose it all again, the pain, the suffering that Violet and Powder felt was impossible to be described with words.

Despite it having only been a month since they have been friends, Art was afraid of what would happen to them... Would they stay strong and move on? Or will they never recover from the trauma?

This was what Art was thinking as he helped Violet and Powder bury the bodies of Vander, Mylo and Claggor beside the graves of their parents. He felt sorry for them and opened his mouth to say something to try and comfort them, but stopped, thinking it was better to give them some more time to mourn.

At this moment, the only thing Art felt he could do was to continue to shelter Violet and Powder from the rain and watch them cry in each other's embrace.

It was only half an hour later that the girls calmed down and stopped crying as Violet wiped the tears from her eyes and turned to Art.

Art didn't say anything and after paying his final respects, he covered the hole by moving the dirt with [Telekinesis Magic]. He then turned to Violet and Powder before asking. "So what are you guys going to do next?"

Violet didn't know what to say at first. "... We, uh," she paused as various thoughts came to mind. She knew they couldn't go to the Last Drop for the time being as she had recognised some of the people that Art had killed.

Some of these people were members of Vander's gang in the mix which only meant one thing: Vander had been betrayed.

Violet guessed Silco must have done something to entice Vander's men into betraying him. It could have been money or power, but none of that mattered to her at the moment. What was more important to her right now was Powder's safety.

"... We need a place to stay, but we have nowhere to go and we don't know who to trust," Violet continued on to say.

"What about Benzo?" asked Art. "If it's him I'm sure--"

"He's dead," Violet interrupted.

"What?" Art almost couldn't believe what he heard, but he knew Violet would never joke about such a thing... Benzo's dead?

He wanted to ask what had happened but couldn't bring himself to do it. They had just lost their family and he didn't want them to recall any more bad memories.

However, seeing the expression on Art's face, how could Violet not know what he was thinking?

It was obvious what Art wanted but she couldn't really blame him. It has only been a few hours, maybe even less, yet so much has happened and thus, it was only natural for him to be curious.

After a short silence, Violet spoke up. "It was Deckard that killed Benzo."

As soon as Violet said this, Deckard's skinny figure and Benzo's massive figure came to Art's mind. "Huh? Deckard did it, how?" he blurted out, becoming more confused by the second.

Although out of shape, there was no way Deckard could have beaten Benzo, well, unless weapons were involved. But weapons such as guns were generally hard to acquire.

Thankfully, Art didn't have to wait long for his doubts to be cleared.

"I don't know how Silco did it--"

"Silco? Who is he?"

"He's the one who caused all of this to happen," Violet explained hatefully. "He turned Deckard into a monster and easily overpowered Vander. If it weren't for him we all could've gotten away."

"Where are Silco and Deckard now?" Art asked with a frown.

"You don't need to worry about Deckard. You killed him back at the docks," Violet answered.

"I did? When did I do that?" Art raised an eyebrow. "Could it be--"

"Yes," Violet nodded. "You skewered him with those magical spears back at the docks. As for Silco, I have no clue where he is hiding, maybe he's still back there, but there's no point going back. He must have run away by now after seeing what you did to his men."

Art couldn't help but worry after hearing her words. "If Silco really did turn Deckard into a monster, doesn't this mean there will be more monsters in the future?"

"Hmm, I'm afraid so," Violet stopped talking and hissed, feeling a sharp stinging pain in her abdomen.

"Vi, you okay?" Powder asked, worried for Violet's well-being. She had seen her sister being thrown around like a rag doll earlier, and it wouldn't be surprising for her sister to have broken a bone or two.

Fortunately, Violet didn't seem to be that injured. She smiled reassuringly and gently patted Powder's head. "It's just a little bruise and a few cuts."

She then turned her attention back to Art. "So that's why we need your help. I know it's a lot to ask, but we can't stay in the Undercity. Silco knows where we live and it's only a matter of time before he'll come for us."

"We should get going then. We still need to treat your injuries," Art said hurriedly.

"But Art, where are you taking us?" Powder suddenly inquired.

"To, uh..." Art didn't know how to respond and looked toward Violet and made eye contact as if telling her... You haven't told her?

In response to Art's gaze, Violet could only shake her head causing him to sigh as he was not expecting this at all.

He had thought Violet had already told Powder about his identity, but it turns out that he was wrong... Do I really have to tell her now?

He was hesitating about telling Powder about his identity. He didn't know how Powder would react and didn't want to put any more stress on her shoulders after what they have just gone through.

He could only look at Violet once again for help but was only met with a helpless shrug.

Left with no choice, Art sighed and proceeded to say. "Powder, we're going to Piltover."

The place where Art was planning to take them was Ezreal's home. This was the only choice he thought of as places they were familiar with such as the hideout and Ekko's home had been crossed out of the list.

There was no way they could take shelter there considering the hideout was destroyed by Enforcers and going to Ekko's home would only bring trouble to his lovely parents.

Ezreal's house, on the other hand, was the perfect place to lay low as no one would ever think to look for Violet and Powder there.

Moreover, the blondie's parents were away on an expedition while he was being babysat by his uncle, leaving the house unoccupied for at least another three months.

It was a good plan, but the fact Powder wasn't aware of his identity made it harder for Art to execute his plans.

"Huh? Why?" Powder gave Art a perplexed look.

"Because I'm from Piltover," Art replied, his voice resolute.

"No," Powder said, barely moving a muscle in her face. "You've got to be lying, right?"

Art shook his head and earnestly said. "I'm telling the truth."

Powder's mind suddenly went blank. Art was the boy she liked and to learn that he had been lying this all time, it was even more shocking to her when she learned that he was a mage. And considering how rare Mages were in Runeterra where some even thought they were a myth, this goes to show how truly shocked she really was.

A moment later, tears began to form in Powder's eyes. She clutched the hem of her shirt as her mind and heart were in shambles. "Then, was everything you said to me a lie?"

"Of course not, I meant every word I said," Art said hastily. "I-I'm just a coward and didn't tell you guys I was from the topside because I know how much you guys hate us. It's the same reason why I hid I could use magic, even from my own parents. I was afraid people might hate or take advantage of me if they were to discover that I am a mage."

"How do I know you're not lying?" Powder asked, doubtful.

It was true she wouldn't have befriended Art if she had known he was from Piltover, but remembering the time they spent together, she wasn't so sure what to believe... Was the Art I knew real? If yes, then there is no problem, but what if he has other intentions?

It was suspicious a rich kid from Piltover would hang out and befriend a kid from the Undercity.

With vastly different backgrounds and upbringings, there was just no way this would ever happen if the other party didn't have any intentions.

And of course, she was right, but was it really that bad?

Be it good or bad, everyone's action has an intention behind it whether or not they are aware.

For Art, his intention for getting close to the gang was nothing serious or harmful. It was just that the way he acted upon it such as his lies, his indecision and the timing had all led to unfavourable results.

Art opened his mouth to say something but hesitated for a moment. Then he spoke hastily, his face a little red. "The real reason I stuck around was that I wanted some friends besides Ezreal."

Although Powder didn't know if Art was telling the truth, regardless, she still felt a little better hearing his answer and seeing the expression on his face.

But was this really enough for them to forgive Art? No, they couldn't just forgive him just like that and would probably take more time to do so.

"But why us?" Powder asked as she calmed down a little.

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