
Chapter 22 Surrounded

As I ate my food no one else had arrived in the cafeteria. Seeing this I wondered 'What are they going to starve to death.' After I ate I went back to my room where I did my daily physical excersice, one I was finished I went and watched some tv.

"Since children all around the world went missing strange phenomenon have occured, such as increased seismic activity along with increased volcanin activity. Blood red clouds have shrouded the sky as the moon has turned permanently purple. Scientists have no explanation for the phenomenon but the government have issued a statement stating that this is all nothing and just a celestial event." The news reporter said as I flipped through to watch varying shows.

'B*llsh*t!' I thought after I finished watching tv. "The governments better be prepared or else some people are gonna come out of here swinging." I mumbled to myself as I shook my head. "It's not like it's my problem anyway." I said as I went to bed.

The next day I woke up and headed out of the living quarters as I entered the forest. This time I didn't try to release another seal and just trained using Purifier.

A few hours later I headed to the cafeteria to eat when 20 people gathered around me. "You're either with me or against me! So now that you've picked to stand alone, die!" Stephanie shouted as a bullet shot out.

"BANG!" The bullet barely missed my head as I sighed in relief and ran at a side of the encirclement. "I thought it would be rude to go and just "kill" people even if they wouldn't really die but now that you've all handed yourselves to me on a silver platter then dont blame me for starting a massacre." I said as I brought out Purifier and swung it.

As I swung Purifier they said "This is so slow a snail could dodge it." But before they knew it they were killed by the phantom image. "WTF!?" One of them screamed as they looked at me in fear.

Immediately a few people with spears and swords charged at me while the people with guns and bows aimed at me. Sadly, for the people who were charging at me, they were shot by mistake as the people weren't that good at utilizing there ranged weapons.

Of the 5 people who had charged at me 2 had been killed by mistake while the remaing 3 were injured. "HAAA!" One of them shouted as they cleaved at me with their sword. "This isn't a game." I said as I punched him in the gut.

"Shouting wont make you go super saiyan or something." I said as they looked at me in confusion. "What's a super saiyan?" The guy on the floor asked as I swung Purifier killing the other 2. I didn't answer his question though as I swung Purifier at him.

The remaining people looked at me in fear after I had just decimated 8 of their classmates and they knew they were next. As I rushed towards the remaining people they shot at me again and again but continously missed as I was running too fast.

In seconds I had arrived in front of the remaing people and began to swing Purifier. Immediately Stephanie decided to book it as she ran for the dorms while shouting "RETREAT!" Soon after the remaining 5 or so people decided to run away as I swung at them continually.

One by one they fell till only Stephanie was left. As we arrived at the living quarters I caught up to her and swung Purifier at her when she said "I SURRENDER!" This caused me to hesitate and as this happened Stephanie shot me in the leg as she got up and ran away.

"Heh you loser you should have joined me!" She said as she quickly fled into the elevator as she went to her room. "F*CK!" I shouted as I slammed the ground.

Extra chapter today due to me missing yesterday. Sorry by the way I had went out and didn't have time to do some chapters. By the way how are my villains? Good, bad or average? Do they feel to wuxia or xianxia like or do they feel good? (I am referring to Stephanie and George before one of you mentions the Ogre or something) I am mainly interested in what you think of George though since I am trying to make him the main antagonist for this "arc".

Dragonic_Daocreators' thoughts
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