
Chapter 27 Venturing Out

The day after the tournament's end and the climactic battle I headed out of the living quarters with a bag filled with food and water. I had acquired the bag using the minimal amount of points I had while the food and water was obtained from the cafeteria.

"Well I have nothing else to do here and although the 2 times training speed is good and my talent could get upgraded there might be better things beyond." I mumbled to myself as I got read to leave.

I had though of leaving a clone at the dorm using the clone ring but 02 said that the ring stopped working when George died.

"Well there's no time like the present." I said to myself as I walked into the forest. There was really no use staying at the living quarters anymore since 02 stopped training us and everyone now despised me. He did say though that one day he would teach us how to train perception but I could always learn that later.

Soon I arrived at my usual training spot. I looked at it for a moment and then said "If I pass this point then I am committing." For a second I thought about it again till I continued "Well all those protagonists usually do reckless things and get a reward, no? So why not I do the same. Either way you live and you learn."

Then I proceeded forward further into the forest. I continued walking for hours on end and nothing changed. After a while the sky began to turn black as night arrived. "Wait, I forgot to get a sleeping bag!" I screamed as I realized I would have to sleep on the cold hard earthy ground.

"Well f*ck me." I said as I layed down on the ground and began to sleep. The next day I woke up and began to walk forward. A couple hours later there was finally a change.

"GRRRRR!" A bear shouted as it charged towards me. It was useless though as in one swift motion I punched it on the head with my new gloves. Immediately it's skull caved in as it died. "Well that's that." I said with some excitement as I walked further into the forest.

After this every few minutes I was attacked by an animal till I had reached a plains a few days later. This plains was strewn with blood and animal corpses. 'Wait this must be where we do the tests!' I thought while I hurriedly walked through the plains.

On the otherside there was just more and more forest. Everyday I continued my training though, by fighting the animals and doing my physical exercises. Along with using Purifier and training my haki.

Within the otherside of the forest there was just more of the same and I begun to grow bored. "Jeez when am I going to find somethin interesting." I mumbled to myself while I ate some chocolate and sat on the cold hard ground.

A few seconds later I felt shockwaves as I regretted my prior words. Flames were spreading throughout the sky as water clashed with it. Several embers blew off and set the trees on fire while higher pressurized water blew down and cut a few trees in half.

"What the f*ck?!?" I asked in shock as I began to retreat. Soon though it stopped and I decided to wait a few hours to see if it would continue.

It never continued and I decided in my mind. 'If I dont take the gamble now then I'll be stomped on. I already saw what George could do and the higher talents are going to be much stronger. So now is the time.' I thought as I ventured onward.

After another couple hours the heat began to rise as I passed by a few scorched trees. Simultaneously the ground became more mud like dew to the water. Soon I entered a burnt down muddy area of land.

"What the hell happened here?" I asked myself as I actually got a reply. "This was a fight between two Peak Stage 2 beings. They were fighting over a precious herb but during the fight it was ruined and they both fled." 02 said as I looked on in surprise.

"You can still hear me even here?" I asked with a dumbfounded expression on my face. "If I can teleport you around here and to entirely different dimensions you still ask if I can hear you?" 02 said as his tone sounded like it now looked upon me as an idiot.

"Okay, okay but can I still use the ruined herb?" I asked when 02 said "No, thats why it's ruined. What did you think you were some wuxia protagonist?" Hearing this I cried a little on the inside as I shook my head and responded with "Then I'll be off then."

Thus I continued venturing forward. Another couple of days soon passed by as I had grown used to living in the woods. "God was this just a waste?" I asked myself as finally I found something very strange.

There was a huge ravine along with what seemed to be many caves along the ravine. "Yes I've finally found it! My transmigration cheat!" I shouted to myself in happiness as I began to think of a way to scale the cliff.

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