

Daisy quickly tells them that there was a massive storm coming, so people around town need help to get ready for it. They looked outside and noticed it had gotten dark even though it was only noon. They quickly run around town, helping people get into their homes and after went to help the professor get all the Pokemon into shelters. Liam than heads home after everything was done. Upon seeing his mom Marie, he smiles and hugs her because, in his previous life, he was an orphan that had never met his family, so he was excited to get that kind of love in his new life. 

It starts raining lightly, but then around 5 pm, it gets a little heavy, and everyone starts to get worried because thunder and strong winds are coming with that. After dinner, Liam goes to his room to relax, but all of a sudden starts hearing sounds. "Help me" a little sound comes into his head he gets scared and looks around but sees nothing, all of a sudden, a tree catches on fire from a lightning strike, but the rain quickly puts it out. 

This happens five more times, but luckily, the rain puts out the fires right away. Liam suddenly gets a massive headache and sees a vision of some evil red eyes but then passes out due to the pain. Marie comes to check on Liam before going to sleep but sees him passed out on the bed, so she tucks him in and leaves the room. As soon as she leaves, Liam wakes up with his eyes changing from gold to red and back to gold until it settles back down with gold like there was a battle between them. 

He looks in the direction of the port and sneaks out to go check it out because he had a feeling something was there. It was a hard journey to get there due to the small body and strong winds, but he makes it there to see tornadoes all over the water with thunder strikes twirling around them. He freaked out and was just about to run back home when he spotted an egg on the edge of the water so he quickly grabs it because he's scared it might get carried off into the storm, but as soon as he touches it, it starts to glow and pricks his fingers to suck a little of his blood. 

He almost dropped it but keeps calm and runs back home with it. As soon as he gets home, he passed out on his bed because the egg had sucked some blood and some of his soul to imprint a little of his being into the egg, and through the night, it dissolved and linked with young Liam without him knowing. The next day Marie came into his room again and was surprised to see an egg-laying next to Liam; it was dark blue all around with sky blue squares around it. 

She yelled at Liam waking him up and asking him how did he get that egg, and he told her what happened last night, making her mad and grounding him for a week. "You could have died last night do you know how bad that storm was, go look outside at the aftermath after you finish breakfast and take that egg to professor oak to see what it is or I'll cook it for dinner tonight." Liam's eyes twitched at the last sentence but quickly got ready and left for breakfast. 

After breakfast, he got ready to step out with the egg, and as soon as he steps out, he sees a lot of tree branches all over the town, and some trees had even fallen, but luckily, there wasn't any near the buildings. Everyone around town was cleaning up the place. 

As Liam was walking, he suddenly hears a voice in his head saying "thank you" which freaked him out, but then he remembered that the God he met said he would send him a present wondering if this was it but quickly shook his head and headed for oak's lab.

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