

We walk towards him until he sees Harry.

"'arry! Come sit 'ver here!" he calls out, gesturing.

As everyone turns to see who the man was talking too, we break into a run and streak towards the boat.

"Nice to see yer, 'arry!"

the man exclaims.

We wait until the other kids got into their boats, and row towards the castle.

"So 'arry, 'ow er you?" the man says.

"I'm doing good. This is Hagrid. Hagrid, this Ron Weasley, Felicity Riddle and Pansy Parkinson," Harry introduces, pointing to us.

Hagrid nearly drops his oars when he hears my name.

"Did yer say Riddle?" Hagrid asks.

"Yeah. Why?" Harry answers, confused.

"Oh. Um. I was friends with a kid named Riddle," Hagrid says.


"Well, look! 'ere we 're!" Hagrid exclaims, jumping out the boat.

Pansy and I exchange a glance, but get out of the boat.

"So 'ere ye are!" Hagrid says, guiding us and the other kids towards the castle.

He opens a set of double doors and gestures for us to go inside.

"Mcgonangal is gonna be right with ya. Bye 'arry!"

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